My Helleborus is blooming, how pretty in pink!

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

This plant is 5 years old.

Thumbnail by guspuppy
Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Very nice !

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Gus, It's gorgeous!!!

You Lucky Dog!!! Here's mine...I've had it for a long time, maybe 15 years. I hate it. I didn't even like it when I first saw it bloom, but it was in one of those mixes they used ot show on the Wayside Gardens catalog cover.. and I was hoping for pink or red or purple or ANYTHING but the boring color I got. I don't water it, fertilize it or other wise pay attention to it.


Thumbnail by Illoquin
Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Where is it ? LOL

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey JasperDale! Looks like I got the wrong directory....I should have previewed it first.

Thumbnail by Illoquin
Danville, IN

Illoquin: Go to any Kroger's and check out the HUGE pots of helleborus they have for only $10. They are Royal Heritage hybrids, and are gorgeous deep purples, speckled whites, and more. I don't know which part of Indy you're from, but the west side Kroger's all have them, and I assume any in your area will too. Nice to see them in bloom so that you know what you're getting!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey, Hoosier! Nice seeing you! Kroger it is! Today hopefully, so all the best colors aren't sold out.

Thanks for the tip!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy, I like your hellebore! I bought a silver lace that had a white flower on it but was just happy to find a hellebore for sale in our area but it didn't live it died the next year, I ordered a few from the coop to see if I could kill them lol

HoosierGreen, I've been to Kroger's here but I haven't seen any, I'll watch for them!


Danville, IN

Illoquin and LeBug: I don't know how far away you live from me, but if you strike out on your local Kroger's, I'd be glad to share.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Hoosier but I do have some coming from the coop, hopefully they will grow for me, but if I do see some at Krogers I'll pick up a couple :)

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow!! That's pretty. I have never bothered with Hellebores, because the ones I have seen at the nurseries around here are almost all a rather ugly off white, almost beige-y color, or a dark ugly purple. And they seem to run about $20. If I could find one in that pretty pink, I could be tempted!

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

I read that you can't divide them, or they will die, otherwise I would be happy to share mine too, has anyone ever divided them successfully?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Went to Kroger and no Hellebores, although they did have Magnolia 'Ann' for $15.95 I was tempted by, and rex Begonias for $9.99 that were equally tempting :)))

I'll try agin in a few days.


Danville, IN

Avon, Danville, and Plainfield Kroger's all have hellebores as of this weekend. Worth the drive?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I have one or two a lot closer than those, let me check them out first :)


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I like your hellebore, Illoquin! Same color as mine. Very moody.

And gus, I like yours, too. A little more vivid --

I like the other ones too, of course. I didn't know there was a coop for them. I have to keep better track!

This message was edited Apr 18, 2008 8:20 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hoosiergreen, I meant to post before -- I hot 2 more Krogers and they had the exact same stock as the first one I hit....maybe I have to wait longer if I am north of US40 :)


Danville, IN

I do hope you find some. They are a steal, and really nice deep purple. One I found is almost black!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I have divided mine! It took a lot of patience. And they have to be quite a ripe age in order to pull it off well, I would say 7 or 8 years old at the earliest. Generally they won't even bloom until they are at least 4 years old... usually it's more like 5 years though (I repeat...generally, some growers can get them to do it a year ealier). Then it needs another couple of seasons to seemingly "realize" that its a well established adult. And I would only divide once they are fully dormant. But I have pulled this off on at least 4 different occasions successfully and I would imagine that from the time that they were a seedling until the time I first divided successfully that they were at least 9 years old. The info that I was given came from a good wholesale hybridizer that said the problem that most folks have when trying to divide is just not waiting long enough to do it.

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Anytime! Sheesh..... I wish that we had Kroger's out here! :-(( Sounds as if we're really missing out over here! :-p

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL! I went to the Kroger and Menard's down on 67 in Mooresville over the weekend. I really missed the pretty Hellebores at both places, although yo could tell they did have some. It wasn't a total loss, though, because I picked up a sweet Martha Washington style geranium :)

AND it is for the best: I found the perfect color Hellebore blooming in my own yard from seeds I got years and years ago. (or so it seems) I forgot all about them and planted them in the back 40. I think I'll transplant them to the patio and put the uglies out in the woods.


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