I.D. ?? this one is unusual

Saint Petersburg, FL

Got this one last year, lost name right away...plant is cool though! thanks again, Terry.

Thumbnail by rose_hip
Saint Petersburg, FL

Oh here's the seed pod!

Thumbnail by rose_hip
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

It looks like leonorus, lion's tail.

Saint Petersburg, FL

Now we have this also and i think this one is 'Lions Tail" or lions mane, or paw...
The first one is supposed to be a Salvia of some kind??

Thumbnail by rose_hip
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

All your pictures look like Leonotis to me. There are a couple different species, so maybe they're two different species of Leonotis but they're definitely both in that genus. They're in the same family as salvia so maybe that's where the confusion came from about it being a salvia.

Saint Petersburg, FL

Hey thanks, that helps! Leonotis it is then.

Thumbnail by rose_hip
Candor, NC

Looks like Leonotis leonuris from the long, narrow foliage.

Saint Petersburg, FL

Hey Rich,
The one in question doesn't have the long thin foliage, it actually has wide round leaves(??) very much like the wild
Lantana -(orange or pink) (and even a little larger)-that we have here in Florida. They're sort of heart shaped or
spade shaped with slighy scalloped edge, dull green not shinny. The picture with the thin foliage is the plant that
we got as a Lion Tail, very thin foliage, other than part of the flower, doesn't resemble this plant at all. I should take
a pic of the new foliage later and add it on here. ( just looks like such a different species ?) Well, untill something
else comes up, it's a Leonotis. Thanks, Terry.
Oh, and ouch, these pods are sharp and spiny!

Thumbnail by rose_hip
Candor, NC

The really tall, large-leaved Leonotis is usually L. nepetaefolia, whose leaves similar to the common shape of many tropical American sages.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I love my Leonotis, I have 3. They bloomed in the fall last year, and then a freeze got those blooms, and they turned right around and bloomed again. They are still going strong. : )

I also noticed the birds pecking at the seed heads. They must have tasty seeds. : )

Do they root easy? I would like to start a few more, they are so pretty.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Lucy they root pretty easy, they are perennial here, I picked up the white flowering one and am waiting for it to flower, they are gorgeous plants.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh my, there is a white one, too? I'll have to check that out. : )

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