Clemen's new "hello, everyone" thread

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Clemen asked me to start a new thread, so here it is: TA DA!

Sincerely yours, Carrie Lamont

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Carrie, how did you do it? Teach me.........How about so what is growing in your garden today??

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sorry, Clemen, if I'm not silly enough for you! I get quite absurd in other threads . . . just ask anyone. xx, Carrie

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

How cold is ti where you are? We had a lovely day today....tomorrow 50's, tonight mid 30's yeak, brought all of the plants I took outisde inside. Thanks for the thread, Clemen

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm going to bed! x, Carrie

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

night night

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

OK, I'll start saying that I checked the gardens today, a lot of babies are starting to wake up, but not much. I am paying attention to the hostas, I have GIANT ones that want to move, can see them a little bit, so can't move them yet until they show a little bit more growth! Have seen a lot of bulbs popping up, they are so pretty. I love Spring when everything says lets wake up and cheer everyone with our happy faces, it hasbeen a long winter! Put out my first seeds this wednesday and I can see growth already, Tomorrow will be another day, more cleaning, more cleaning and more babies to divide. I LOVE SPRING! SO what is growing in your garden today? CLEMEN

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

OK, I've been up since 5:15 am, moved households and six animals, gardened and thought I'd cook, but then got on the computer.

Clemens, you'll get the hang of this. Trust me as I am trying myself (in more ways than one) and don't have a clue. The experts either have hot dates or have gone to bed. Have a good book waiting?

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Well I'll tell you, I did not get up as early as you did, but how do you do it anyway, I sleep a little later then you! The computer, I do not like to be on it that much, except for work. ,Unfortunetely, this sight has me a little bit addicted yeaks? If I tell you about the book I am going to read next, you'll probalbly will not talk to me. It is a scary book by John Saul, I love scary books. Clemen

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you guys are too funny

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Well Clemen you are not alone on the scary book front, I like the Steve King books. I hope maybe to plant a couple shrubs, 'Henry's Garnet' itea today if the soil dries out enough for digging. The sun is out now and a quick walk through the garden this am shows a lot of things seemed to have grown an inch or two over night. A warm day and some rain sure do get things going.

Monson, MA

Speaking of scary, I moved a GIANT hydranga from against the house where previous owners had planted it to a lovely spot that you can actually see it from the kitchen/back porch. HEAVY. Now I'm scared I killed it. Just like a horror movie, except in the garden.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Your hydrangea should be just fine, if you got most of its root system. Just keep watering it every day for about a week or so to help it get established in its new spot.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I need to move some forsythia to where I can see them! We have a LOT but it's all way in the back and it's too muddy for a wheelchair when they're in bloom, or about to be. Boo hiss. xx, Carrie

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Since that heavy rain on Friday, the world turned GREEN!!


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Trouble maker has been away, however, will be back the morning...........It was the week end guys and had to do lots of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will tell u tomorrow, I do not want my family ro cut my head tonight, lol, Clemen

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Clemen, is your name short for something, or is 'Clemen' your whole first name? I've never heard of it before.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Carrie, wait until they bloom and things are drier. i would think now would not be ideal, even in your region. Mine finished blooming a month ago. Forsythia is usually pruned after bloom, so maybe you could hard prune after bloom and then move them. Don't know why you are in a chair or if you can get out, but that's when I'd move them. Then you'll have them for next Spring.


The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

The snowplows knocked down our forsythia, and broke it all to bits, too! I am MOST unhappy!! i wonder ... can I take the poor branches and root them? If so, in what? If not, oh well, I can always buy another I guess. But the challenge! Dern it all!!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I really don't know what a snow plow is for sure, but if it's a truck with something that looks like a front end loader attached, well I saw one a few years ago in Northampton. Anyway, you should be able to root cuttings easily.

First cut and use rooting/fungicide powder on cuttings. Then mix one part vermiculite, one part peat, one part perlite, pinch of lime/quart. this is a seedling mix and you could probably substitute potting soil for the peat. Don't use anything that has a fertilizer added component. It will be too strong.

Who allows these people to come knock down your plants? Do you pay them? I'd fire them for sure.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Carrie fell asleep on me, where r u tonight? Ngam, did you post your name yet on our new thread?
Ljmelbs I have moved many Hydrangeas, I love them so much, they bloom, te flowers turn colors throut out the season and then you can keep their blooms dry through the winter. One of my favorite bushes! I actually moved one yesterday, probably not as big as your 'cause I was not scared when I moved it, I was scared when I was reading my book HAHAHA, You are also in MA, weather is colder now and anything you would move should survive beacuse of the cool season, good luck!
Carrie, you can never kill a forsythia, that is like trying to kill a mother in laws tongue plant (indoor) i tried to kill mine and it took me three years withoud watering and it was in the basement without light, isn't that a horror story for a plant? Any way she is no longer alive, but another scary part to the story is that someone is sending me one of tjose in the mail yeaks!!!!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Sofonisba my real name is HORRIBLE, Maria, first name, middle, Clemencia, THIRD, Paola,, And then you can imagine all of the last names that follow. Anyway, if you love me you would call me Clemen, that is what I prefer! LOL Clem, Clemen or ClemenCIA yeaks! Like they used to call me in Texas when I went to school there ! Clemen

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Oh Laurel! Thank you so much for the information. I'll do that tomorrow when it's daylight. And, no, we don't pay the snowplow drivers. These were the State guys ... we live on what used to be a State Route. So when they plowed the road, they just hurled all that snow all over the poor forsythia. And the poor thing was planted 30 feet from the center of the road, too!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I like the name 'Maria', but I'll call you Clemen - I like that one, too.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Candyce, I am sure she will survive, if you notice, the forsythias are planted all over the roads, at least around me, yours will do find, I just gave it a nice happy spell. Clemen

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

But, my dear Clemen, the forsythia bush is all knocked down to ground level with all the branches splayed out in every direction. I have my doubts about its survival.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Candyce, the problem is when they call you MARIA CLEMENCIA PAOLA, isn't that a horrible story? TOOOOOO LOOONGG? Anyway I am already past 40 so what do I care now right? Clem

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Ok Candyce, lets pray together and that it heals, I do feel for the poor baby! I am sorry, let;s hope she survives, clip it as much as you can but the roots are there and hopefully she will be ok, you have my prayers! Clemen

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Thank you, my dear.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Any baby (plants, pets or even humans haha) that get lost is like loosing a child! that is how my love for plants is. Sometimes, people think I am crazy, when I talk about plants, people that do not know me, think I am strange because i love plants toooo much it is the same thing I talk about my little son Copo (my gorgeous Bichon) My plants are my babies and so is my COPO. I love them all! Clem

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I love that name Clemens. Maria Clemencia Paola. It's euphonious. Conjures up great Italian heritage and great food. Can you make linguine? Ravioli? Gnocchi? Risi e bisi. If not, come down here and I'll teach you.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Maypop, you better teach me, I can show how to make a REAL PAELLA! mmmmmmmmm Delicioso! Clem

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay Clem, but I already know how. Grew up in Miami with a mom that went back and forth to Cuba (pre Castro), so know there version. Spent three of the last six summers living in Spain...bring it on baby. We have three different sizes of paella pans and an assortment of cazuelas. Pulpos is on my top ten list. We're very hard core when it comes to food here. Classic Castilian is at the top.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh my, if my husband finds out you know how to cook Pulpo, he would be right over. He only gets to eat it when he goes to Casa Galicia (a club for Spaniards in Astoria, Queens) He is from Spain. They make it (pulpo that is) very tender and that is the key to it.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i used to live in Astoria. By 32nd Street and 31st Avenue.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Amy Casa Galicia is off Steinway

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Clem, very easy to make. Just sautee the pulpos no more than three minutes. A little good Spanish extra virgin, a little fresh, not jarred, garlic preheated and then dress with fresh thyme or oregano. If you go longer they get tough. That's OK too because, like calamares you can get them tender again by cooking for about twenty five minutes. So they go from tender, to tough, to tender again.

Is it one of the traditional Spanish mens' cooking clubs? What kind of paella do you make?


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Laurel. not really Casa Galicia is a family club, everyones goes except me hehe!, I did not know calamares or pulpo can get soft again, will try if it happens. I make the traditional Paella Valencia, with lots of seafood. I learned to make it in Valencia, when I used to go visit the in laws there, they make it ouside under fire logs. Have you tried Fideua? Clemen

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yum. Yes on the Fideua. We are especially fond of fabada. I have not been able to find fresh young favas to make this dish. I know they use canned favas, even in Spain, but we don't eat much from cans.

If you make "Valenthia" style then do you use Valencia arborio-type rice or regular long grain? Gosh you're making me hungry. We had tortilla de patates for dinner last night. I miss Spain. Loved the paella makers on the sides of the road. Why don't you go to Casa Galicia?

Amy, do you like New Haven? I've read that they have a rich Italian culture and great food there? Really miss that in Atlanta. A big short coming.

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