Favorite Forum

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This is my most favorite forum of all. Living in the middle of Texas does not satisfy my soul like it does to fantasize that I am a part of the island life. Where is everybody?
Are you busy tending your garden? Please share. I work at creating an island here but it is just not the same. Having visited an island, I know now that the air you breathe is different from here. The fruits are marvelous. What I pet and grow inside, grows wild in the bar ditch.
Really miss the world under the sea.

Come on guys! Get chattey. I have nothing to offer other than loving you and your way of life.

Aloha, Yokwe, Love,

Princess Kilikina aka Christi

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have been chatting, whatta talking about??? LOL.

The rest of you hurry up and get on here before Christi tears apart the forum. hahahaha

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha - I'm here, but where have you been Princess K?. Hobnobbing over on the Texas forum I expect - LOL!

I am so happy that folks who don't happen to live on an island somewhere in the tropical zone come here to visit and tell us all about their gardens. I love to see them, especially to see all the things we can't grow - it's such a refreshing thing to see something other than the same old, same old! I bet there are a lot of lurkers out there, please drop in an introduce yourselves, the more the merrier!

Everyone here is struggling with the airlines going bankrupt. Families here need to have two working just to cover our high cost of rent, let alone the food...the food banks need all the fruit from the garden we can give them at present - luckily we are having a bumper crop of bananas, papaya, figs, guava and pomegranite at the moment. Mango and starfruit are on the way. We have our friend coming this weekend to get our coconuts down, we also pay him to get our neighbors coconuts down too, although it's just a drop in the bucket hopefully it will help a little bit. I think we are going to see many locals moving to the mainland this year for work. They just gave us statistics in the paper this morning - we have a local population of 130,000. We have 800,000 visitors come to Maui every year, I wonder how many are going to be able to afford the airline tickets this year - they have gone up to over four times as much. Good thing you made the trip when you did Christi!

Of to check the other thread to see what I have been missing - see you all over there!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh no! You've all gone to bed!
Princess K - here's a picture of Frank and Laurie snorkeling just for you!

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Another picture my friend Scott took this year when he, Frank and some other friends all went swimming with the whales. I stayed on board!
Edited to say I do have Scotts permission to use his picture, it is also downloadable (is that a word?)

This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 9:21 PM

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Mornin all....We are entertaining.....our friend from Seattle came down for a much needed break....she has been doing 200+ gigs a year and hasn't rested in a while....not that she is getting any rest here....taking a few days off to show her Cayman...do some snorkeling, long walks on the beach, etc....

we are having a big bbq/party on Sunday, like every Sunday....stew conch, casava cake, jerk leg of lamb...a bev or two....and Alice will put on a back porch concert for us and the gang...should be fun....you can check her out at:


Miss you guys too,

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't know where to start. I love your pictures, Jen. Sure wish I weren't such a klutz. Doesn't keep from enjoying. Who took the picture of the whale? Talk about brave. Was Frank in the water beside it?

John, Alice is great. May find myself ordering before the day is over. One of our favorites is a gal from Austin named Marcia Ball. Same style. Have a good time this weekend. We are too.

Love to you both,

Princess Kilikina

might be about time I dropped that moniker

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree with you LouC. I lived on Okinawa for 5 years and I sorely miss it. I loved living on an island. I just wish that I could convince dh to live on another island when he retires next year. Tina

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Quite a contrast.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Our first winter here was horrible. My dh got to go to Diego Garcia, another subtropical island, while I stayed behind and dealt with sub-zero temps. Hopefully after I graduate we can move somewhere tropical. Of course I still have about 3 years until I graduate.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Tina, and welcome - ND - BRR! I don't think it would be easy to adjust to the winter temps there! House prices are dropping on Maui! What will you be graduating from?

Aloha John, what a lovely time you must be having, sure wish I could join that luau on Saturday! I expect it will be a great time, especially with the concert to enjoy, you always have wonderful parties!

Aloha Christi, yes, Frank was in the water with the whale, it was a mama whale, and I know Scott took pictures of the baby and the escort too, I expect he will be putting them on his web site if they turned out well. We all rented a small boat together and sailed out and just waited - it didn't take long for whales to pass us. I didn't have the nerve to get into that deep water with the others - I think they just take me along because someone has to stay on board while they all frolic in the deep!


Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I'll be getting my degree in horticulture. I'm also thinking about going straight into a master's program as soon as I'm done. Once I get my degree though, I have plans to move somewhere that I don't have to overwinter all my plants in the house. I don't really like coldweather plants like tulips and daffodils, although I think they are ok. I want to work for a botanical garden somewhere.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Tina, how wonderful! Any thoughts as to where you want to go once you are finished with school? What sort of plants interest you the most?

Hi, everyone!

I turned down a job working for the Bermuda Botannical Gardens long ago, can you believe that? I was a sailing maniac, and kept on going on little sailboats instead of staying there. No degree, but I had enthusiasm.

Digging in here on St Croix in the Caribbean, been mostly here since 1988. Island life is different, that's for sure. My new camera gets here tomorrow, we must mail-order everything! I'll post a few photos every so often. This one's some scenery looking over St Croix with Christiansted in the distance.


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KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow!! Gorgeous scenery!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the pictures. Helps feed my alter ego of island life.


"Off the Wall" I eat lunch here at least once a week. Usually a few friends there to yakk with. Good food, too.

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KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Love the colors!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Very inviting. Tickles the senses.


Last one. Slow because the computer quit and I had to re-boot. This is a bit of reef. People don't take photos like this much because the water turns the light blue. Your eyes adjust, and see purple fans, and golden brown corals, but the camera just sees blue. No plants in this photo, as we know plants anyway. About twenty five feet deep(8m)

Late here! g'nite everyone, I'll be back!

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Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Melissa, we are soooo glad to make your acquaintance. Lots of us here are hooked on the dive pictures and Carriblue has let his subscription go.
We are a very appreciative group and will applaud the least little thing you choose to share.



Princess Kilikina (long storey)

Super! I'll be posting more, tomorrow and in days to come. Yipeee, new camera tomorrow! Past my bedtime! Thanks for the encouragement.


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Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Melissa, welcome to TZG ! So nice to meet all the new folks. Love the pictures you are all posting.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not sure where I want to go yet, but I would love to live on another island. The world is open to us though since our son will be grown and hopefully starting his own family by that time. Tina

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just saw on another thread that John, Carriblue, is still here. That is good news.
His dive pictures are so good.

Good Morning to all.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aloha all! Welcome Melissa! So good to see and meet new folks! All pictures are good - John's are just extraordinarily fantastic! He keeps us all entranced by the way he can make the tiniest creatures visible in all their rainbow glory. He is a photo magician, but everyone else's pictures are always fun to see as well.

Sorry my welcome is late - but it is just as heartfelt as the other's I assure you. Looking forward to more.


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