Beloved Junk!

Millington, MI(Zone 5b)

I stumbled across an estate sale yesterday. This was a crafter dream! There were rooms and rooms of Quilting supplies,fabric, ceramics, wood craft, wicker baskets of every size and shape! There were literally 100s of them, in their own room. And lots of glassware and holiday decorations and crafts.

I will be attending a craft show soon, so I took only things that I could really use for garden art and plants. But I filled up a good sized box and got it all for $4.00! I scored some beautiful blue glass and one green. Yay, I get to break things! I found a nice colander for sifting when I am done. there are two large paper mache boxes and one round, one large oval. and eight small pot trio holders-perfect for small succulents! There were also a dozen terra cotta candle holders that are slightly larger than two large tuna cans stacked...perfect for holding a bb!

I wish I could have nabbed was tempting. But I showed restraint. (Which I will no doubt regret later)

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