Aphids repellant with mint-tea?

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi all,
I'm a new organic gardener converter. As I've become more aware of the environmental hazard of chemicals in the garden setting. I'm trying to find new helpful information on daily basic to improve my garden as far as dealing with pests.

I recall having seen/read an article somewhere about using cutting/chopping up mint, steep them to a tea for a day or so, then using the solution to spray on our plants to repel aphids and other little bugs in the garden. Have anyone ever tried this remedy? Does it work? Please share your thought.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

I haven't heard of doing that with mint, but I have heard of using cayenne pepper in that way, 1 tbsp of the powder per cup of water, shaken vigorously (you don't have to let it steep). It seems to me that the mint tea would be kind of weak to repel bugs, but I could be wrong. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything, so you could try it.

I know if you add a few bags of regular tea and some sugar, it is delicious!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks PK, I'll give it a whirl and see what happen. And the mint tea with sugar sounds delicious! Thanks.

Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

I always let my dill go to seed, so I have dill everywhere in the garden. Last year when I went to pick some for a salad, I picked some that was in with the green beans, and it was covered with aphids. So I would say that dill attracts aphids.

Greenville, SC(Zone 8a)

There are a lot of things you can plant to repel bugs OR attract bugs away from your veg. Here are some pages on companion planting:


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