May Planting Party

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Some NE forum members are coming to my place May 10 - not quite a round up, but a chance to get together and plant stuff on the terrace.

I have been starting lots of plants, and we hope to have the gardens made and ready to plant. Those who travel a long distance can stay over and we will have a slumber party!

Anyway, if you can make it, the more the merrier ^_^

I have attached a sketch of the design of the garden.

Basically, the north garden is "midnight with stars" all dark blues and white (I have several moonflower vines started!) The east garden is soft pinks, yellows and blues for the dawn, the south garden is all oranges, yellows and bright blues for noon, and the west garden is all magenta, purple, and reds for sunset.


Thumbnail by Seandor
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)


belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i divided my 1st happy returns today... i'll se how it does - i've lots more...
Can you use any Nana coreopsis? It's not a superstar, but it makes pretty yellow-orange flowers in the spring and stays green until late fall...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, the coreopsis sounds nice . . . I winter sowed two varieties, but boy have they been slow to germinate!

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like you all will have a great time. I think your garden plan is wonderful. I hope you will post a list of the final plants and of course lots of pics when it grows up.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i'll divide some more of the "Nana" next week. i bought them as plants 2.5 years ago and they just keep on going...

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

IF I can make it (my Saturday helper just quit!), I can bring red/purple monarda, white achillea, yellow coreopsis, and how about some coneflower, if I can get it up? Otherwise, I'll send a big care package and a score (LOL).

xx, Carrie

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Gee, I really hope you can make it Carrie - can one of your daughters help?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I am sooo looking forward to this! Thanks for the plants, Amy and Carrie - be prepared to take some babies home (I have lots of little plants started)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I love babies - not really prepared for any more human ones, but plant ones will be nice! Maybe if I PAY my daughter, she will come along. . . Carrie

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Gee, you'd think DD would like to come along just to be able to play in the dirt!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Are there any boys going to be there???? Preferably age 14 - 15?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

There could be some college guys . . . . any interest there?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, then maybe DD#1 will come, although truth be told, it's hard to interest anyone who isn't already crazy unless money changes hands.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i was beginning to worry about you, Carrie...

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm ^_^ worried about you ^_^ and this new smiley face, Michaela. ^_^ You must be VERY happy ^_^ about your green card situation. ^_^ Carrie ^_^

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I am just practicing a new skill - do you know what permanent residency means for me? It means I can quit my job if I want to. Until the permanent residency thing was settled, I could only work for my current employer - now I can work for any employer anywhere in Canada and the USA!

More seriously - it meant that if I didn't get tenure, I could not apply for work anyplace else, and once unemployed I would have 10 days to settle my affairs and leave the country.

Having permanent residency definitely feels better.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Okay - it seems pretty apparent that many people who thought they originally might be able to come are having conflicts with their schedules, etc.

I think it is best to just cancel, rather than have one or two drive long distances (especially given the cost of fuel).

I will try to see how many neighbours I can get to help, otherwise I guess like the Little Red Hen, I will have to do the terrace by myself (well DH will help by rototilling ^_^)

Thanks to everyone who offered to help, I know that circumstances change, and especially for those committed to attending the June RU, the cost of two events can be prohibitive.


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