Clinton, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi there,
I am having a problem after a friend showed up, swearing by this particular type of soil, "Organic Choice" it said. Unfortunately, I didn't read the rest of the bag..."For In-ground vegetables and flowers. Grows plants twice as large than without, etc." I hadn't really had much experience growing tomatoes from seed and HAD been using plain old Miracle Grow for Vegetables and Flowers Potting Mix. I had, at the same time, been hardening them off outside, particularly during the day, only left them outside one night here in Souther N. England and, after 5-6 days outside, I figured they would be ok at 48-52 degrees, but....I noticed, that when I brought them back inside and they were under my grow light, that the leaves were curling/turning yellow-almost transparently so/wilting and from the "Organic Choice" up toward the tip (These were on 8-10" plants so I am really bummed. I took them into an entirely different room and it IS supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow...low 60's...I also took the soil out of the area and placed it on my deck at the far end from my regular MG potting mix for veggies, etc.

Does anyone think, like me, that this soil, with all of it's "Organic Matter" was a BAD choice for my babies?? I am devastated, but luckily, I didn't put my peppers into that soil and they look great as do the tomatoes, except one, that are still in the regular potting mix. Or, do you think that the weather was too cold and that it was a "unsuccessful hardening-off? I don't know if it is best, rather than keeping them in the 2 br apt, to just cull them, or what since I've never seen this problem, least when I bought them already as ready for transplant. LOL

Thanks, any help you can give me on this one would be greatly appreciated!


Denham Springs, LA(Zone 8b)

The soil probably compacted too much in the containers, cutting off airflow to the roots and smothering/drowning your plants. There is nothing wrong with the soil itself, it's just not made for container plants. I do know miracle grow has an organic potting soil mixture that is very popular in my area.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 8:35 PM

Evergreen, CO

maybe you just over loved them with water??? I've done this....

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