overwintered my garlic (not on purpose)

Auburn, MA(Zone 5b)

I planted garlic cloves last spring. I'd heard you can do that for harvest in the fall. But I forgot all about them in the fall. Once I pulled back the leaves that covered the patch, I found I've got about 20 or so garlic plants coming up. Pretty cool, a nice spring surprise! But will they be okay to harvest or will they have all gone to seed (or bulblets)? If they're still good, is there a way to harvest them, but still leave them as perennials? Maybe replant? I've searched through a lot of threads, but I didn't quite find my answer. I'm hoping someone can give me some good news. :)

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I've been doing some reading on garlic because I have some for the first time that I planted in January. I read that it overwinters and will even grow a little when temps are well below freezing. it also said that timing for harvest was important for top quality. I would give it some food and watch the foliage. When the bottom 1/3 of the leaves yellow, it's supposed to be ready. You might have an early crop for your area.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I have always overwintered part of my garlic. I planted extra so I'd have enough for cooking and some to leave for the next year. I've never had any problems with doing it this way. This way, I don't have to buy more garlic to plant each year. Just clean up your patch with a little shallow hoeing in the spring.

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

I plant garlic in the fall and harvest in the summer. I don't know what the result would be when overwintering from last spring.
Let us know!

Auburn, MA(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info....I guess it isn't so bad as I thought. I'll do like Twiggy says and cultivate around them. If I my curiosity gets the better of me, I can always pull one up and see. :) I've got enough of them test it. Thanks again.

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