Z5, When to plant cannas bulbs

Orange, MA


I'm new to DG and am having a blast reading everything! One thing I can't find is when exactly do my cannas bulbs go back into the ground? I waited too long last year and had a bad year with them, I also didn't plant them deep enough but I won't make that mistake again.

In the Northeast I usually wait until labor day to plant most stuff is that a good time? Oh, and now that I'm thinking of it...is there a way to tell when the last expected frost date is in your area?

Thank you!

Dewey, AZ(Zone 8a)

I believe the Farmer's Almanac has a page to calculate when the last expected frost date in your area is. As for planting, I can't be much help because where I am we can plant them anytime.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here I usually plant them around the first week of May. Still early but usually past our heavy freezes. Just heavy frosts occasionally. If that happens then I get out the sheets and buckets and cover them up.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

They will take a few weeks in the ground usually to get the roots growing well.. any tips that grow above the ground could be nipped if you get a freeze or heavey frost but that is OK. .. as long as your ground is not frozen and will not refreeze down to the rhyzomes.. plant away. The earlier they get started.. the longer they will have to grow and bloom. If you are planting in a place that gets good sun in the day.. you should be OK.. even if you get a little snow this late.. it will not freeze the ground if it only stays a day or so.


Coal Center, PA(Zone 6a)

End of May for zone 5.
They need the heat to grow even if no frost.
Start them in pots inside now and move out on the warm days and in if frost.
Started in pots now you can set out big plants and enjoy from the start :-)

Orange, MA

Thank you so much everyone...always buckets to learn!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Wheres Orange Ma? I grew on The Cape

Orange, MA

Orange MA is at the north/western part of the state...boonies if you will. I happen to love it but you certainly don't end up here by mistake you've got to know where it is to find it, lol. Super for gardening though!

I love the Cape, been several times for fish feasts...yummy! I actually grew up in NY on Long Island so seafood and I go hand in mouth very well!

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