Our newest family member - Scout

Maple City, MI(Zone 6a)

My boyfriend and I have been looking for a pup for a while. Rather than buy an AKC we decided to get one from a shelter since there are so many that need homes. We fell in love with this guy. Drove all the way down to Grand Rapids over the weekend to get him. Boy he is a sweetie. All the rules about not getting on the furniture went out the window! lol...He is a little snuggler.

He's a mix of beagle and lab. Was the only one out of 8 pups that wasn't black. We are actually lucky that we only came home with 1. His brothers and sisters were adorable as well.


Thumbnail by kimmage
Kalamazoo, MI

REALLY adorable! Congratulations!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

congrats on the new babie how cute Isent it funny how they look at you with those eyes and the rules go out the window LOL

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Congratulations! He is a really really cute dog. I hope he brings you many years of happy companionship.


Grand Blanc, MI

What a sweetheart! Looks like a good cuddler with that blanket.
Congratulations on the addition to the family! We adopted a pup three weeks ago and I can't imagine life without her. Enjoy!


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

WELLLLLLL my neighbor brought down this darling Yorkie tonight that was wondering around the neighborhood all day so I said I would look for his mom and dad well no one has come looking for him I'v walked him every where I can't imagine that no one is looking for him hes so well groomed and sweet I realy don't want another dog but he can stay if no one comes to get him I all ready called animal control so if any one calls on him they can come get the poor little guy wish him luck I would be histaricale if he was my dog

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I hope the poor little thing gets back to his owners. I know I'd be beside myself if it was my dog that was lost. You'd be surprised how many pets are being offered up on freecycle now. People losing their jobs and homes etc. and can't afford their pets any more. So sad.

Lake, MI

Congratulations Kim...

There is nothing like a new puppy. He is so darn cute.

I have a puggle and his nose is always on the ground like a beagle


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

this little guy has been very well cared for he has perficte (sp) nails brushed teeth nice hair cut clean yellow bandana I feel so bad for who ever lost him but I'll take good care of him till we find his owners My dog B.J. loves him they have been playing all evening so there both tired out now

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Awww...he's SO CUUUTE!
Congratulation and thats great giving him a home!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

UP DATE the little dogs mama came to get him he lives a mile and a half down the road !!!!! its a wonder he diden't get smooshed on W River rd but all is well now I told her she needs to put tags on him he has tags she just dident like to put them on him !!! how dumb is that??

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

AWWWW, I love the eyes :o)

Traverse City, MI

Kim, your new puppy is adorable! Congratulations!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

To cute Kimmage!!!! Love the little snuggler!!!! Glad the parents were found Glevey.... Im along with all of you.... Our dog has on his license and name tag with our phone number on it!!!! Keeps them safe hopefully... We would be sick if anything happened to the Max boy!!! Have fun with him Kimmage!!!! Soon he will be to big for that crate.... Maybe the big bed will look pretty good to him!!! LOL. Ronna

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

Kimmage what a cute litle guy....whats his name??
Gloria that was so nice of you to take care of that little yorkie...
I had one and she had tags on at all times....she loved to explore
when ever she got the chance! And I'd get that call "we found your dog"...
boy was I thankful. Hopefully his mother will put tags on him...


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