The Viticella Group

(Zone 4a)

What exactly does this mean?? What type of plant does it mean if it is in this group....are they vigorous growers?? Would this be something I could plant growing up the post of my pergola? Which are ones you might suggest for me? I am in Zone 4. Thanks.

Dewey, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here's some really good info for you to check out. I'm a newbie with clematis also, so I don't want to try and answer your questions directly myself. Also we are incompletely different zones. I do know that the viticella group are supposed to be hardy to zone 3.

(Zone 4a)

I wasn't able to access the link :(

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Viticellas are perhaps the easiest group of clematis to grow since most, if not all, are resistant to wilt. Pruning group 3 means that you prune them to about 12" to a bud pair before growth begins in the spring.

(Zone 4a)

Awesome!!! Thanks!!!

Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

Yes, these are very easy. When my first bud on my petunias pops up (the first thing to bloom in my yard) I prune them back hard, about 12" with 4-5 sets of buds left. They spring up fast!

Thumbnail by jlp222
Dewey, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sorry about the bad link. It is, which is Brishwood Nursery. Also has a wealth of info.

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