Morning Glories

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi All and greetings from the tropics.I have just started growing morning glories and am wondering does anyone else grow them and have they got any seeds to share. I have a few flowering now and hoping to have seeds soon to pay back the favour.

Cheers Annette

Thumbnail by annette68
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Theres a newbie called Deb just in, and she has been growing different coloured morning glories too. Nice colour Annette. here't the thread with Debs post in it.

There is whole forum dedicated to them in the general forums ...I have had a look around and don't see any for sale here in Australia
anyone know where we can buy seeds or plants to enable swaps later?

Adelaide / South Aus, Australia

Hi Annette ,
Would love too swap with you , when i get some seed
set on my Plant . I do have a few lots of seed which i
purchased from somebody on oztion, but have not
planted them this season, so next season i hope too have
some more variety.
The Morning Glory , in the picture is called ' Scarlett O Hara,
not sure if it is correct or not , i hope some one will
come along and confirm this for me .
Cheers Deb

Thumbnail by adelaidean_lady
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Adelaiden Lady.

I have been doing the google and have come up with quite a few varieties so will be happy to swap later on when mine are flowering, I have a few coming into flower now.

I was thinking that someone may have some native ones as that is where I wanted to start.

These are what I sowed yesterday


I have this one that is flowering now.

I.Tricolor 'Heavenly Blue'

Thumbnail by annette68
Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

Can I grow morning glory in New Zealand? Would they survive a cooler winter?



Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Mike,

A lot of them are annuals, so I guess that you can. Wintersow seeds and they flower within 12 weeks for you to enjoy and they are a fast growing vine.

Cheers Annette

Thumbnail by annette68
Merino, Australia

Good morning Annette and Deb. I have only ever seen the common blue/mauve one that can take over the world if let go. . I saw it in Geraldton, WA and it was along fences at least 1/2 mile long. I have seen it take over entire buildings . I would think that here where it is colder, it would not be as bad but don't want to try. I like the pretty colors of these ones though and may try some to see how they like the cold. .
You certainly have some pretty blooms up there. Enjoy your weather, it's about 4C here this morning and won't get any warmer for a while. Happy gardening, Jean.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Jean I was always scared to sow them as well, thinking that they are twining monsters from hell, I have all mine in pots and trained up arches and wire in pots, they are not going in the ground as I am observing them.They are pretty though.

Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

Sounds like morning glory can get out of control if you don't keep on top of it! Does it grow similar to wisteria?

Merino, Australia

Hello mike. The morning glory I was mentioning is worse than wisteria if it gets out of control. It will self root as it moves along and is very hard to remove once established. With rigid control, I have no doubt it wold make a nice show but I would not plant it. I think wisteria is much easier to keep under control as it is a more woody plant that lends itself to being contained.
I am going to try all these pretty morning glories as annuals and see how they do in my area.
I must say that I have seen the rampant glory mostly in warmer areas but it does grow very well in Melbourne. i do remember seeing it along the railway line as a child.
Please don't get put off trying the pretty ones as they do look great.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I just brought some ebay morning glories, they were japanese mg's and were on the allowed list, copied pics to show, I will let you know how I go with customs:)

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

And these

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

and these and two other packs of Ipomoea Nil, Are they not so pretty, there is no reason why we cannot enjoy these mg's as long as we keep them under control and not let them escape our gardens, that goes with a lot of plants I guess.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

The bud on the pretty pink one that you like Sue, I.Horsfalliae.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

A better pic of the pink candy.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

and 1 for you Sue, my plectranthus that just flowered.This was is also known as dogbane.

Thumbnail by annette68

I hope you get them going ...they sure are pretty ...we will have to watch the growth to see what happens.
I hope they are managable because I think they are something we would love.Good luck and thanks for the peek.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Annette. I pulled alot of mine out, but did replant a patch in a more harsher part of the garden to keep the growth in check. I like it alot, it just fell all over some of my other nice things. I will have to go see if its flowering. Jean sent me a piece of what I think is Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' and its flowering, so When I can get out during daylight, I'll get some pics. My only garden chores so far this week has been picking up gum branches in the twilight. For the first time, I've put my green bin out half full. I'm so glad its all slowed down!

This message was edited Apr 30, 2008 9:36 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Sue have you had frost yet?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

No frost Chrissy, although my friend at Lowanna said she had a mega-frost on tuesday morning, and was not looking forward to getting home and surveying the losses. She wasn't as prepared as usual because it was such a sudden, early cold snap.
I didn't get home till after dark tonight, and again tomorrow with one thing and another, so no pics today, but tell us more about morning glories.

new south wales, Australia

Hello everyone,
This is my first time here,

Annette, you mentioned in your post that you have your plants in pots.
Jean I was always scared to sow them as well, thinking that they are twining monsters from hell, I have all mine in pots and trained up arches and wire in pots, they are not going in the ground as I am observing them.They are pretty though.

May I ask how big or small are the pots you have them growing in and from what i have read above i think i best pull the one plant i have in the ground now just starting before it gets too big.
Would you have any pictures of your plants growing in the pots that i can see to get an idea please.

Would these plants be ok to grow in brocolli boxes and if so how many plants would anyone suggest, i have a few colours here, i thought about mixing the colours to make a pretty effect.
Any suggestions is appreciated.

This message was edited Apr 30, 2008 5:33 PM

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

The pots are 200ml pots, this one was planted along the arch a week ago, it is happy and already twining.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

They would be fine growing in brocolli boxes, I read this somewhere, the more neglected they are the quicker they are to flower.

Moonflower about to open.

Thumbnail by annette68

Oh I have grown moonflowers I love them ...watching them unfurl at about 5 or 6 in the evening would be a big treat for me every day ...loved the perfume too ...I quite forgot about them (lost in the fires) pretty perfume too are any of the others perfumed Annette?
Hi and welcome heartofhush that sounds like a great way to tame any possible triffids ...I am a great fan of polystyrene boxes (insulates the roots) yes give that a go ...I grew wonderful cherry tomatoes in some this year.I hope you enjoy the forum.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Yes I think that the lavender and pink moonflowers are perfumed as well, waiting on some seeds of these:), I will let you know, I will have to remember to smell the moonflower tonight, this is the first time that I have grown them....

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

What colours do you have Lu?

Would love to swap some seed later on.

Please take pics:)

And a Big Welcome to this friendly forum.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

This is a native morning glory, Operculina Brownii it has edible tubers.

Thumbnail by annette68

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