viburnum scents

Dahlonega, GA

bought a judii viburnum last year,18" tall. this spring,had a bloom cluster and that spicy smell is just heaven . can't wait for it to get larger and see what i get next spring . probably going to move it to a seating area for sure,will take cuttings from it this year.have 2 more different kinds of scented ones,but haven't bloomed ,

waldoboro, ME

try Viburnum carlesii (Koreanspice viburnum) introduced to cultivation 1812)

Dahlonega, GA

you know ,i ordered one from wayside .waited waited .instead of 2 gal , they wanted to ship 1 gal,and discount it 4.00. told them to just cancel ,and refund .they had the only one i could find at the time.then ran into these others.i will get the k spice ,it was my 1st choice sally

I have the koreanspice and Juddii and I love them! I also have Viburnum carlesii compactum---it's like a miniture version of Juddii. Same great scent in a smaller, very well-branched bush.

Thumbnail by valrita
Dahlonega, GA

where did youall get the k spice ? i just looked,and also have a marissi,did i spell that right? do you like the mohawk? i want to plant good smelling stuff now, i have enough of everthing else plus, i propagate most stuff.thanks for your time to answer. sally

I got my Koreanspice at Lowe's in the autumn of 2006 but Sooner Plant Farm carries it. Many local nurseries carry it too. I bought my Compactum from Klehm's Song Sparrow last spring. I bought my Burkwoodii and Juddii locally. Sooner also carries Burkwood and Juddii.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG...something else to add to the "need" list...LOL. So what's the consensus - which has the strongest scent in ya'lls opinon? Need to find these....

Dahlonega, GA

yeh, chantell, all these are on my list,i'll be glad to trade cuttings off the 2 i have for korean s and also mohawk. mine are too small to get more than 2 cuttings each, early july ought to be a good time to trade.if it's too hot' we can root them ,and mail later in year.they say k spice is more intense.a vender i checked says mohawk is .sooooooo,me being unselfish,i want both sally

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL - Oh I understand....believe me!!! Sadly I have none...going in search of at least the korean spice. Are these repeat bloomers or do they just have the one flush in spring?

This message was edited Apr 30, 2008 11:31 AM

Dahlonega, GA

chantell,i'll be glad to see if i can get a cutting or rooted plant to you. no charge .when the weather is right to root,i'll send a dmail .i'll trade with someone that has what i want .it wont be big ,but it'll grow sally

Dahlonega, GA

don't know about the bloom, my first spring .

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG are so sweet...thank you - thank you!!!

Dahlonega, GA

yeh,i'm a good kid. ijust know how hard that k spice is to find and can't find the marissi on e bay .did find a mohawk

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

^_^ Hugs!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I LOVE Viburnum! As far as I'm concerned, you just can't have too many of these beautiful and intoxicating shrubs!!!! They are just so versatile and offer 3 seasons of interest in my garden. I have several different varieties: Korean Spice, Newport, burkwoodii and Doublefile Viburnums. There may be a couple more, but those came to mind immediately. I'll try to remember to attach pictures this evening after work.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

(((Shirley))) Hello, my friend!!! Soooo....which ones do YOU recommend for scent? Any rebloomers in the bunch?

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)

It's funny, I just went to a nursery this afternoon and found some viburnums. The nursey had burkwood cultivar, but the flowers had very little fragrance. I have burkwood at home and it's not blooming yet, but I know mine has more fragrance than the ones in the nursery. Does the scent vary from plant to plant like it does with some cultivars of heliotrope? Or can something else effect the scent?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hear someone discussing this to environmental conditions that can alter the scent...i.e. soil etc. Not sure that there was ever a definitive conclusion to that though...

Dahlonega, GA

there you go chantell, maybe we can talk shirley into propagating us some k spice .maybe if we beg and i promise her a small japanese maple? bloodgood? pretty please?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - I found a nursery that sells them Gonna get one from them!!! Yipeee!!!

Dahlonega, GA

ok i got my email in to them .thanks a bunch ! sally

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)

I got mine from Flower Scent Gardens, but Bluestone perennials has burkwoodii, korean spice (listed as Carlesii Aurora), carlesii compacta, and burkwoodii mohawk. I think they are all currently less than $12.00 and I think they have a promo 10% discount in thier catalog that's in effect until mid-May. Hope this helps. Here's the link:

How's that for 1 stop shopping??

This message was edited Apr 30, 2008 5:19 PM

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Chantell, I'm waving back! I'll try air layering some of my Virburnum and see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed.

Here is a picture of Viburnum carlesii, "Korean Spice" with its Fall foliage. When it blooms in the Spring, it has a wonderful fragrance, but that may vary from region to region and nose to nose.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Another Viburnum. I believe it's "Convoy".

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What beautiful colors it takes on in fall!!!! Makes me itchy to take photos!!! Do you have any favs re scent Shirley? You're one of my fragrance gurus - I trust your opinions on them!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I have several different Viburnum in bloom now, so I'll try to take some more pictures of them tomorrow.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Chantell.

Besides the lovely flowers, Viburnum give several different seasons of interest. Fragrance is a big bonus, but having colorful leaves in the Fall is a big plus too. During the Summer, several Viburnum also have colorful berries. So fragrance, color, form and leaf textures are all very important. Probably my favorite for scent would be either Korean Spice or burkwoodii.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I just looked through some of my images that I have contributed to PlantFile. I found a picture that I took several years ago of Viburnum dilatatum, also known as a Linden or Arrowhead Viburnum.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Very nice, Shirley!!! Seems there's a running consensus on the Korean Spice for scent!!! I love it when the choices are narrowed down...LOL. Do any of them have more then the spring flush? Am I driving you bonkers with questions yet? You KNOW how bad I am - like a dog with a bone....LOL ^_^

Dahlonega, GA

frag 1st , ordered from bluestone just now .thank you so much.they were out of the mohawk ,but got it off e a regular and a compata from bluestone . that will give me five scented viburnums.chantell, ricks evidently didn't have them .try bluestone ,the plants are only 4 to 6 ins high, but i'll take that over wayside gardens. sally

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Looks like I'll be placing an order w/Bluestone then....thanx Sally

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)

You're welcome, Digger.

I am looking for viburnums also as an edging for my pond. As much as I hate to be an enabler, I discovered that Forest Farm also carries a really nice selection. Some like "Fragrant Dawn" and the odoratissimum are not hardy in my zone but there are still plenty to chose from.

Okay, so maybe I do enjoy being an enabler. Or maybe a scent-pusher. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Better then a "scent stalker" LOL

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)

I try to do that only in my own yard. Occasionally, I stalk the neighbors' yards if they got something interesting. Oh, and the local nurseries. And the catalogs, and the--- oh dear, I better stop.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Lilies and Tulips and Butterfly bushes oh my!!

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)


Dahlonega, GA

good grief, ladies,all i did was brag on my itty bitty juddii's wonderful ,spicy scent and after looking at stuff i never even heard of,went to forrest farms and they not only have more stuff i never even heard of,viburnums are more plentyful than japanese maples ! i only have 300 of those (bloodgood) and 25 different grafts. i'm going to stop at 5 viburnum cause i'm getting a headache.all those different names are more than my little head can retain .lol i want to thank all of you for the input , i have found the ones i was looking for and will be propagating from them in the future.for my own pleasure and friends, nothing commercial . sally

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)

Sorry, once I get my teeth into something fragrant-- Look out!!! Let the hunt begin. LOL!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Amen, sister....amen!!

Marietta, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh yes!!! LOL.

Just call me a fragrance fiend. Or scent snob. Or perfume pursuer. Maybe an olfactory ogler. Or just plain nuts.

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