Aristolochia Gigantea v. Braziliensis

Winter Park, FL

Thought you might like to see my A. Gigantea as she comes into blooming season. Flowers are among the two largest known in the plant kingdom - measuring 15 inches tall x 11 inches wide. I've hung the Pepsi can in the picture to show scale. So far we have approximately 50 buds.
This specie blooms at a fairly small size - and the vine can easily be controlled if you desire to keep it to a smaller scale. On the other hand ......... it will grow as large as you let it!


Thumbnail by Johntique
Winter Park, FL

Here's a closeup of the flower ..........

Thumbnail by Johntique
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Stunning! I hope I can get mines to bloom...I have 2 tiny grandoflora and brasilie.

Worcester, MA

UH OH - I think I'm in trouble. How do you keep it under control? (see my d-mail to you John).

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

What an amazing vine, can you grow it from seeds? Clemen

Worcester, MA

can you suggest some Dutchmn's pipes that would be ok for hanging baskets?

Winter Park, FL

Hello all ................

If you can procure seed - you can certainly grow them from it. I currently have seed from A. Ringens (Pelican flower). I am hoping to harvest seed from Braziliensis at some point.

Maureen ............. these vines are not suitable for basket culture since they are a very substantial woody vine. The trunks will become quite heavy after a couple of years. They also have an extensive root system - so you'de have to have an awfully huge hanging container.

I suppose you could try A. Elegans as a "basket case" - since it is a much more delicate vine - but I have no experience growing these in containers of any sort so it's only a hypothetical opinion on my part.


Dover, NJ

Very impressive! I think I need to get one.

Is it in the ground or a pot?

Worcester, MA

Yes, from what you've all been telling me, I know i need a pot. Now what can I put in my hanging pot?.....

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

johntique, what is the pepsi can for?

Winter Park, FL

............. It's for Pepsi ..... of course! .......... just kidding; it's to show the size relationship of the flower. You would have no idea of the size if there weren't something in the picture to show scale.


Dallas, TX

Johntique, How many hours of sun do your plants get? Jerry

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

wow and wow !
big mama and pretty too.
that could stop traffic

Canyon Country, CA(Zone 9a)

I read some where that dutchmen's pipe has a fowl smell. Do you find that a problem?

Winter Park, FL

............. a "fowl" smell? .............. you mean like chicken? .............. no! ........ nor do they have a foul smell. In fact - they don't seem to have much of a smell at all.

Jerry ............... I have 4 species - 2 on the south side of the yard and 2 on the north. Those on the south get full sun beginning around 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.;
on the north side the sun reaches them around noon and lasts till 7:00 p.m.. Of course it changes according to the season; as the sun changes it's arc the house and trees throw shadows differently. I planted all of them to receive maximum warm season exposure. They all bloom well!


Worcester, MA

Dear smart vine people,

I went to the botanical garden near me and there was a dutchman's pipe, the one Johntique has; Well, I sort of saw it. It was at the top of the orangerie, about 20 feet up,and there where some flowers. I don't know how large they are because the are SO HIGH UP!! I don't know how this is going to work for a four room townhouse in MA. When I saw the vine I remembered why I liked it so much, allbeit, I was a little (ya think?) off on the size.

Logee's says I can still grow it outside in the summer and just chop it back in the winter, but I don't think I'll get blooms that way. What a dope.

Winter Park, FL

Hey Maureen ...........

Don't lose hope ................ they haven't steered you wrong. Use a big pot, add a trellis, put it on a wheeling plant dolly so it's easy to move .......... and enjoy. You can prune it back drastically in the autumn - and it will reward you with prolific growth in the spring - when you will feed it, put it in full sun and watch it grow and bloom ......... bloom ...... bloom!

What do you have to lose by giving it a shot!


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Johntique, if you have any seeds, I have Aristolochia Ringens, A. Fimbriata and A. Gibertii from last season, should you be interested in an exchange.

In fact, if anyone is interested in any of the above seeds for SASE, D-mail me as its better to have them planted than sitting in my seed box! The Fibriata are flowering right now so I'll be inundated with the seeds....

A pic of the mini A. Fimbriata

Thumbnail by bedouin
Winter Park, FL

Hi Bedouin ..........

I have some seed from Elegans; I also have a number of unripened Elegans seedpods which will be ripe in a few weeks. Dmail if you want some seed; all it will require is a stamped envelope.

I am hoping for seed from Gigantea v. Braziliensis ......... but it's a very difficult blossom to pollinate - so we'll see. If I get any ....... you are all welcome to it.


Worcester, MA

Thanks Johntique. If I do that do I continue to water it all winter? I swear I'm going to have to move out and let my palnts take over.

Winter Park, FL

Hey Maureen ...........

Just continue regular care - but cut back somewhat on the water - allowing the soil to dry to the touch before watering again.


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