chipmunk damage?

Kerhonkson, NY(Zone 5a)

Every year I plant sunflowers and something digs up the seeds and eats them ... also when the sprouts are small there is still a bit of seed left and they eat that and leave the sprout lying in the dirt ... now it's happening to my peas -- no peas this year! I'm thinking chipmunks ... I tried putting chicken wire over the plants but they just dig around and through it ... any ideas how to keep the critters out until the plant gets bigger?

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

If you can find some Milorganite, sprinkle a bit on your plants. Chipmunks used to dig in my pots. Just a trace repels them.


Kerhonkson, NY(Zone 5a)

I could see putting that on the sunflowers ... but the idea of it on my peas is very unappealing ... we've made a rough cage of hardware cloth for a new set of peas ... we'll see how it works!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I tried to buy milorganite at a nursery, and they told me it's not for container plants...made no sense to me. That was last year--I'll just go back this year and get it anyway if the critters won't leave our planters alone. Weed cloth works, but what a pain!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)


Aack! They misunderstood what you wanted it for. I don't use it as a fertilizer for my container plants - I use it as a repellent. I just sprinkle a bit. Doen't it make you nuts?


Kerhonkson, NY(Zone 5a)

I made a half cage out of hardware cloth and put it over the seeds with room for the seedlings to come up ... so far so good ... the damage seems to lessen as spring gets warmer and I guess they get food elsewhere ... thank goodness ...

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