Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I have to jump in here and say, I'm really thankful she knew what she was talking about at Urgent Care. She said, it would be 3 days coming, 3 days having and 3 days going. Except for a few hours at the end, that is exactly the way it was.

Wish yours could turn around Chele :o(


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Sue and Joyce. Thank you for the well wishes. My friend/kids' coach/nurse thinks we might have mono. :( It's going around and there is no reason I should be this sick this long. I think she might be right. I've not gotten a good nights sleep for several nights. It's the coughing that rips me from bed. Yesterday we had to leave here at 8:15 so no catch up sleep. Today I got to sleep in until 8. On a good note, I fell asleep before ten last night then was back up for several hours and got a few more hours in between. On a bad note, I missed Medium! Grrrr.

If I have another bad night, I'm calling the Dr in the morning.

Waddy, KY

Toni, so sorry to hear about you mother. May the time you have with her from here on out be precious.

Chele, hope you all DON'T have mono. It's really yuck to feel yucky!

Dug DL's last night until I thought my fingers were going to freeze off. I was determined to get them out of the ground even though it would mist a little here and there. The squall line that came through was pretty fierce there for 15-20 minutes then it calmed down. We didn't get much rain. We could stand a half to an inch I think.

Going to Mom's tonight to pick the last of the kale. Or at least I think it will probably be the last. This cold may slow it down from bolting but it's on it's way up. The asparagus is coming on. I got about 5 pounds last night and I noticed the plants I put in the ground last year are sending up shoots. Tough stuff...

Glad we didn't see any snow here. We don't need a hard freeze or any of that white stuff either.

Afternoon to all and I hope your day has been going well!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, I think calling the Dr. is a good idea. What treatment is there if it is mono? Sure hope that you do get to feeling better right away.

I turned this day into a day where I took down curtains and blinds, washed curtains, and put the blinds in the tub and washed them, and cleaned the windows. So if I get nothing else accomplished, I have clean windows and curtains. I was surprised to see that there is no fog out there, cause it sure looked like it was before I cleaned the windows. Now of course they won't be touched again until this time next year, unless there is something that almost completely blocked the view that gets on them from outside!!

I am putting together a casserole for supper, that and a salad, and some bread and it will be supper.

Heading back into the kitchen to get that casserone in the oven.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, you gonna have asparagus at the market this week? Yum, just may have to stop by and relieve you of some of it. I keep saying I am gonna put some in, but haven't yet. DH is not crazy about it, and we only have it a couple or three times in the spring, so maybe it is cheaper for me to just buy it.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Chele, that just stinks, both about Craig's employer plus about you and your family still being sick. :P I do have one ray of sunshine for you. You can catch that episode of Medium at Hulu.com if you're of a mind. The networks not only know about this site, but provide content. Yay for free and legal TV online! http://www.hulu.com/videos/search?query=Medium

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Kimberley, I love you! I'm watching Medium! LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Chele...I had mono when I was in my 30's. My son had it in his 20's. It is NOT fun! Not only do you have a very sore throat, but you are so tired, that you can hardly move! I remember being in bed for nearly two weeks...just getting up to use the br or to eat. Dave took care of the kids. I thought I would have to get better to die! Please take care, and DO visit the dr!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Not an option Marcy. LOL I can fall asleep early, wake up late but not moving is NOT an option. I'll be okay. I've been okay today, just have a really sore throat and lots of coughing over night. So far as I know, there are no drugs for mono. I do not have tonsils but still carry strep from time to time. I'll get over it, always do. LOL I've not been able to muster the energy to do much outside but I'm getting stuff done inside anyway.

One soccer practice has been cancelled for tonight and one might be cut short. I have not heard anything on the third. Softball was cancelled too. Too wet for that.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Those cancellations will mean more rest for you, Chele, so that's a good thing. Mono is something I've never had and hope to never get. I pray you all get healthy soon, physically and financially.

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I would like to have one of your daylilies
What can I get for you?


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Pauletta, I will gladly see that you get some! I will go look at your list. :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

(((Chelle)))) take care of yourself. I've had bronchitis progress into pneumonia- pure torture. Sending you healing thoughts and Energy.

I remember my kids had an awful cough for 6 weeks !! the dr gave them codien elixer, for sleeping. man it was good stuff.
I hope you feel better soon Bad. :)
Well my GH is living on a prayer. last nights winds tore it open and i don't have any tape !! . Duct tape isn't working , just gets wet and peels right of the plastic. So i hope everyting lives with this cold comming in.
Got some broccli and the kids got some flowers at a Davids GH in Cristianburg.
Gonna get the wesite updated on the log house.
Take care and bbl

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey you guys. Wow thanks again for all the support.

Chele???? Mono???? Girl take care of yourself! Enough of these illnesses! When are we gonna get a break?

I am home early tonight because they transfered Momma to the Ireland Cancer Center and their visiting hours end at 8. One of my Aunts is here and I wanted to give them some time together. Plus I have a killer tension headache and figured if I came home and watched the people on American Idol butcher Neil Diamond's songs, I could get a good laugh.

Right now they have her pretty doped up on morphine and oxycondone (sp). I am waiting for my oldest sister and brother to get here Thursday so we can decide on the treatment. Surgery is not an option, she is too weak for that and we are hoping the doctors at Ireland give us the go ahead to give her chemo and radiation but that is not looking like it will happen either. We will know after they finish the testing and pretty much right now they are just trying to let her rest and be comfortable because she didn't take the news of her diagnosis well and they are trying to prevent heart problems. Boy this is a handful.

Well will keep you all posted. I go tomorrow for my own EMG (lol) and will be going on to the hospital after that.


This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 8:31 PM

This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 8:34 PM

Batavia, OH(Zone 6a)

Toni, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. You and your Mom and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will check back here as you are able and am so glad that you have so many people sending love your way. An extra leg of support just for you.

Michele, I'm no doctor, but it doesn't sound like mono? Hope the doctor has something to help you...and maybe some handcuffs to slow you down, LOL. Seriously, good luck and feel better.

Not covering anything up tonight, just crossing my fingers that it doesn't freeze. I can't believe it is this cold this late in the season. Sigh. But at least we're not getting snow down here. Ugh.

here is the update
password savannah rose
username taynormom
if it asks you for info for a movie thingy i think you can just click on cancel
Toni big hug and prayers for you and your family. American idol lol that should be funny Neil Diamond songs lol
take care everyone
good night
sorry i missed you DUsty lets catch up together soon :) hope work was good for you today
big hug and wavers to everyone !~~~~~~ ((()))))

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Toni, I just went back and read your first post about your mom. I just have to ask, had she been having any problems, were they testing for something, that is so sudden finding out on the 25th and things are so serious. I was hoping that this is something that the family has known about, and it just accelerated. If I am mistaken, the shock of it all is enough to rock everybody.

Been reading, oh, and watched some funny program, you know the goofy videos, always gives me a chuckle, I guess I am just weird, that is if it is happening to somebody else, and not me. Talked to DGD, and she is not coming this weekend. The preteen, I've got something else planned is kicking in. Told DH that this would happen as she gets older, but he is sad that she is growing up and not wanting to be with us every chance she gets.

Plan to go to the grocery and do errands tomorrow. If Thursday is still yucky outside, guess I will tackle cleaning the kitchen cabinets, and the "pretties" sitting on top of them. I still need to go up into the attic, and at least clear a path so that you can actually get up there, instead of just sticking your head in there while standing on the stairs. Wonder if I could have an attic sale, just leave things where they are, and admit people, (after signing a waiver to not sue me)? I promise myself everytime I start up those stairs with something else to stash away, this will be the last item carried up here!!! Yep.

Gonna check my e-mail and another forum, and hope to get in bed early tonight.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes (((((((Rob)))))))))

Up until last week she had been on low dose oxygen every since she had chemo for her breast cancer in '02. They had been treating her for bronchial infections with antibiotics on and off every since. They saw the spots on her lungs around tax day and were testing for emphysema when the x-rays showed the spots on her lungs and that they had spread to her ribs and pelvis. We got the final results of the biopsies on the 25th.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Toni, doesn't matter when or how or to what extent the cancer has spread. Take this time to be there for her, and let her know that you love and cherish her. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to say those things to my Mom before she passed.

I have a good friend who was just diagnosed with cancer, both lungs,then they found spots on her brain. Right now she is taking radiation on the brain cancer, and they hope they can slow it enough that she can have the surgery that they want to do on her lungs.

I have learned to use the time that we have with loved ones well, and to make every effort that we let them know how much they are cherished.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Evenin` y'all... Still 50* here so far but I covered my Juliet tomato, and the peonies, and brought the new Bleeding heart indoors...

Cookie Sissy....the last time I was down that way was your birthday weekend...They have been running me hard both local and long distance...I would never forget about you Baby Sis !!!

The lady that was supposed to be in St Paris today was actually in Urbana...I got to her 1/2 an hour late thanks to a hang up with my hoist that I had to fix, ( NEVER leave home without your crescent wrench!! ) and my poor dispatcher getting a wrong address from the ladys case worker...but I still got her there on time thanks to my right foot...LOL
I transported 11 patients today, and finally got back to the barn at 7:30...14 hr day....Remember back when...when I worked for Dot's and a 6-8 hr day would kill me??? LOL ....Yeppers...I STILL Love my Job!!

Accidently found a house that is empty near my patient out on Kizer Rd in Urbana...Got the phone number and will call on it tomorrow...Just for grins...A tad more modern than I am hoping for, but it has a woods out back of it...and a nice big barn shed like yours Kimberley...:-)) Toss in a few skylights and windows, and it would make a great potting shed/semi greenhouse... LOL It doesn't have enough land, nor does it have any critter housing, but I want to call just to see what they are asking for it...

Prayers in the Smoke for those in need ....especially
(((((((((Toni and Family)))))))))

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Well, I did cover my irises that are blooming or have well-developed buds, along with my alpine strawberry plant, but that's it.

Sounds nice, Dusty. :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Dusty, do you ever meet yourself? I am not a traveler, and would be hard put to do what you do.

Hope that all your investigations for lodging comes to a good end. Has the employer committed to this area, and is this a "for sure" thing? As you know, and I mentioned earlier, I hate to move. This will be your 3rd in what a year and a half?

taynors, going to your website to take a look. The house seems to be coming along nicely.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Y'all...39* and no frost when I got up at 5:30...so I think my plants are okay..Hope everyone else made it as well...

Yeah Bons....I think I passed me on I-70 the other day...I waved at me just in case...LOL
Yep.. This will be move #3 since Nov 06, but if it's for my job, that's fine with me...Good jobs are hard to find and nearly impossible to find at my age..They say they don't discriminate, but they do...I would love to be retired, but that ain't gonna happen...I can dispatch these patients till I am in my dotage, so that's a good thing...LOL

Sue...I'm sorry I missed you too...I went right thru town on 36 on my way back home...You will have to tell me where that yellow house is that you saw so I can take a look...What road is your house on?
I have to be in Springfield at 9:45 this morning to bring one down to the AF Base Hospital, so I'm ready to go...

Y'all have a great day!!


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

YAY!! No frost! Hopefully that will be the last scare for the year. Bill covered the strawberries, but when I tried to cover the lilac with a towel, it bent the shrub over. (It's a Miss Kim and only on its second year) so I was thankful, indeed.

CAR PROBLEMS!! Coming home from work last night, I had to run by the bank in Springboro so I came home the back way. Car started to make a whining sound and then....it stopped engaging the engine...just revved...then it would catch and I could go a little then it would start all over. I thought for sure it was the transmission (110,000 miles) and I did make it to the pole barn with it (I was sooooo glad I was on back roads when this happened) but now Bill says it may be an axle going out, which would be MUCH cheaper to fix!

You all should see Dusty when she drives....the vehicle is like her second skin....don't think I've ever seen anyone so layed back driving. :o) So glad she finally found the right job for her. Hey Sis...what's the latest news on Jim?

Toni sending big hugs to you (((())))))
Defoe arn't those preteens just silly when it comes to being to cool to be with Gma and Gpa. LOL sheesh poor Dh he should give her the boo boo face, see if it works on her :)
Dusty glad you found a house that might look like it will work for you
i will take a pic of the yellow house for you if you like
its on ST Rt 560 where we are building right next to the Concord community center and park
you can't miss it :) can see it from the road
does anyone else think Carly Simon looks like Mick Jagger in drag ? or is it just me ? love her singing .:)
ok got to get the rugrats up and moving to go to the GH they are getting the roof on today yeah i think or is it tomorrow ?
take care and have a great day

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all!!! I don't see any signs of frost or freeze....yayyyyyyy!!! Because I didn't cover anything! Did put a bunch in the barn though. Car had to sit out...lol!
(((((((Toni)))))))) ((((((((Chele))))))))) ((((((((Melissa))))))))) (((((((((( ))))))))))))))))) and for whomever else I left out that needs a BIG hug!! Probably all of you!
Well, I MIGHT get to go outside today later. Supposed to warm up to 60*. Over the weekend, I got some plants from my gardening friend, Martha, and I need to get them planted! She insisted I needed them...lol!!! We took them out for dinner Sunday, and then went to Meadowview nursery after. She told me NOT to let her buy anything, as she had been to a nursery on Saturday. As we walked in, she picked up several cardboards to put plants in, and I said, "Martha, put those down!" She says, "Well....I might see SOMETHING!" LOL!!!!
And then I got yelled at, when we left, for letting her buy things!!!
I guess I had better get busy here. Cleaning up the house, and then to the beauty shop to get beautified...lol!!!
Have a great day everyone! WARM....is coming!!!!!

Waddy, KY

That's why I quit going to nurseries. I just have to buy something everywhere I go. I still have some bagged peonies and dahlias that I got a few weeks ago to do something with. I'm going to try to plant glads tonight. Then get home and get some baking done.

Car problems are the pits. I want the darned thing to turn over when I turn the key, START AND RUN! That's all I really care about, well, that and maybe the heater work in the winter. The AC doesn't have to run and I don't have to have all the bells and whistles, just wheels.

I think maybe I'll take tomorrow off from work. They say it's supposed to be sunny and warm. It'd be a good start on all I need to get done.

Hope folks are feeling better. Toni, hang in there, give Mom a hug. Dusty, sounds like you're gonna start packin' again. Whooeee woman, that's a LOT of work. Sue, glad your house is making progress. Wish mine was....

Bonnie, is the knee still doing ok?

Hi to all the rest of you folks! Gotta go!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Guys, Been lurking mainly cause I am busy but I wanted to keep up with all that everyone was doing :)

Hugs to everyone and wishes for better health! ((((Toni)))))

Dusty, how come you never wave at me when you come to SPringfield? sniffle
I wave at you when I pass the 35 interchange on 675 :)

I still love my job too.. though this week I am all caught up and so have been a bit bored. I was tryng to invent things to do last night.

I have been doing a little planting. seeds and a couple daylilies. I need to sing up for anothe class but I have been so busy it's hard to do.. argh

Well that's all the news that's fit to print.. hugs and kisses

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Howdy, howdy. I've got to get ready for my medical massage in a few, but wanted to pop in and catch up before I hit the shower. I slept in today, so I'm not sure if we had frost or not; if we did, my favorite iris and strawberry plant were cozy beneath pillow cases. They said on the central Ohio news that trees would not be in danger since the frost would be low to the ground and the frost/freeze would only be for a few hours. That's good news for the orchards!

The latest cortisone shot of last Wednesday has already worn off. :P I was so hopeful since it really made me feel better through Sunday, but that night things started in again. I just keep hoping things will get better with time. I'm just trying to use my arm normally, but avoiding heavy lifting with it. I don't want to keep getting shots because I've heard they can be damaging to the joints. Anyone know about that?

Well, time's getting short - I'd better get moving.

Here's a shot of the snow-covered lilac blooms from yesterday morning. I need to re-do it and save it differently - I won't go into the geekspeak, but I see where I made an error and the image isn't as good as it should be!

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

WOW Kim...the drop coming off the bloom is just AWESOME!!! Nice pix.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Afternoon all, I did the grocery shopping and the errand thing today, and it wasn't bad.

We didn't have frost last night either, DH had covered all the tomatoes he had put out, but I didn't cover anything, so he was out uncovering, I hope this is the last time that we have the threat of frost.

Took the desktop computer into the shop today. I shut everything down on Monday night, was working perfectly, and then on Tuesday morning it wouldn't boot up. So it is in the computer hospital, probably cost me an arm and leg.

Got Bibly study tonight, so I am cooking dinner right now. DH is fishing, but will be in shortly.

Hi Janet, you gonna have asparagus on Saturday?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I thought I'd check in. I still don't feel good. :( No, I didn't go to the doctor. Last night was a better night. I was still up coughing but the cough was not as bad.

My tropicals came today from the co-op and I finally got them potted. They are in the middle with sun coleus rooting up front and daylily babies in the back.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Since I had the camera out there, I took new pics of the veggie greenhouse. I wish they would grow faster. LOL

Left side.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's the other side. Quite a difference from a month ago. ;) I still wish they'd grow faster!

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm glad I take pictures. This one is from March 30-exactly one month ago. I actually DID get something done. LOL

Thumbnail by Badseed
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

What a nice greenhouse--yes, you did get a lot done!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello Ky!

This pic is why you should have come to see me for eggs. LOL The tile behind it is 4"x4". My husband brought it in one morning and said HIS butt hurt. :)

Thumbnail by Badseed
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

OWW! Poor chickie! LOL, from the thumbnail, I thought the cantaloupe was the bigger egg...
You know, I can remember when eggs (and lots of other products) didn't have expiration dates on them. I have eaten several things, including things beyond their "best before" date, with no ill effects. I think eggs stay good in the fridge a lot longer than people think. How long do you think they're good for, Chele?

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