How do I thin out seeds once they've sprouted?

Lebanon, PA

I'm new at this, and the directions on my seed starter kit say to thin out seedlings...I don't know how to do this...can someone please give me step by step directions?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I would post your question in the Beginner Gardening forum This forum is for questions about the Plant Files database, but for gardening how-to sort of questions you'll get more help over there.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Welcome to Dave's Garden!

I would suggest posting your question on one of the below forums (whichever is most appropriate for the plants you are wanting to thin out). These forums are open to all members. This PlantFile How To forum that you posted to is for questions concerning the PlantFiles database and isn't watched by those that might be able to help with your question.

Beginner Gardening
Beginner Vegetables
Beginner Flowers

Happy Gardening,

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