Now what?

Maggie Valley, NC

OK... So I planted yesterday. 3 tomato plants. 1 looks great and the other two are wilted badly. All my squash and zuch and cucs look great as well... Planted them all the same way.

Any ideas?

Wake Forest, NC

truckalter: how long did you prep your bales? Did the tomatoes look good before you transplanted? If nothing else, water your tomatoes with some Miracle Gro mixture for next few days and see if they bounce back.


Maggie Valley, NC

The bales were outside in the rain for over month. Then the last week I was soaking with the hose. They were soft and slimy inside. I placed the tomatoes in doen to the first set of leaves with some miracle grow mix.

They do seem to being doing better today... so hopefully all is well. Everything else looks great so far...

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Truckalter, did you have to force the tomatoes? I wonder if maybe the stems got pinched some. If so, they might take a little longer but will probably root along the whole stem that is in the bale. And Kent's suggestion of the MG will help in that case also.


Maggie Valley, NC

No, didn't force them. It became irrelevant anyway as we had frost and I was out of town so they all got killed...

Just replanted yesterday and so far they look decent.

Keeping my bales wet doesn't seem to be an issue at all. I water once per day with a soaker hose and they seem to always be soaked.

So, we will see how these do. I am debating building a planter box and doing some that way just in

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Take a look at Doug's experiment. With the boards around some and not others. Quite interesting.

Strawbale test plot by postmandug.


This message was edited May 5, 2008 10:37 PM

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