I finally got to exhibit a bonsai in a flower show

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

In our city, we had a flower show called Festival de Fleurs. There were vendors for just about every plant you can imagine. The Bonsai Society of Acadiana, which I am a member, had an exhibit in the show and I was finally able to show one of my bonsai's in the exhibit. Here is my baby.

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

This week I wired it and trimmed some more branches and it is amazing the difference in a couple of weeks with this tree. I will take a picture of it tomorrow and post so you can see the difference. My tree was in great company for the show. Some of the guys in our club have been involved with Bonsai for 30+ years. I will post their pictures next.

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Here is the first tree, a forest of Red Maple

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Next, Trident Maple

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Another Trident Maple

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Here is a Forest of different species

Thumbnail by dldbrou
North Augusta, ON


Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Greenmound Juniper

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

This is a Boxwood

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Another Greenmound Juniper

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Here is another boxwood

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

another type of Juniper

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

A few Mame's

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

San Jose Juniper

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

And for the last picture in our show another Juniper

Thumbnail by dldbrou
Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Threegardeners, Thank you, I am proud of our club members and their trees. We had many offers to buy them at the show, but alas, no one would let their babies go. We will probably do a demonstration on wiring a tree next year for the show to get more of the public interested in Bonsai.

North Augusta, ON

I've read they have to be kept outside in the winter. Would they survive outside up here in those shallow pots?

Winter lows can reach -30F

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

I would not keep them outside in the snow without protecting the roots. Also, I would be afraid the pots would crack from freezing. Most do need cold to go through their cycle, but when the temp drops down to freezing here, I bring mine into a cool building where it has some protection.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow, very inspiring. I just joined a bonsai club, in Fl., and they had Rob Kempinski do his Japanese Black Pine. It looked so easy and I'm going to try as soon as I get one. The most important thing I've learned is when to dig it up. I've been killing Junipers and evergreens for years because I'd get enthusiastic in the spring time. I've got 2 red wood type and an ash just waiting for the shovel. I may ask a more professional person to dig up the ash for himself. It would definately be a beauty. I did take the clippings from the Black Pine and I'm trying to root them. Do you have a website with your trees?

Scott, LA(Zone 8b)

Our club is trying to work on a website, but it takes time because all of us have full time jobs. Today, I am working with one of my students to get him started on his first Bonsai for a class project. I hope he takes it seriously. I am starting him with a Green Mound Juniper, cascade style.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Very cool trees dude! I am just getting into Bonsai after taking an intro class at MBP Bonsai, near the Austin area. The Japanese Maples and Boxwoods have awesome styles to them. Nice nibari on the Trident Maple. I have a live oak and a few elms I collected out of the wild in February, and can't wait to train them. Good luck to you and your club!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Book Marked *

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks to Melody, this post was moved from the old 'Bonsai Forum' to here.... So everyone, please join me in the discussion of bonsai if you like. Should we get enough activity with the subject, hopefully we'll be able to get OUR bonsai forum back. I'm hopeful.

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