Rhododendron williamsianum bovee

Portland, OR

I just purchased a r. williamsianum (Bovee) at the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon sale this past weekend. Although I don't at all care for big-leaved rhodies, I love the small round leaves on this one.

My question is: does anyone have experience growing this in the NW, even specifically in the Portland area? The tag says it will only get to 2 feet tall and other information I have says it wants full sun to stay compact - it will get rangy in shade. I was thinking of planting it under a beech tree on a dryish slope facing East, on the south side of my yard where it would get the most sun of the day. Any comments?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Williamsianum grows just fine here in the northwest, with all the typical guidelines followed: good drainage, good soil, regular fertilizing, and regular watering, etc. They will grow well in everything but heavy shade, and yep it will get "leggier" in a shadier spot, but it would do it well to be bud pinched or pruned every year or two no matter where you put it. The main thing to be watchful of when planting under the beach is that the rhody will need a lot of water since it will be in competition with it for water. And it's also possible that the roots of the beach might start to strangle the roots some years in the future. It's not common, but just something to keep in mind. If it is really happy, some years down the road it will likely be taller than 2', but that's a good thing and nothing that a little pruning now and then won't resolve.

Portland, OR


thanks for the information - a few things I never considered.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

have fun! it's well worth it.

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