What's happening in your neighborhood today...pt3

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG what has Mother Nature done..I've enjoyed a July day here in April..not sure if we broke a record but it would be close..worked all day outside, just came in, time for a bath, something to eat and early to bed..tomorrow I've a zillion things planned, as usual..
Do hope for some, tomorrow will be a better day..can't believe how Mother Nature is confused...think she's getting old...
Starting this new thread and know if I go back to comment, it will be lost in cyber space, so will gab with you all in the morning...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Good for you Betty - glad you had such a lovely day to spend outside - it's good for the soul...

Ann - your crocuses are wonderful!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Betty. Glad you had a good day.

(Zone 4a)

What a wonderful day for you Betty! We had wonderful weather today here as well.....I thoroughly enjoyed wearing my tank top and capris today - soooooo warm!!!

Stuff is starting to come up in my gardens!! I saw some daylilies starting to push their way up today!!! Yay!!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

There was still snow on the ground this morning. It's been quite cold all day today. I did get to the UBC botanical garden for pics but they predicted snow tonight too.

Here's an odd Rhodo I found - the colour is sorta curry colour. Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon

Thumbnail by growin
Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Looking at Linda's photo of snow in Victoria in April - what bizarre and unwelcome weather for you all out there! Y'all are scarin' me. I don't mean to add to your pain everyone, but I keep thinking "Stay, to the west, stay to the west", and then "If you have to come east stay north", but I don't suppose it will listen if it doesn't want to :-(

Victoria Harbour, ON

LOL, no don't suppose it will..late start this morning, guess the old body is saying, rest another hour or so, but I'm dressed, paint brush in hand, just gave a coat of finish to the lighthouse, ready to put in place, painting the 4x4's and then I can add the feeders, got the new curtains for gazebo, hope they fit this time .. if I manage to accomplish all of those projects this morning, I've got 10 clay pots washed, just waiting to be painting, simply but attractively for outside us...so that will be my day...

It's hard to comprehend that no more than 2 weeks ago there was at least 4' of snow in the backyard, and now, greenery is sprouting as we speak..nice to do walkarounds each day and see Mother Nature at her best...

Love the photo's..just thinking this morning how drab the yard looks without the flowers and shrubs in bloom, but quickly I give my head a shake, it could be worse...that white stuff is not that far away..lol..so I'll enjoy it's beauty as is....

Do enjoy your day..I'll be checking in on you..hope it's a gardening day for most of you...for the others, feet up, coffee in hand and enjoy the last of it...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well, this morning looks as snowy as yesterday, so no outdoor gardening tasks for us!

That's okay though; I need to rearrange all the stuff I have under lights and convince myself that I can jam a few more things under them, LOL. I found pineapple lily bulbs at the Garden Show yesterday and I want to get them potted up.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

A cool dreary day in 'The Bay' .. maybe get SOME raking done .. but the mud is muddier now that we've had the rain ...but .. NO SNOW piles evident on the property .. !!!!


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Here's some more pics for you Betty :-) http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/836985/


Siiiiiiiiiiigh Calgary can't decide if it's Spring, or Christmastime lol
Well, we need the snow, as long as it lands on the ground and not the pavement lol

Victoria Harbour, ON

Can't believe you have snow when it's July weather here ..calling for low 20's all week, perhaps rain by weekend but that's ok..by Friday it may have changed..

MarilynneS thanks for directing the way, must have been tired when I moved us over..lol...

Grow Jo, bought some pineapple lily bulbs a few years ago..came up the first year and was a beauty, after that it never came up again...sure was pretty to see though..

Ginnylynn, thanks for sharing the photo's..I managed to get all the leaves raked and disposed of which covered the beds, still a lot more to do but not as overwhelming...I'll tell you, I thought to myself yesterday, "there's something to be said about living in an apartment" lol

Did accomplish much, gazebo screened in, birdfeeders now in place, cedar railing up on both sides of back shed ready to make my DG friendship garden, lighthouse out at the pond, so I went to bed tired but happy..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Another glorious day here. Will try to get outside for part of it, but I have some inside jobs that are well past their deadlines too.


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

wind chill minus 21 this morning - just like the date and really not much improvement until friday or so. should have looked at the moon phases, we don't have our full moon in may until the 20th so it will be very late planting this year.

little bubbler is still doing its best out in the pond and will hope the critters make it thru - i keep chanting - that which does not kill you.......

Victoria Harbour, ON

jagonjune..do you keep the bubbler in your pond all winter long or have you just opened the pond..I didn't do anything with mine last fall and lo and behold the fish I thought dead, really were in hidding and survived the winter...

-21 is awfully cold for this time of year even in your area right? It's quite a difference because they are calling for +21 here in Toronto..little cooler at home (100 miles away)...just incase, I brought in all my potted flowers that I had purchased for back deck..

All my little seedling are resting well inside and not likely will they be planted until the last week of May..

I was at Zehrs about 3 weeks ago and they had beautiful cedar trees - $29.99, there must have been 500 of them, went on Friday to pick up 3 for my front garden and not one was left...now I'll have to check Walmart or Canadian Tire nurseries..regular nurseries want mega$$$$

I went to Franks nursery on Friday to check things out and they had a plant I fell in love with (old age forgot the name-oooo I think it was heather and was in bloom...) anyway it was 29.99 and at Home Depot it was $12.98..imagine..

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

no i bring the fish in for the winter, cause i'm afraid the ice will go right to the bottom and yes that is exceptionally cold for our area at this time of year

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I'm gonna be a 'hurtin unit' tomorrow ... turned 3 beds today .. and .. I'm really not supposed to as I have my right hand in a splint .. can't say as I did it it all .. had help .. AND .. we found a multi coloured pansy as happy as a clam flowering away in the east garden !! Brave little soul .. makes me think I should have just LEFT a few of those pansies instead of turfing them out ..

Spoke with a bud today who had 2 Rhododendron in bloom !!!! I was of the opinion Zone 3A was sort of a No No for'em .. they're close to her house .. I think if I can find one I am gonna give it a GO .. probably in the south garden up against the house, I have 2 Rosa Rogozza there that might like a friend :-)
Course .. my friend lives in the city, and .. her Crocus are exploding .. dang me .. nature is just so darned amazing :-)

Off to make supper and off to a meeting ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No fresh snow but it is chioly out so not much melting either.
Staying in except for a quick trip to Safeway and a throw the frisbee session with Angel.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

The first of my VERY early tulips started to open today. :-)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Soferdig posted the following on our last thread so I thought I'd move it over...imagine going to Alaska and it's warmer there than at home...

"Well I flew up to Alaska today and left 19F in Montana and arriving here in Juneau at 55F sunny degrees. Tonight after work the sun is still shining at 8:30pm. Sunset soon. you would think coming this far north I would suffer but no. Tonight I went for a walk and saw a large sitka spruce stump and sat on top of it to watch the beauty of it. The moss covered stump was over 200 years old and the essence of ocean was overwhelming as I sat and watched the sunset. The nearby snow-covered mountain tops were glowing in the Rouge of the stratospheres refraction. A small stream was rapidly descending through the melting snow pack. Each opening filled with the essence of skunk cabbage wanting to surface everywhere. I noticed that even here the deer eat everything beautiful. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to be here now. "

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everyone...it promises to be yet another day of high 70 temps..reached 78 yesterday in the city..did a walkabout in the garden last night and cannot believe the growth..no flowers for some time but I'm satisfied just seeing the green....

Fancyvan, will try to send some of this weather your way...
Sailor loves catching the ball 24/7- border collie..she's about 9 now and I thought her passion for playing would lessen - not..lol..hope you enjoyed your frisbie with Angel..

Marrilynne, hope those bones are soothed by today and you can play gardener yet another day...isn't it glorious to be outside in the 'dirt'...

This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 6:12 AM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hokey Doodle .. we have rain .. beautiful ... SPRING rain .. and I swear things are 'popping' even if it's only grass and creeping Jenny :-)

Was driving back out to the country from my meeting lasy night, and at 9:20pm it was still semi dusk ,, deer were EVERYWHERE !!! Now I know why I don't travel after dark !!!

Soferdig .. sounds awesome 'way up there' .. obviously the 'jet stream ' has a hand in the variation of the temps between Montana and Alaska. Just enjoy !!!

So .. since I have an imposed 'INSIDE THE HOUSE DAY' I should perhaps clean another closet, or bake, or ... hmmmm .. VEG !!!!! I vote for VEG !! :-)

Enjoy your day everyone !!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good Morning...another beautiful and warm day ahead of us.
I just love spring, everyday discovering something new sprouting and the birds singing in the morning...Its good to be alive :)
And yet another trip to the store getting another bale of promix!!
I have to stop being so heavy handed when I seed, even the tiniest little seed is germinating this year!!
My DH keeps asking me where I will put all those flowers...I guess deep down he knows already the answer..."hon...you need to dig me another flowerbed" lol
Have a great day :)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thea - do you volunteer at Chamberfest? Not too many people named Thea.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Good morning everyone. As others have already said, this promises to be another glorious day! Although, much as I hate to admit it, we could use some rain now. Some things are starting to dry out a little too much. Might get some overnight tonight.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hello Ann...no I don`t volunteer at the chamberfest, only at the local seniors center(I live actually 40 minutes south east from Ottawa)
I am originally from Germany where Thea is a common name, but I am always surprised of how many Theas are out there....even on here there is another Thea...lol
Have a good one and enjoy the sun while it last...
Thea :)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

glad you easterners are having spring; we have started winter 2009 a tad early

will focus on your flowers and not my snow, cold, drifts, blowing snow, more snow, more cold..........

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Oh, I feel your pain alright - I just have no desire to share it :-)

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

So much fun to see the snow go away.We had a super week last week.
Feel so sorry for you guys out west. Hope, things won't affect the new growth, too much.

It's turning cloudy now and expecting rain for a few days. It's surely going to help melt the rest of the snow. Saw some pussy willow Sunday.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Ok, for those of you who have the plus degrees please think of us in the West. We are going to -19 on Thursday!
The good thing about the snow that's just arrived is it will protect some of the plants that were silly enough to think they should start growing in April.
Oh well between Lynn and I we managed to stow all the started stuff out of the green house and into our homes. This long streach of cold was a tad too much for the furnace!! My window sills are full and I know that Lynn has plants everywhere too.
Cheers for now

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DUCKS .. I have a Mr & Mrs waddling round in the back forty .. the Mallard is stunning .. his colours are indescribably vibrant .. his lil girlfriend seems quite impressed with him .. :-)
Have never seen this happen before and am wondering if they are going after the bits of corn left over by th deer this morning? Either that , or they like to putz around in the muck LoL.

Bought myself a grouping of Dragonfly Solar Lights at Home Hardware today .. they'll look pretty in one of the pernnial gardens.

Stll 'drearyish' here .. but it's starting to look as though the rainy system has headed more northerly.

UGgggggg .. you poor folks out west .. what can I say .. a forecaster on the Weather Channel had reported that the Sask farmers are quite happy with the snow as it's moisture for the fields .. guess it MIGHT help to look at it that way .. but .. those temps BRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!! I am actually wearing my Crocs !!!!

Happy days


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Little warmer today, but forecasted for flurries for the rest of the week. Still below zero. Saturday may be a high of 5C. This is terrible.

Last year, the double flowering plum (pic) was in full bloom on Mother's Day

This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 2:21 PM

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Victoria Harbour, ON

HMMMM glad I'm kind of in the middle of you all! We did enjoy yet another day of 25.... I just got home and did a walkaround, CANNOT believe what is happening out there since Sunday when I took the leaves of the flower beds..just like magic..sure wish I have a time monitor type camera to see everything growing by the second..wouldn't it be interesting..someone posted on DG once, think it was a vine and how it wrapped it's tendrons around anything in it's path..awesome to see, should go back in files and try and find it for you all....

I took a back concession home and saw wild turkey's crossing the road, they are so numerous this year even with turkey hunt...saw a few feasants as well...everything is coming alive...

Joanna, you've still a few weeks to go for 'mother's day' you just might be surprised ..could still flower...

Marrilynne, saw the dragonfly solar lights, adorable..I received for my birthday 'solar globe' lights and I put them in the tree near the pond on Sunday, guess they finally charged enough to come on last night..they look pretty changing colors throughout the evening as do the 2 large ones in the pond..

Annabell, my best girlfriend through childhood was called Annabelle, she and I shared so many memories..some of which you've brought to me by posting..welcome..I'm sure you will find a garden for all your 'treasures'...

Burn, they are calling for rain late tomorrow and possibly up to Sat. and then these summer temps will be back to normal (10-13) but that's ok..

Ginnylynn, enjoy the weather because the rain is coming...

Jagonjune...is the weather you are presently having rare? you had a few weeks of nice weather awhile back did you not, sure hope when it leave, it doesn't find Victoria Harbour...

Thea, have you got DH digging yet? Bet he just loves it..my DH Roger always pretended he didn't like flowers but he sure was there when I needed the beds tilled...

Well it's Tuesday night, beautiful outside, could do some work but lordy I worked all weekend so maybe a warm bath, comfy jammies and cards to play t.v. bingo tonight then 'Dancing with the Stars' sounds more like a plan...I'm with some of you, nice to just VEG out...

Will be back to let you know I've won the $2,000.....let's hope then riding lawmover here it comes...

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Today's been a nice spring day with sun and warmth. Yesterday we had everything. I was at work at the nursery and I took a landscape client out in the tractor to pull stock from a few greenhouses. We started with sun and warmth and returned to the parking lot with light snow, rain, wind, dark sky and freezing temps. There was some Polygonums in the sales area that had turned to mush from the snow & frost on the weekend and the new growth on Pieris had turned brown. I'm hoping todays weather will finally stick.

Rubus spectabilis 'Gun Hildi' @ VanDusen Botanical Garden

Thumbnail by growin
Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Just stepping in to say hello to everyone

Heh Growin
I havent experienced anything like you at all here. I live closer to Cresent Beach/White Rock area and I guess Im lucky enough to get more sunshine and less extreme weather than Vancouver. I think its because Im right on the ocean and you are closer to the mountains..thats my weather analysis...lol and it seems to make sense, as I did live in the west side for a long time right off Granville and 20th. I have some family that still lives there and they told me about the snowmen they made etc...lol

I work at BGH, and all of the people I work with had Mother Nature do a whirlwind on them as well. I hope everyones gardens and plants will survive. Mine are doing great thus far. Im still a novice and had a wonderful DG member send me Brug cuttings about 2 weeks ago. I forgot to ask if they were still indoors or out, but they have been outside since then and seem just fine, and have a few brand new tiny leaves sprouting on the top. Im wondering though if they may have been shocked from the temps..what do you think. Do you think I will get flowers this year?

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Opps, forgot to ask..is the Van Dussen garden sale this weekend...?

Also....for all of the pet lovers.....I cant sleep as I just got off duty and my best friend..doggie passed away on April 12 and he was a black lab named Dukey. Im so used to having him greet me when ever I walk in the door and he was also my running partner..Ive skipped and missed so many training sessions and need to get back on track again..its so lonely here without him though....thats why I love gardening. He has a special place in my garden right now.

Hope everyone has a great day

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I'm so sorry to hear about Dukey Sydney. I know just how much our pets become part of our families - it's heartbreaking when we lose one of them. It leaves a hole in your life that seems almost impossible to fill right now, but there will come a day when you can look back and simply smile at the memories you have of him.

The rain was in my area this morning but not quite close enough yet. We really do need some. Things are beginning to dry out a little too much.

The first of my tulips was blooming when I got home yesterday - Tulipa humilis 'Eastern Star'. I have a pic but it's at home and I'm at work. Also found one of my Lungworts blooming - same deal with the pic at home. I'll post them this evening on my other thread.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OH SYDNEY .. Huge hugs and buckets full of empathy and condolences on the loss of your friend Dukey .. we have just begun our life journey with Lilly our wee Westie .. and she is such a joy to us .. in the past the family has suffered through 3 canine losses .. but now .. I can smile with the remembrance of them all instead of becoming dark ..

Well .. we have SUN and PLUS 18 or 19 here in Thunder Bay today !!! AWESOME is all I can say .. and who's to say a trip to the Greenhouse nearby won't be made as they have Gladiola bulbs and, my fave, Bleeding Heart roots on sale !!! I don't want to push the envelope though .. the Hosta I potted for transplanting is going nuts on top of my dryer (I did move them from the kitchen table) :-) I have a stackable washer and dryer .. so watering'em is a feat for sure !! But .. they won't be able to bear the outside elements for at least another 2 to 3 weeks .. we still hit 0c at night ..

Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing today .. enjoy yourself and SMILE .. looks good on ya OR .. it makes everyone wonder what you've been up to :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Marrilynne so very cute..I'm smilling - big time...

Sydney, offering my condolences..Duckey sounds as though he was your constant companion..

I've Sailor (9 yr. old border collie-she's an avid ball player) and Missy and Riley (cats 3 and 4 yrs. old)....they fill such a void with me living on my own..hate the thoughts of something happening to any of them...

It was raining when I left home this morning, actually thunder and lightning as well but as we approached the city, the rain stopped..blue sky out there, temps probably around 18-20..wo another nice day..still calling for a 'rain' day on Saturday, but that's ok..have a few projects I could complete...

Growin, do you get to take home some 'sicklies'? wouldn't that be nice, give them some tender love and care and bring them back to 'garden treasures'..hope your weather has improved today..

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Sydney, sorry to hear about Dukey. My constant companion was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and I will be lost without him. We walk everywhere together. Yes, the VanDusen sale is this weekend - Sunday April 27th http://vancouver.ca/Parks/parks/vandusen/website/index.htm

Betty - I noticed a bunch of plants infront of the dumptster and asked my boss. A few Charlie Brown Japanese Maples, Bog Rosemary, Nandina, etc. I think I'll give them away at the Community Garden Society meeting as door prizes.

Aubrieta olympica @ UBC Botanical Garden

Thumbnail by growin

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