Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here : http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/837216/

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa so glad that you checked in, I was beginning to wonder about you. I went to Theinemans heirloom sale yesterday, and Gary was asking about you. When is the sale for the son's school?

Sure hope that you get through the next few weeks, and then can be free to do what you want.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

She is slammed right now Bons...I called her and asked her to post a blurb to let everyone know she was okay...Lots of kid issues going on with sports/plant sales etc. and her own schoolwork...I will ask on her behalf for some prayers, as something came up Friday that may well open a huge door for her to teach in this school next fall if all goes well...This is where she reallllllly wants to be so, I am sending tons of Smoke for her...She sounded great, but tired, as I am sure is the case...
Sons ankle is doing okay...still trussed up like a Christmas turkey, but doing therapy, and dealing with it...

I just put a rolled pork loin roast in the oven buried in onions, and have new red potatoes to add later on...I decided I'm tired, and I'm going to take a nap...I think I worked for it, I earned it, I deserve it, and I'm gonna have it...ROFLLL

Check in later on...


Forgot to hit the *Send* button.... ROFLLLLLL
Needless to say, the roast is nearly done...Just waiting on the taters to finish up...Nap was interesting...Apparently Ozzie seems to be of the opinion that I am not allowed to have one...LOL

Thumbnail by DustyDS

Whew got to finaly get on comp
HEY Everyone .big wave ~~~~~~~
love the pups Geo
Great tree find Gemini
Good to know son is ok wiht his eye :)
Thanks for the compliments on the house. Yep can't wait , Big party at my house !!!!!! hopefully in Aug.
Been busy with Dh here , he leaves again on tuesday.
cramming in all the time we can get
Looks like everyone is doing good. You all sound great . :)
I have missed you all. Dh keeps telling me " who are these people again on Daves " apparently i talk about DG to much LOL I htink he wonders if i have imaginary friends LOL
off to get kids in jammies
take care to you all

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a great idea Sue!! Fall RU at Sues.....Everyone bring FOOD and plants and we will have a yard planting party...Maybe I will be moved by then too...

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Ric..and that was me, Neal, with the apple, LOL. It didn't have any pink to the bud stage like the other apples. Its been such fun getting to see these trees bloom this year.

Sue, that tree has layered itself where a big limb had apparently gotten partially broken and fallen to the ground and is kind of a wall of trees. I could probably get one dug if you'd like one. May want to see exactly what it is first, LOL. Heck, its pretty, so I'll keep it no matter. Oh, and meant to say earlier, the house is looking awesome! I love log homes!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Whoops! Sorry Neal!!!!

Sue we jut got done watching Amazing Log Homes.
DON'T watch it until AFTER you guys are done! LOL!
One had 2 count them 2 ..........35' redwood front pillar posts at $70,000 each.......

Another new Project....

Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Recycled 75 year old porch pillars.
Last used as the sides and shelves in the HoopHouse


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Mouse House Table base

Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Close Up

Thumbnail by henryr10
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

OMG, Ric, that is an obscene price to pay...Yikes. That's just shy of what we paid for our house. Yikes.

I spent a several hours scrapbooking at the local store today. My mom came by about an hour before they closed, so we had fun talking with our friend Ellen, just shooting the breeze while Ellen and I worked on our stuff. Next Saturday is the big National Scrapbooking Day crop...8am-Midnight! Many of us are making a weekend out of it by going to the pizza crop Friday night and leaving our stuff there. There's a member crop Sunday, so those of us who are members can leave our stuff again and come back Sunday to crop more. Yes, we do this crazy stuff. LOL I'm so happy to be able to scrapbook again.

Melissa, it's good to hear from you. I hope it works out for you to get that job!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That mouse house is so fun!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Um Bro Ric??? You Finally have Robyn banging her head against the post???

Love the mouse house!!!!

Cookie!! Where are you ????

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Love the mouse house table! My Dad made one out of one of those cable reels when we were kids, but it was just plain ol' wood. You could sell those, I'll bet!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Gosh, not been home long, went out to eat at our favorite Chinese place, and visited a friend who just found out she has cancer. She is handling it well, and has already started radiation and chemo. She is such a spiritual person, and has turned her health over to our Maker.

Ric, that is such a great looking project, a mouse house table !! What next?

Melissa, am sending tons of thoughts and prayers your way. Hope that you are able to turn this opportunity into a real job. Hope that you can survive the next few weeks, with all the activities and school work.

taynors, you sound like you are really enjoying your DH's visit. Is he excited about the house? Well, duh, guess he is. Bet the kiddos are enjoying getting to be the center of daddys attention as well.

Dusty, you are one lucky girl getting that nap. I was conspired against all day, first was awakened this morning at 6:00 am, by DH's fishing buddy of the day, calling, then about 2:00 decided that I would grab a nap, and DH fired up the lawn mower. So no nap for me today.

Neal, if that is an apple tree, it surely must have huge apples on it, if the size of the blooms are any indication. Just in case, get all the apple recipes out, and dusted off, cause it looks like it will be a good year for them.

Marcy, wish I could help you out with the daylilies, but honestly, I don't think I have any that are the pale pink like the one that Chele posted. You might also ask kydaylilylady, as she had quite a few at the flower show and sale today. Honestly, I was good, I kept looking, but didn't succomb to buying a single daylily.

Well, since I was sleep deprived today, calling it a day, and going to bed in preparation of early church tomorrow.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm heading bedward, too. Hey, I'd appreciate it if y'all would pray and think good thoughts for my friend Mary-Jo's husband, Jeff. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/839758/

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Kimberly, you got my thoughts and prayers. Having been in a similar situation many years ago, I know the ordeal that your friend is going through, and not knowing if her husband will make it or not. Very trying for both of them.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

What a horrible accident! I will pray for them, too.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

He basically had a tree hit him square on top of the head and drive him down to the ground. :( She showed us pictures of him and he's holding so much fluid, he's unrecognizable. I hurt so bad for Mary-Jo and for him. I hope and pray he pulls through.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Smoke has been sent.. and he will continue there Kimberley..What an odd occurance to happen that way...

No nap for me either Bons.. Ozzie threw a fit every time I tried to lay on the loveseat or curl in my chair...I guess I'm not allowed on any furniture but my desk chair...LOL

I have had it for this day however, and am off to my rack...The dogs are already there waiting...

Have a great day tomorrow y'all....


Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Sending prayers GW.
I'm having trouble sleeping, or listening to snoring, anyways just can't sleep.
I have great news about my BIL , Josh. He got out of the hospital tonight , so glad to be out, he says. I guess the first thing he asked for when he got in the car was a cigarette!! I would hope if I could go 45 days without one , that I would not want to start that again. He sure has been through some stuff. Doc says things are looking good , although he needs to continue the chemo.
I'm happy for him, I just pray his sight returns and his urge to smoke goes away.
This seems to be the only time I have had to post more than just a line at a time.
I missed last Saturday Dusty, I was sure you were coming to see me. :)
I've just been busy, same old stuff, Abby's schedule and mine. I run her in the morning and get home to do my chores, then pick her up, get home to cook dinner before I go to work. At night i just seem to melt into the furniture. Then get up and do it over again. I just really need to find some daytime work, these evening hours are burning me out.
I'm sorry about you friends accident GW.
I've got another friend here at DG, 2 in fact , that it just seems it is one tragedy after another.
Everyone is in my prayers these days, whether they seem to need it or not.
I need a weed pulling day with Jazzy, just can't seem to get away.
I stopped paying bills to buy groceries, not sure I will get to pay this internet, so if I don't , don't anyone worry I won't be gone long.
Funny how just missing a week of pay can set you back a month.
I've been lurking and enjoying the pics from everyone. I WANNA a puppy!!!!!!
How cute!! What would i do with another doggie?? LOL
Love it !! I love dogs.
Dusty, Bonnie, Ric , taynors, GW . I bid you all a good night and sweet dreams.
I reckon when I have more to talk about , I'll be back.
I'll at least be lurking. Love you all!!!!!

GW sending prayers to your friends DH. Big hug to you and them.
Ric to funny, i know what you mean on watching that show, to late we watched it and drooled. WOW on some of them homes. yikes.
I love that mouse house.!!! how cute . love it
Defoe go on strike and get a nap in !
Dusty if you need help moving let me know, i got a big truck and a small trailer. To help you haul :)
Crash i hope you can get some sleep, glad Josh is out of hosp and feeling good enought to smoke !! ?? LOL :) give him chocolate instead :)
Gemini hope you figure out what that tree is , its to pretty to not know, :) sure i will take some tree if you can . :) spread the love .
GLad everyone is doing well.
hope i didn't forget anyone
but if i did big wave and hugs ~~~~~ (((((()))))))
Dh leaves tuesday :( its hard but no work in the USA for him right now.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Ric, no need to apologize, it's happened before, LOL. Birds of a feather, you know! Love the mouse house, that's sooooo cute!

Bonnie, I hadn't thought of that! Oooohhh, I sure hope we get some nice fruit. I'd love to put up some apple butter and maybe dry some for pies! There are 3 apple trees, a pear, a peach, and I think a plum here, and this year they've all been covered in blooms. I neglected to prune them last fall like I intended, and the apples in particular are in dreadful shape from years of neglect, but at least this year I'll have a better idea of what I'm dealing with and how to prune them.

Kimberly, sooo sorry to hear about your friends. They're in my prayers.

Sandy, good to hear from you! I meant to ask you, were your trumpet lilies ok from the co op? There were some rot issues with Regale and Regale album mostly. The company is sending me replacements, so if any of yours were rotted (or if you'd just like some more), I can just pot them up and bring them to the RU so you don't have to pay more shipping.

Love and hugs to all!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

You guys are definitely on the same Wavelength Neal!

I'll pass on the comments on MouseHouse Table to Robyn.
We've been toying w/ the idea of selling Planter Boxes and Folk Art pieces we're making.
They would of course all be weather friendly.
AMAZING the colors you can find in Lowe's and HD's
'WHOOPS what was I thinking bin' or as they call it Clearance.... LOL!

Here's a new cheap project.


Well off to the Yard.

Crash hang on and Hugs!!!!!


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning y'all....Chilly 50 * here this morning, but at least the sun is shining...Good day to make another dent in that brush pile...

I had a fountain like that in FL Ric...Loved it!!! and very simple to make..

Thanks for the offer Sue...I was just telling Jim yesterday that I am going to have to rent a trailer for all of my outside things and plants if we move...
Hopefully, I will know something this week about going...Then I can start hunting a place to live...It's only 12 miles from St Paris to Urbana... :-)

I would like to find a place on about 5 acres or so, hopefully fenced..out from town a bit...I want to put in a garden, and I'm thinking chickens, a Ham and 2 Steaks...LOL
There is a fish farm up there on 68 that has farm raised Talapia...If I can get a pond, maybe I can get some fry from them, and raise my own...LOL

Hey Crashlette... I didn't go by last weekend...I rented a U-haul Van and at 59 cents a mile for local, I didn't want to waste miles, plus Jim decided to ride up with me...Just remember what I told you on the phone...
The building that Boss is talking about getting is just north of downtown toward Grimes Field...I wanted to drive up today, but I really need to get this brush taken care of, so maybe next weekend...If I go, I'll call you, and you can maybe go with me...Are you usually off on Sundays??

I have the laundry going, and got the house plants watered...I need to run the vacuum, and then get outside...

Y'all have a great day, and I'll check in later on...


This message was edited Apr 27, 2008 10:23 AM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Crash! I'm glad to hear Josh is improving and out of the hospital. Being home should help a lot mentally which will help physically too. I can't believe he smoked! I understand but like you, after 45 days, I'd sure like to think the habit would be kicked.

I was planning to have a vegetable sale May 4th but we'll have a make up game. I guess I need to either miss the game or have the sale on Mother's Day. Grrr.

Hopefullly our stimulus payment will be deposited in the next few days, the full amount and we'll get to keep it. LOL It will make up for a bit of the income hubby is losing. His last day of work is Wednesday. We go sign the final papers for the BK tomorrow. Money is going to suck eggs but I bet we'll get some stuff done around here. :)

Wow Kimberley, what a horrible accident! That is the kind of thing you don't hear about too often. I hope your friend's husband is able to recover and get back to normal life. I'm glad to hear about her friends helping with hotel expenses. All that driving on top of the worries and stress is certainly no good for her.

Robin, lovely work as usual! Of course the planter boxes I saw last year were lovely too. :)

I'm going to run out and mow for a bit then have to decide if I am going to a make up soccer game or a band and choir concert.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Well...It's up to 61 here now...Took a break and ran up to Krogers for Jim's beer, milk and butter...They had some cheese on sale, so naturally I had to get some, cheese hog that I am...

Laundry is almost done...I keep looking at the disaster area in my dining room and saying *Maybe next weekend*....It sure ain't gonna get done this weekend...I've made a pretty good dent in cutting and bundling that brush...Jim is helping me get the bundles tied up...Plenty more to go tho yet...I almost wish now I had just left it to grow if we won't be staying here...sigh....

Back at it...this ain't gittin er dun....

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello all!
Guess what? It's quiet for the first time in my house since Friday. A couple of friends of mine had a mopede(sp)/scooter accident and got treated at the scene for their injuries, but no one would follow up with them without cash up front to help with their severe road rash and cuts. They called and asked if I would nurse them and help with bandage changes and general help. I said yes of course. Lord I had no idea what I had a agreed to. Their wounds are bad. Each dressing changes, cleaning and reapplying bandages took over an hour on each. Huge area of exposed skin with "road dirt" in it needed to be removed and cleaned. The first change was the worst. They had used simple gauze and it had stuck on their skin. We soaked and soaked and they screamed and screamed. I finally got it off and cleaned and redressed. I thought I was going to go crazy. It's been years since I have treated wounds that bad outside a hospital setting. They brought tons of medical supplies, but I also had to use my "store" also.

I then had to help them with personal care also. I washed them and their hair and got them in clean clothes.(they showed up in bloody clothes and blood soaked hair). On top of them being here. I had also planned a dinner for 4 of our couple friends! Not a simple one, but a full blown southern dinner with desserts. So I had 2 crippled up Mummy looking girls and 8 extra people, not including Jeff and J.D. The girls really couldn't take care of themselves or each other and asked to stay the whole weekend so I could do the dressing changes and care. I couldn't say no. They are gone now to get more medical supplies and such(one could drive). Blessed silence. Everything went great, but my nerves are on edge. I even at one point had to ask everyone to just leave me alone for awhile and let me "calm" a bit. I even just went outside and grabbed puppies and let the little chicks out and sat my big butt in the grass to get my bearings back. I again asked for no company.

I am not going to "break DG rules", but we as a country have to do something about uninsured people. Normal people should not be refused needed medical care. I will shut up now before I get in trouble. The other thing that happened was a issue came up with my spiritual family right in the middle of all this chaos. That was too much and I had to put that on the back burner. I have dealt with it some this morning and will finish it tonight. Right now I am going outside and playing in GH and flowers. Sorry to unload on you all, but I had to "talk" and thank god you all allow me to do this here. I usually am the "tough guy", but this weekend has left me an emotional wreck.
Love, light and laughter to all.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Geo...If they went to the ER they could NOT be refused care.... Insurance, ability to pay or not...I had no insurance when I broke my wrist since I had just started the job at the market...I later set up a payment with the ER, the Radiologist and the Ortho...They get what I said I could pay at the time...Ortho wanted $150 up front..I told them I didn't have it because I had just given my last dime to get into this house, and they worked it out...
When Jim had his sextuple bypass down in FL in 2000, he was 27 days away from his ins. kicking in...He was operated on by one of the top heart surgeons in the US at a top 100 US rated Heart center...Medic-aid paid...We did have to pay the $670 ambulance transfer bill from the one hospital to the heart center because he was stabilized and not ER-Stat...
In an accident or emergency situation, you absolutely cannot be refused care because of lack of insurance or inability to pay...

Happy Puppy Breath cures alot of ills eh George?? I am looking forward to getting out in the country abit so I can sit on my butt and find some of that blessed peace too...


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh George how horrible for you, but wonderful for the injured that you are able to take care and help them out.

I can't imagine if the injuries were so bad that they weren't taken to the hospital and given treatment, other than just slapping some gauze on. They shoud have been hospitalized and treated for days.

I understand being overwhelmed, and still going on with the dinner, you are a trooper.

Playing with the puppies and chicks and flowers is a sure way to get yourself centered again.

Rember tough guys need to cry sometimes.

Well, I had an uninvited guest for dinner. This is one of those unusual weekends where I didn't cook anything for Sunday dinner. Usually have it all prepared and ready to put on the table after some heating. DH invited a neighbor who rides to church with us to lunch!! I had some cooked chicken in the fridge, so I hurridly made chicken enchiladas, a salad, baked potato. It was good, but I told him that he is welcome to invite guests any time, and as many as often as he likes, but understand that he is cooking it!! I just hate having to wing it like that.

Lay down to take a nap after lunch, and yikes, I slept 3 hours. Must have needed it, but I am wondering what tonight will be like.

Well, guess I am gonna wander outside and see if anything else is up, that I hadn't noticed before.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, George, what an adventure! You're a hero, you realize that don't you? But what happened, did they go to an ER and get refused? Lawsuit! Or did they just assume nobody would take them? Weird. Yep, I'm one of the uninsured, and it is scary. I will pray for their recovery, and thank God for your training.

Wow Geo I think you tough :) i don't know if i could have done all that and stayed calm. Thank goodness they had you to care for them. I m shocked of what happened as they were not cared for by professionals.
Are your freinds sure they were real professional medics ? or just con artists looking for cash. ? i have heard of those on tv.
I m glad you had puppies to comfort you :)
Dusty lots of houses in St .Paris and Urbana for sale with several acres .
GOIng to till up ground tomorrow for my garden. don't have my llama poop yet but i guess i can add that later. I can use it green and it doesn't burn plants like other animal poop.
got the last of my plants in 4 inch cowpots. I really didn't think i would use all 300 !!!! but i did yikes.
But my Bradley tomatos bit the dust , bummer i heard those were good.
ok Dh has to use comp to call a buddy in china

Batavia, OH(Zone 6a)

George, sorry to hear of your weekend but happy for the girls to have you to turn to.
Kimberley, you and your friends are in my thoughts and prayers.
Ric, love that mouse house.

I've been out of touch as there has been a lot to do. Am still recovering from a surgery in January, thought I was 100% until I started digging out trenches in the grass for the rock wall (and my future vegie garden, YAH). Boy, a measly 6 weeks off and my legs turned to jello. Just not enough stamina to dig, plant, weed, pot, visit my horse, shop, cook and clean on the weekends. Oh, who's kidding who, there is no cleaning indoors when it's this nice outside.

I don't have the usual Spring gardening soreness because I can't work hard enough to get sore. Never thought I'd complain about that, LOL. Maybe by next week I'll have my leg strength back.

Hoping to have veggie garden ready for planting in two weeks. Michele, Melissa, how early do you plant the tomatoes?

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

A little at a time, coo, and you'll be good as new before you know it. Yep, gotta be outside when it's this nice out, even if it's just to relax!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

|Kywoods, how is the honeysuckle cutting and pulling going? Will you be through in this lifetime, or will it take another one? Those are some nasty invasive things to deal with.

DH and I went to the lake fishing, fished 3 hours in a light rain, and 28 crappie later, are home. Had a warm shower, and off to watch Desperate Housewives. Will be back later.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

They did go to the ER and had dry bandages placed on their wounds, given some lortabs and told to see regular Dr. in a week. Of course Dr. would not take them without the cash up front without insurance and the UTC wanted 100.00 up front to treat also. There only option for follow up care was going back to ER.

I did go and dig in the dirt, play with puppies and watch chicks fight over worms. Oh and forgot the massages I gave my little goats. I feel much better. Now my dinner is in the oven(stuffed pork steak, yum) and I'm ready to do PM dressing changes. The creator must love me. I thank them every day for allowing me to live in such a great place where I can have the things I have.
Thanks also to you all wonderful group of people. I can't believe it has been a year next month I moved here and "meet" you all.
You all better get ready. Each of you are getting BIG bear hugs at the RU! LOL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

George, love Bear Hugs, and I can give some pretty good ones too.

Desperate Housewives is done for another week, many twists and turns, and if it was somebody's life that I knew, I would be urging them to see psychiatric counseling!! Fun to be able to lose yourself in a plot, and be able to walk away from the problems. Unlike our lives, when we are caught in the twists and turns, we have to carefully walk our way out of it.

Well, with the rain, and the cooler temperatures, may have to settle for getting back into the housecleaning tomorrow. Only have a bit more to do, and it may keep me from getting out and doing something else to my body!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

George, you're good people. No wonder you were so frazzled...That was a lot to deal with, spur of the moment or otherwise!

We had our best friends and their kids over for a cookout today -- what fun. The kids are such hams and I am always guaranteed great portraits with them. They love each other to pieces, so it's fun to get pictures of them playing together and sitting for group shots. The neighbor's house is still vacant and on the market (FSBO - good luck), so I just borrowed their patch of bluebells. ;)

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by gardenwife
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Cute kids, great pic! They look like they're having a great time amongst the pretty flowers. I hope you get good neighbors who take good care of the place.
Bonnie, I couldn't live long enough to rid this whole place of those nasty invasives, lol. I will leave them to my son in my will, and he can leave them to his kids, and...LOL. But I'm removing the ones that are creeping in on the driveway, and my hiking paths. Boy, those briars don't wanna let go once they've got you in their grips! I have so many little scratches up and down my arms, people might think I'm one of those people who cut themselves on purpose!
Hey, George, I'll bet those chicks are growing fast, huh? It would be fun to watch them fight over worms.

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