Liatris help

Elsberry, MO(Zone 5a)

Hi, I am new to this forum. I have grown native plants in my gardens for about 20 years. At my old house I had very happy bloodroot, spring beauties, celendine poppy, ginger, wild sweet william, etc. Almost five years ago, I moved to a place 2 hours away, but totally different soil, moisture, exposure... and wind. So I am starting over. The first year about all i got done was to kill maybe 5% of the brush honeysuckle. I have LOTS of evil honeysuckle TREES.

Fast forward to this year. I now have coneflowers, purple poppy mallow, columbine, narrow leaf coreopsis all coming back. BUT the liatris has heaved out of the soil from the freeze/thaws this year. Should I just dig it up and replant? They only started to come up yesterday.


Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

That's what I would do. They are tough plants and can take it. And then you will be able to see what a massive bulblike structure it is building. After 3or 4 years, I am very surprised it heaved out at all.

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree with Leftwood.

Elsberry, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks! As soon as the rain stops and it gets a tad warmer, I'll replant them. I think they have only been in for two years. I hardly got anything planted the first summer. Its hard starting over when plants were doing so well at the previous house. Unfortunately, the house itself was not doing well. But I have lots of room here, a great view, and full sun, which I never had before.

Thanks again

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