neem oil damage

Trenton, FL(Zone 8b)

Im looking for info on what plants may be damaged by neem oil treatment. One of my gardening books says succulents, a violets, begonias, geraniums and palms are all sensitive.

Anyone care to add to this list or prove it wrong by their own use of the fungicide/pesticide?


Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I would add any fuzzy leafed plant to your list, for example tomato.

Trenton, FL(Zone 8b)

Good to know. Thanks.

I have to say that this is the first year my miniature gardenia has made beautiful flowers, free of any blight - its great as a fungicide and for powdery mildew.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

It is, and excellent for black spot on roses too.
I'm always careful not to use it when the bees are active because it's deadly to bees.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

There are differnt types of neem oil products on the market. Not all are problematic for fuzzy leafed plants. The Toronto African Violet Society actually recommends using Neem oil on violets:

I use neem oil on all my houseplants when needed. I have not had any damage from using it when diluted correctly. You may want to test one leaf with your product and see how the plant responds.

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