grasshoppers and squashbugs

Moundridge, KS(Zone 6a)

I am looking for any good organic ideas for dealling with grasshoppers and/or squashbugs. We live in the country so there's lots of surrounding territory for them to come from that I have no control over. We have gotten both chickens and ducks to help with the grasshoppers, and they do eat quite a few out of the yard, but I can't let them into the garden because they like my veggies even better. We even have nets for our grandchildren, and anyone that visits in the summer, and evenings are often spent netting hoppers and throwing them in the chicken pen. I try to inspect the undersides of squash and pumpkin leaves and scrape off squashbug eggs, but by August they seem to get the best of both me and my produce. I've tried hot pepper and soap sprays, but they don't even faze these tough critters. I would love any suggestions anyone might have.

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