Newbie asking about Clematis Wilt

Howell, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! My name is Midge and I joined DC sometime last week. Are there some Clematis that are more likely to suffer than others or is just a matter of how they are planted initially? Any advice would be appreciated. I have about 6 clematis planted on my property and 2 seem to suffer from this problem. I want to plant some more and want to avoid this disease. Also if you could recommend a source for purchasing some more please let me know. Thank you in advance.

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm basically a newbie myself, so watch for some of the more experienced people to come along and help with the wilt question.

But for the sources, go to the Products & Sources tab at the top, then choose Garden Watchdog. Scroll down past the big list and and choose the "Browse by Category" dropdown menu. Select Plants: Clematis and you'll get a whole list of places that sell clematis. Once you've got the list, you can change the sort to be by rating, if you like, so that you're seeing the most popular ones first.

Some of the really good ones for Clematis are Joy Creek, Silver Star Vinery, Chalk Hill, Brushwood. They're all there, plus a bunch more. Each with feedback and links to their websites.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

digigirl - you did a great job in naming sources and describing how to find them!

midge - do you mean when the clematis look awful after bloom, as many do? The leaves go black and you wonder why you grew them? It may not be wilt. This is how a clematis may look after bloom and it's not wilt.

Thumbnail by pirl
Howell, NJ(Zone 7a)

digigirl- that was awesome. Thank you for taking the time to do all that for me. I hope you get a nice hug or smile today.

Pirl- Same wish for you.
YES, that's what they look like! Not all of them do this. Sooo it’s not a disease. I’m so glad. I want to plant some in the front of the house. Guess I could try to figure out how I could disguise the ugly foliage. Is that something that you think is possible? A million thanks to both of you.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I do one of two things: either cut it back to the ground or ignore it. Some get that "do" more than others. It's the part of clematis growing people never mention. There's a price for beauty, I guess.

Howell, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks pirl I think I'll have to cut it down because DH will just walk by and comment about how I should do something about that dead or ugly thing in the front of the house. BTW I just finished reading " Anyone else's spouse think they are bananas?" been cracking up for about 30 minutes. I should post there.

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I haven't had mine long enough to really have the experience, but I know some people always prune right after they're done blooming and depending on your weather, they may grow back up and give you another flush of blooms. Sometimes 2 or 3 times.

Worth a try, I'd say!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'd say so, too, digi. Many do look dreadful and as long as they're cut back there's at least something green growing instead of showing off what appears to be a dead plant, although we all know better. I prefer cutting them back (if they're the ones that will be awful looking) right away and not put it off. They're not supposed to be cut back after August.

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

plantfan_midge - do you know what varieties of Clematis you have? I know some of them bloom differently on old growth, than they do on new growth. For instance, some will have early blooms on old growth, then later blooms on the current year's growth. Or, some of them will do doubles on old growth and singles on new growth.

If you know what variety you have, it might help you decide whether you're willing to cut off that old growth or not. I love doubles, so it would be hard for me to cut off old growth if I knew I'd only get doubles by keeping it. But if it's just later rather than sooner, I could probably live with that.

pirl - no pruning after August? So it can prepare for winter, I guess? Maybe Jeanne will come along - I'll bet she prunes in August, but that's because we don't really get any cool weather until end of November or into December around these parts.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I was sick of looking at the sight of the Jackmani that I see at the end of the driveway and cut it back in November and it's happy as can be right now. It's just a test to see what happens. Texas is probably a whole different scenario with clematises than up here.

Richmond Hill, GA

Pirl, My Jackmani is blooming now. I've counted over 70 buds so far. Here are the first to open.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


Beautiful! It's such a constant pleasure.


Howell, NJ(Zone 7a)

digigirl- I have some of my plant labels in a box somewhere I'll go dig them up. Some of them I bought a Kmart or Walmart and they just Clematis on them so I guess I'll wait until they bloom. Thanks again.

Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

I just noticed clematis wilt on The President. It is in full bud, but wilting. I've had this happen before and aftere working at a Garden Center for 7 years, it has been advised to cut them back and move from the present location. Some call it a "virus", but I have about 20 or more clematis and this one and Candida are the only ones that have suffered from this. After cutting back the wilt and moving, the plants came back good as knew. Don't let it stop you from buying them. All plants have some drawbacks -- clematis are too beautiful to not enjoy them wherever. Try growing them up evergreens and watch the questions. It's amazing.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I've never moved mine when they wilt...I just prune the vine/vines even with the soil and give a liquid feed..there are two schools of thoughts about is that it is a fungus and the other is that it is from an immature root system that can't handle the top growth..I think the later is the 'cause because once clematis develop a strong root won't see wilt again...especially after year three...Jeanne

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Good advice, Jeanne. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Howell, NJ(Zone 7a)

A big hello to everyone!!!

Sorry I haven't replied before but I've been busy tearing out some beds full of overgrown evergreens. I planted my new clematis in the bed right next to the entrance. If it starts to look shabby, I will prune back as suggested.

I feel liberated. I will plant what I want and where I want to. (My new affirmation) Neighbors think I'm nuts anyway. Thank you all so much.

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