Are thunbergia seeds slow to germinate?

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm sprouting seeds this year instead of buying starts to cut costs. I planted thunbergia seeds in Jiffy pots but it's been 8 days and no signs of sprouts. Are they just slow, or should I have soaked the seeds? Is maybe my basement too cold? Other seeds; sunflowers, cosmos, morning glories, etc, are all "up and at 'em!"

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

did you mean the thunbergia vine? I have tried to start seeds of thunbergia bush and the vine. The bush seeds started very fast in one to 2 weeks. I did not have any success with the vine seeds.

Hollywood, CA(Zone 9b)

From my experience the seeds need it to be pretty warm before they will sprout, perhaps your basement is too cold. Move them to a warmer spot or use a seed starting warming pad. Like Lovetropics said, with the right amount of warmth they should sprout in a week or two.


Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, I meant the vine. I kind of figured it might be the temperature in the basement.

I suppose I better by another pack of seeds and try, try, again.

Hollywood, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't think you would need to buy another pack of seeds. I have a vine that drops seeds that sit in the ground all winter and then sprount when it turns hot in June/July.


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