Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

That is one BIG egg!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I've actually been reading a LOT about eggs and keeping them. Did you know, eggs are good longer if they are NEVER refrigerated? The eggs you buy in the store can be 30 days old when the store gets them but the sell date is one week after they get them. There is a 3 digit code on the end of the carton and that is the day of the year they were laid. Eggs laid January first would say 001 and eggs laid New Year's Eve would say 365 (I guess unless it's a leap year). Good eggs sink and old eggs float. Once refrigerated, the membrane starts to shrink and there will be an air pocket in the egg. They actually start once laid and they begin to cool.

Joyce, that was the biggest egg we've had so far. It was a double yoker with two full sized eggs in it!

Here is one of our smallest.

Thumbnail by Badseed

Busy day i m pooped
I got my so much left over wood with the house , i got my eyeballs are splintering.
man did i have bank trouble !!!! grrrr. at least they called to alert me. Sheesh. DH and i balanced our check book but forgot to write a few things down while he was here and wooops boing , boing, boing , boing. Man its like a big DUH DUH DUH moment. At least i can clain he is supposed to be the smart one LOL . Im the good looking one bwahahahahah .
Wow that is a big egg.
Hey anyone want some wood ! for trade of plants :) dmail me
Bad that is an awesome set up.
Defoe hope you get your comp up and running
Toni i hope things are looking a bit better for you mom, is the hosp making her comftable ? . big hug to you
Prety pic GW . How is the scrapbooking comming along ?
Jazz glad you like you job too. how is the little one ? hope she is doing well. Sounds like you are keeping busy .
Marcy to funny big hug to you too (((((())))))
take care
hitting the hay

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, Sue. The scrapbooking's still going great. This evening, I worked more on our office, sorting through things and getting my craft area organized. We finally put the two club chairs I'd salvaged from the roadside back out by a roadside: ours. LOL Someone snagged them within the hour. Little by little, I'm throwing stuff out, Freecycling other stuff, and getting the room the point where we can just arrange the furniture and clean it.

If anyone's unfamiliar with Freecycle, check out the site: http://freecycle.org

Even though I did a lot of organizing tonight, I didn't get my scrapbook papers sorted into their containers or pick out papers to use at the big National Scrapbooking Day crop this weekend! I am going to bring just the stuff for specific pages since it will be a full house and space is limited. LOL

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Evenin y'all...59* here...Somebody lied to us... LOL

Gonna make this a quickie as I need to get to bed...I have to be up at 3 am and get going...
I would stop for coffee in the AM Cookie, but I will be hauling hinnie...Gotta fly to Cincy early and then get back to Yellow Springs by 8:45....

UmmmmmCoooookieeeee??? Remember what GrandFather said????????

Jazzy I wave at you practically daily... LOL Sometimes several times a day...I was down by John St and Yellow Spgs Rd today twice with my patient that I took to the base and back...I also scored a 150 gallon pre form pond shell from her for free when I took her back home...YESSS!!!

Sue...I would LOVE to have a pic of that house...and could you get me the phone # please??? IF I get lucky tomorrow, and I have time, I will scoot over that way...I'm sorry I didn't get back to you on the phone, but I was running late and had to fly...The house I saw the other day is A: not suitable in land size or outbuildings, and B: in foreclosure and C: more work inside than I want to do again for awhile...I don't mind SOME, but I don't want to have to gut the place again like I did last year...
I would LOVE some of that wood...Gotta be careful though, cause some of it can't be burned in a fireplace or woodstove unless its and airtihgt, and even then, they say not to because of the chemicals and the creosote that is in it...But I could sure use it for other projects...Hopefully I can get up there this weekend if nothing else...

I still don't have the final word from Boss yet this week, but it appears he wants to stay over toward the Urbana area, with the terminal...so that is where I am going to start looking...There is no rush..YET.. LOL
With the market the way it is, everything is in my favor at this point...

I'm off to my bed and ~~~~ at everyone....Prayers ((((((Toni)))))


This message was edited Apr 30, 2008 10:14 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Back from church, and had some phone calls to make, and looked at the local paper, and wow, the time just flew by.

I plan on being outside tomorrow doing some digging and planting, DH has a building that he will be cleaning out, which means that he will probably get me involved in that. I volunteered to help him organize a barn, but that is a job that would take days maybe weeks. I swear, he keeps everything, and it is to the point that Sanford and Son looks like an advertisement for a cleaning service!!

Computer went to the shop today, and hopefully it isn't a BIG problem, and will take a minimum of time,. This shop charges by the hour. Last time, it was 3 hours at $50 an hour. The next time, I have problems, it is probably new computer buying time. So glad that I have the laptop for backup.

Kimberly, sounds like you are making progress getting that room cleaned out. I still have the attic to tackle, I am only able to stick my head into the attic by standing on the ladder. Need to get that done before the weather turns warmer, as it gets really really hot up there.

Gonna check my e-mail, and then I am off to bed.

~~~ to everybody, and hope to have more to contribute tomorrow. Potted up plants for the RU are looking good, so will probably be posting what I have soon.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, what kind of chicken lays a blue egg? There were a couple of those in the carton I got, and a couple shades of brown. I fried the blue and a brown this morning, and the blue one had a much darker orange yolk. Yummy!
Sue, I hope you didn't have to pay a lot of overdraft fees--I never understood why they thought they could get more money out of you, if you didn't have enough to start with...LOL.
Dusty, you amaze me, getting up that early. My alarm will (hopefully) never have to be set at "0'dark-thiry" again, since my army days are over!
Kimberly, have fun at the scrapbooking event! Your work will get lots of "ooos" and "ahhhs", I'm sure. Funny about the chairs you rescued from the curb that someone else rescued from your curb!
Bonnie, I do hope they can diagnose and fix your computer quickly at those rates! I once took my printer in, and they charged me $68 to tell me they couldn't fix it! That shop has long since gone out of business, lol.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The blues and greens come from Araucana, Americana or Easter Eggers. We have some of those too. My neighbor has some mixed breeds, game hens and 2 beautiful roosters! None of them will set eggs so he brought me a dozen of his blue and green eggs to see if my silkies will hatch them.

He sells eggs to people and one lady told him she threw away four of the blue ones because she thought there was something wrong with them. LOL

There was some controversy over blue eggs having higher protein and less cholesterol or something but it was shot down. They sure are pretty though.

Kimberley, are we trading trash to treasure with the neighbors??

Bonnie, I wish you lived closer. Hubby would fix your computer for free unless the parts were $$$. LOL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Waah, Chele, wish I did live closer, then hubby could fix the computer, and I could help you and work off the debt. I am thinking about taking some votech classes in simple computer repair. That would beat having to pay those high prices.

About the eggs, I grew up on the farm and we always had fresh eggs, and I loved them. But bought some from a neighbor, and I guess I will have to take a course in "getting used to farm eggs again". The taste is so much different, and after eating store bought eggs for years, it is gonna take me awhile to get used to that "fresh taste" again.

Chele, a good idea, why not bring eggs to the RU and trade eggs for whatever is available. That's a V-8 moment!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

That sounds like a good idea to me! What's everyone else think? I much prefer the farm fresh eggs, esp. since the chickens aren't treated like machines. I hate all those horror stories.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Tomorrow, I will start a search for accommodations for Mr. B while we are on vacation. I usually depend on DS and his SO for care, but that is not possible this year. A neighbor that we depend on as our second choice, has a full time job, and can't be with him like I want. So looking at a kennel that is local that advertises "play dates" and "sleep overs". I just can't picture my baby in the outdoor kennel with the "common dogs", so looking for exceptional care for my Mr. B. He has a special diet, and needs individual attention, so am willing to pay dearly for his care. Any takers?

Well, off to bed, as I don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, my sister hired a pet-sitter for her dog while she's on vacation, so you might want to look for one in the yellow pages, or ask vet's office and groomers. Sometimes their employees do pet-sitting.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ky woods, I just want to be assured that he willl be taken care of with his meals and socialilzaton.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, why don't you bring Mr. B? Or would he be a hassle in the car for that long? I know he likes going for rides. LOL Lots of people take their pets to the RUs. I have also heard of some very good pet sitters.

I didn't believe the eggs tasted different at first. Now I know they do. KY, I forgot to address the darker yolks. I have to think that is from them free ranging, getting to eat bugs and earth worms and stuff. My girls have much darker yolks when they can get out and anything they like (like my hosta!!) than in the winter when they eat more chicken food.

Oh my! I was just sitting here typing a message on the daylily forum and caught something out of the corner of my eye. It was a couple of large does (a deer, a female deer) snacking in one of my beds out front! I opened the door and asked them if they were eating my plants. That is when I saw all 5! They all stopped and looked at me and one watched me sideways while it took another nibble of a shrub! I finally told them if they ate my plants, we were going to have a problem. So they walked across the road and stood there and watched me. I started clapping my hands and they walked another foot or two into the brush and still watched me. Then the dog started barking and off they ran. LOL

I'll have to see how many eggs I have the week of the RU. The softball moms are on to me now. I'm taking a bunch to practice tomorrow night. chuckle

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, it is another overcast,cool morning. I think that outside work is not gonna happen, at least until later. That may give me time to clean kitchen cabinets, and wash the pretties sitting on top of them. That will be the extend of the house cleaning in that room.

Chele, I say your deer situation requires a good watch dog, one that would at least bark at them, and keep them at bay. I shudder when I see one close enough to eye my flower gardens. Of course, we have dogs, but they all reside in a kennel for now, and the deer have gotten wise to the fact that they can bark at them, but they can't chase them. So it is like they are thumbing their noses at the dogs!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

It is a dreery looking day! I've made myself a short list of things to do. Hubby's last day at work was yesterday so he is home to help with Maddie now and other jobs that need done. A neighbor is going to give us some small hole fencing for the chicken run and also some plywood if hubby or me helps him take it down. They are tearing down a lot of small buildings and areas on their small farm as it's listed for sale. He's the one that brought down a bunch of blue eggs for my birds to hatch for him.

I stopped at their house later to pick up straw which they insisted on delivering. As I was flopping it into the barn last night, I got my foot stuck on a piece of broken wood, fell out the door and saved myself by grabbing the doorway. Unfortunately a nail head ripped off a piece of my foot! It barely got into the good flesh but took out a nice thick piece of my heal. I'll live but it smarted! I always think of the first time we met one of our farm neighbors and she told me thongs were not appropriate shoes for a farm. Ahem. I cleaned my whole foot with Clorox wipes, the hole with peroxide, and put triple antibiotic creme on it with a loose cotton sock. I don't do the whole soggy band aid thing. Ick!

As far as the deer, Dixie runs free in the yard and she does chase them off. Libby stays on a run until we can someday buy fencing. We should not have bought her when we did as we didn't get her yard trained. :(

Five kids out the door, one in bed. Where do I start??

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We have sunshine here, Chele - it's really pretty out! Good job on your foot there...LOL. When I was a kid, I was pretending I was a bird and jumped off the couch and onto the floor. I landed right on a dog bone and cut my foot. I don't remember much about it other than making a huge ruckus at the doctor's office. I don't think it needed stitches or anything, but I *hated* going to the doctor's back then. I still do...Well, some doctors, anyway.

Boy, I slept a good 9 hours last night and I am still bleary-eyed. Lately, I've been tired nomatter how much sleep I get. Though I don't want to, I might need to break out the CPAP machine again; when I lost all that weight, the symptoms of sleep apnea disappeared. We've regained some of our losses, though, and it's possible I need it again while I get back on track with the diet and lose again. *Grumbling* Hoses...blech. But I know I'll be refreshed when I wake up, so maybe it's not such a pain.

Today's the day I was bequested by my co-worker, my extra hours for the paycheck. Though I'd like to crawl back in bed or go camp out on the patio for a few hours, the extra money will be nice next week. I'd better check my e-mail and hit the shower.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, be careful with that foot. Infections seem to crop up, even if you are doing your best to keep it clean and dry.

I have started cleaning my kitchen cabinets. Outside, I have a product made by Stanley, which is super. You apply the cleaner with a slightly damp cloth, and then clean it with a soft dry cloth, and the shine is beautiful. I will do the insides some other day.

Okay, back to the cleaning.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I tried putting more cream on it and a band aid while I let the chickens out so I didn't get anything in it. Band Aid fell off. LOL And I broke the coop moving it. Grrr. Where is that good luck fairy anywya???

Have fun cleaning. I am trying to decide WHERE to start.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele about Mr. B, I could certainly bring him to the RU, but I am talking about a kennel or accommodations when we go on vacation for a week. We are going to Florida, and it is a "no pets" allowed place. I know he would love being on the beach, but that would be a hassle getting him there.

Kimberly, sitting out on the patio sounds like a good plan to me, but then, if it a choice between eating and enjoying life, best do the work so you can eat!!

Well, back to the cleaning, the cabinets are looking good, have all the pretties washed and dried, ready to perch atop the cabinets for another year!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ahhh, sorry. I am blond you know. Would he like to visit Lynchburg? LOL

Can you come do my kitchen next???

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure, just as soon as I do mine. You know that yucky greasy build up that is always present on everything in the kitchen, I am using Greased Lightening, on the tops of the cabinets, and it all wipes clean without doing any scrubbing.

I am just a walking advertisement today, and I am not even being paid for it.

Lynchburg, and 6 girls, he would be in heaven!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

My Great Aunt and Papa loved Greased Lightning! We used it to clean the cabinets at the other house. I have a bottle sitting here. :)

What if Mr. B wants to stay here? LOL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Then I would just have to kidnap him!! Did I tell you that we will be having another litter of Jackabees in June, wonder if I can arrange some plants in trade for a Jackabee or two?

This RU might get weird, eggs for plants, dogs for plants, wood for plants, anything else I may have missed? hehehe

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all! Sunshine here, and on it's way to the 70's...yayyyyyy!! You KNOW where I'm gonna be today!!!! Playin' in the dirt!!
Chele...mother talking here....how long since you've had a tetanus shot????? Nails are NOT good!
Ok...got that out of the way.....I want to say how I LOVE your greenhouses!!!! After taking Dave with me to buy annuals this year....and him seeing how much I have to spend...I keep plugging away on the greenhouse bit! He just might be beginning to see the light!
Hi Jazz!!! Glad you like your job!
Sue, I showed your new home to Dave, and he couldn't believe that long driveway!!! You don't even want to know what he had to say about that! LOL!! He loved the house, as I do!
Renee'....are you coming to the round up? I hope so! Hope everyone comes!
Bonnie, hope the knee is better? Mine are. Ever since I started taking the Ibuprofen they just suddenly got better! Wished I had done that a week before! Must have been a lot of inflamation in there!
We had just gotten to bed last night, when we hear all this gagging...oh noooooo....the cat is puking!!! She didn't want to come in...now we know why. Get up...clean that mess up...back to bed. 3 AM...Dave has to get up because he has the jumpy legs!
6 AM.....The cat is beating on the bedroom window....LET ME IN!!! He gets back up to let her in! 8 AM....time to get up!!!! It sure didn't feel like we slept very much!!!

Well...I am off to get plants out of the barn..hopefully for the LAST time! I hope you all enjoy your day!!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy sounds sort of like my night. Mr. B went bonkers about 2:30 and had to be let out, he stayed on the deck and just barked and barked, so knowing he wasn't coming in anytime soon, I laid down on the couch to wait for him to finish his protecting the home. He came in about 4:00, back to sleep, phone rang at 6:00, DH's brother wanted him, well couldn't find DH, even went outside to look. Turns out he is in the back bathroom getting ready to head out to the hospital, and didn't hear the phone ring. Everybody, except me got a chuckle over a lost DH.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Quick check in... today was my last day of teaching, I have class tonight, then classes next week and I'm finished with this semester--I am taking a couple of classes next semester that aren't required, but, "suggested"

Son got his cast taken off this morning, he's in a boot now, still can't put weight on it, so he has to stay on his scooter, but doc said he can start putting some weight on it a little at a time, and he starts therapy Monday.

DD moves back home next Friday. Her freshman year is almost over. :)

I've tried to keep up reading, but, it's been hard, you guys are chatty.

I hope everyone is well.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Ouch, Chele! Yeah, are you up-to-date on your tetanus shot? I had one after being bitten by a squirrel I tried to rescue, so I'm good for another ten years. (Let sleeping squirrels lie!)
I bought Irish Spring soap at the Dollar Tree yesterday, and it'll be the first time I try that as a deer repellant. What a strong smell, no wonder they say it works! I took the cellophane wrapper off that held the two bars, and tossed it in the trashcan by my bed, and the scent kept me awake--had to put on the light and fish it out and threw it in a drawer so I could sleep!
Bonnie and Marcy, I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. Sheesh. Kimberly, losing weigh really helps sleep apnea? Hmmm, another good incentive...gonna go outside and remove some more brush, so that helps. I just have to remember not to snack before bed. Last night I made myself go to bed hungry, but if my body gets used to that, it'll stop being hungry at night. After all, I did have three square meals!
Melissa, congrats on finishing your required courses! It sure is a relief. I think I aged ten years in my two years at school, lol.
It's sunny and warm, but reeeeeally windy outside here. Feels good, though.

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

How about bunny poo for plants, Bonnie! LOL

I forgot to watch this thread so behind again. Sorry to hear about the illnesses, stresses, aches, and pains. Ditto here for some of that! On my second course of antibiotics for sinus infection and these allergies are killing me!!! Really nice here today sure wish I felt better :( I did sell 2 rabbits today to a 4-H girl, a buck and bred doe for her 4-H project. She and her mom came up. I had met them before at shows.

Lavender Phlox subulata and Daff 'Misty Glen'

Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Anyone know what this is? It looks like honeysuckle, smells like honeysuckle, so you'd think it was honeysuckle...but, it's in shrub form not vine. I'm stumped but after it finishes blooming going to try to transplant to the gardens somewhere. Right now it's behind the old house.


Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

We had honeysuckle shrubs at the other house. Not sure if they were wild or planted. There was a huge one with about a 6" trunk, at the back corner of the house. I cut it back, sawed it off, pruned it hard and it would still get to ten feet. LOL

My foot smarts but it barely broke the skin. It just ripped off the tougher skin. I've been cleaning it and using triple antibiotic cream. Thanks nurses! ;) The sore throat and ear ache is much more troublesome. More ibuprofen, headed back out. I'm trying to get a bit done before either soccer or running the girls to the store and hubby can go to soccer.

Hi Melissa!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sure looks like honeysuckle to me Lana! It does grow in a shrubby form. Dave tried to dig one out last year that was near the road. I wanted it out because it would seed into all my flower beds. And those seedlings have roots to China! Well..he dug, and dug, and dug! He finally hitched a chain to his truck..put it in 4 whl drive...and pulled. LOL..it pulled the truck sideways across the road...and the bush was STILL there! Not to be outsmarted by a honeysuckle, we called our neighbor down the road. He came with his backhoe...and dug that thing out! What a hole it left!! But it's GONE!!! More than one way to skin a bush!!
Well...I didn't get much done outside yet! The wind is terrible. It's too strong to pick up debris, and it's too strong to try to plant anything. And plus, it just about blew me away to the next county! So decided I would wait until after supper...and see if it might settle down a bit. Now...to fix supper! Spaghetti tonight!!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Transplant a honeysuckle bush? omg, that is the stuff I've been ripping up, chopping down and poisoning for the last two weeks! We have 25 acres of the stuff choking out our native vegetation here. It is listed in the "severe threat" category, the worst of the worst of the invasives in KY.
Yes, they have a nice scent when they bloom, but they will take over in no time. Kill it now, before it sets seed!


wow you all have been busy !! yikes took me awhile to read everyone post. I hope i can get to you all.
Wvdaisy nice pic of the phlox one of my fav's
Bad for crying out loud arn't you healthy yet !! and now what happened to your foot ? yikes big hug and sending healthy wishes to you.
Marcy i can imagine what he said " holy @#$ thats a long walk to a mail box " LOL :) thanks for the kind words on the house. IT sure is comming along i m getting excited. giggle.
ok lets see Ds just started hitting golf balls in the house, so i got to go get him !! . A ball just flew past my head ! LOL
here is the pic of the nice house i saw for Dusty
the white house in the back is not part of the yelloow house
i will get you the phone and name too.
take care everyone

Thumbnail by
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, that's a big, beautiful house and pretty piece of land, too!

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Guess I don't have to worry about pruning it to move it then huh? You have caveman feet, Chele :~D


pics of house too if you don't mind ?
this is the front of the woods
i just thougt it was pretty

Thumbnail by

here is the front of the house
( " My what a big deck ! you have " LOL ( giggle like a school girl )
ok i promise no more :)

Thumbnail by
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Hmmm, maybe I won't move it to my gardens then?! I have enough trouble with weeds as it is.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, Wv, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It's a pity they are so badly behaved, because the blooms make a wonderful perfume. If you could just have them where you wanted them, it would be great.

Sue, that's gonna be a gorgeous house! Coming right along... Aren't the redbuds pretty? We have a lot of them here, too.

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