Is this an iris??

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

I have this growing in my back yard but have no idea where it came from or what it is..all I know is that its the prettiest bright yellow and every year it seems like there is more of the plant...just wondering if its a type of iris and if so, what type..??

Thanks, Kris

Thumbnail by earthling
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Chris,

That's iris pseudacorus. Very invasive. Don't let it go to seed, especially if you are near any waterways.. It is really pretty, but quite the thug. It probably seeded itself there.

Lebanon, OR

It is banned in Oregon, can not sell or buy...too invasive


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

And a good thing, too. I see it clogging the canals and field drains around here. The seeds then wash downstream to form yet another clogging clump. They grow VERY fast. I bought a pot at a local nursery several years ago and before I knew it, it was taking over my Siberian irises! Out it went!

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

WOW...should I get rid of it? I am not close to any waterway and it is growing in a place where there is nothing else. I was thinking of moving it to the other side of the yard but first wanted to know what I had here...

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

You will get conflicting info on this. Personally I grow them. I cut every flower off as soon as it blooms, and never, ever, let it go to seed. I have instructed my husband and daughter, should anything ever happen to me to burn them. I also grow some of the cultivars which have not seeded here.

I'm sure lots of people will say to get rid of them.

They are still being sold, and traded, on the internet.

Make your own decision. But it's very important to be responsible with them.

It's a good thing you posted the picture, as I'm sure that brought a lot of attention to the matter.

Lebanon, OR

I agree with Polly as I too grow it but not NEAR any water at all and I cut every single bloom off it.

My Ag Inspector knows I have it and says as long as I do not sale or let it seed there is no problem.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Some of the culitvars, and definitely some of the JI crosses are especially lovely, so it certainly had a purpose.

Raleigh, NC

interesting thing now - I've been looking for an iris that was sold to me in '91 as a "siberian iris" that had this type of foliage and bloom form - it was royal purple with a brillant golden yellow signal, no haft marks or eyelashes or anything, and I adored that thing. Grew it next to a culvert which sometimes backed up and would very much like to have it again, if only for the tall ornamental grass-like foliage. (I'm allergic to all grasses, so this I can tolerate!)
A five foot wall of downed tree debris scoured over it in Hurricane Floyd and it disappeared. Would love to find out what it might have been. It's not anything like the foliage of a modern sib.

Raleigh, NC

should have added, two of the yellow pseudacorus were entered in an iris show here last Saturday. Had no idea it was that much of a problem!

South Hamilton, MA

Each state has its own regulations. If you can plant it, don't do so near a stream of pond & be sure to pick off the seed pods if they form. More breeders are turning to JI x peudocorus plants the so called 'eye shadow' iris which are stunning.

Lebanon, OR

I have several of the crosses and most of them not all do not produce seeds which is nice...

Many of them are ones any one would want in the gardens and they are not a problem at all


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I have several of the crosses also, and none have set seeds at all.

The eye shadow irises , IrisMA, are a specific strain produced by crossing iris pseudacorus Gubijin with iris ensata. Hiroshi Shimizu has crossed over 1000 of these, which are slowly being introduced into commerce. They are lovely. I have the first three introduced. Great, vigorus garden plants. But the older crosses are not considered eye shadow irises. They are the pseudatas such as Aichi no Kagayaki. They are lovely too. And not at all invasive.

Lebanon, OR

Hiroshi Shimizu eyelash iris are just to die for...wish we could get them faster. I can not believe how little space he has and they are all potted!


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Isn't he the hybridizer who stacks his seedling pots up sort of like a pyramid? I seem to recall seeing some pictures somewhere... I was really impressed!

Lebanon, OR

You got it...

And the amount he grows, blows your mind

Raleigh, NC

been seeing comments here and there about the eyelash irises - do they have a culture zone like the PC's?

Lebanon, OR

better, bigger, brighter...


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I wish they would be intro'd faster too.

They are hardy here. I would imagine wherever a Japanese iris can grow they would do well. As it is a pseudacorus ensata cross, I would imagine it would only be as hardy as the less hardy parent, which would be the ensata. But, we won't know for awhile.

Lebanon, OR

So far the two I have are slower growers but hardy in Zone 7

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

One of the three I have is not a very fast grower. They other two seem to be. They are very heavy feeders, Dee. In fact I doubt you can overfeed or overwater them.

Lebanon, OR

I agree


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