ID please?

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

My very FIRST iris bloom. EVER! This was given to me at a RU last year. Can anyone tell me what it is? My photos are not very good - the center white is always over exposed. The outer petals are very dark puple, the centers are almost white with a hint of purple on the edges. There's a spot of yellow below the white petals (see how new I am? don't know what these parts are called).

It's planted among my pink Knock-Out roses along with some iris added last week. I love these old fashioned flowers and am preparing new beds for lots more.

Thanks for any help available.

Thumbnail by fleursdefouquet
Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

Another shot.

Thumbnail by fleursdefouquet
Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

And one more.

Thumbnail by fleursdefouquet
South Hamilton, MA

The white petals at the top of the flower are 'standards' which stand up, the purple below are 'falls' which hang down. the falls have some white markings (small zone) around the 'beards' which are the fuzzy structures on the falls. You will see the plants advertized as 'bearded iris'. Sorry that I can't give you an ID but perhaps people with more tall bearded iris than we grow can help.

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks, irisMA. That is very helpful. You are a grower? Guess I need to check out your DG page for a website!

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