germinating pandanus

Phoenix, AZ

I need help on how to germinate pandanus seed. What do you suggest?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I planted mine in tubes of sand with regular watering and in full sun. After 6 months I gave up, upended the tubes, and got a shock when 3 had new shoots and roots. These I potted into a free draining mix, and they are racing! The rest, I put in a black bucket with the sand from the tubes, and placed a glass bowl over it (full sun). I then got another 3 with shoots and roots. I still have the bucket with about 6 seeds in it, with no signs, but I'm not giving up! I do have to add water now and then as it dries out.
I figured that Pandanus plants are seen around here on rocky cliff edges by the ocean, and the seeds would most likely fall in the salt water, get washed around and soaked for awhile, before washing up at high tide in the sand and hot sun. So thats why I tried wet sand, full sun. Maybe soaking them for a couple of days (changing the water daily) might also stimulate them.

Phoenix, AZ

Thanks Sue!
Info much appreciated.

Phoenix, AZ

O.K., I got my pandanus to germinate, now they are shooting up seedlings. When can I separate/repot them?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I potted mine pretty much right away, as soon as I saw green shoots. I've only lost one, and that was due to a chewy critter! I've thrown away the ones I left in the bucket, as its winter now, and I'm pretty sure they were gonners!
How many did you plant Rod?

Phoenix, AZ

I have Pandanus gemniferous that are germinating. Initially, I got 20 seeds. 11 seeds have a plant coming - some even have as many as 5 on one seed! Do you have any information regarding this species?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Not offhand Rod, but have you tried google?

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