My latest update!

(Zone 4a)

Spring has sprung here.....I am very happy and I have been working outdoors!!!

Victor I am sorry but yes I did end up cutting down my dogwood in the front yard....I am now looking for a trellis to grow more clematis - yes more clematis.....

I am about to build my new pergola and I am going to try more clematis on that as well!!! Very excited!!

The seedlings I started indoors are doing great so far! Can't wait to get them outdoors but that won't be for about another month for sure!

Bring it on!!! I am ready to work outside!!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Tell the girls not to stand still too long!!

(Zone 4a)

Why not?!?!?!?! I love it when they are quiet!!!! Kidding!!! I know something is wrong when they are too quiet and it bothers me hahahaha!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Because you will grow clematis up them!

(Zone 4a)

Hahaha I didn't catch on to that one! I know....I have a sickness that can't be cured!!! Tee hee....

Don't we all have a sickness.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

If there's a flat surface in my home, it's got a pot of baby plants on it. Yeah. There's a slight obsession here.

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

Hi Dawn! Congratulations on your warm weather! Have a happy Clematis year!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

My clem has not yet poked its head up

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to Dawn. Everything here is really leafing out including the clems. If we get some rain there will be an explosion I think. It does worry me a little because we could still get one or two of those late frosts and with everything really a bit ahead of schedule, there could be some damage to buds. I am thinking maybe the cold is gone for good and that we will have just the right amount of rain and sun for the gardens to be just wonderful. Think happy thoughts people. :)

Victor, LOL.

Glace Bay, NS(Zone 5b)

How did everyone make out with wintersowing. I have a couple of dozen containers out but nothing so far. I followed the directions so am hoping it is our climate but it has been warm and sunny the past few weeks and no signs of anything. Meanwhile the crocuses are up, tulips are emerging, daylilies are pusing through.

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

Hi Barb! Some of my WS stuff has come up. Typical stuff like Bach. Buttons, Petunias and Poppies. The Sweet Peas, Foxglove and Cleome are yet to show their heads. I think I might do the Sweet Peas indoors next year.

Also up are Hollyhocks, Nigella, Osteospermum, Stock, Canterbury Bells, Sweet William, Aubrieta, Zinnias, Calendula, Coreopsis, Marigold.

Good luck!

Glace Bay, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks PrimoseSue, I planted a lot of the same seeds, (Petunias, Poppies, Coreopsis, Marigold, Sweet William and Zinnias) and we are in the same 5b zone. Our springs are generally a little later than MA but one would think something would be poking through by now. I planted about 15 or so containers and nary a sign of anything in any of them. I must have done something wrong. Hopefully I will figure it out before next winter sowing. I will give them a few more weeks to see if anything emerges.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Barb ~

Definitely wait. Our WS plants are just beginning to poke their little noses out of the soils.

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