does anyone put mulch on their Iris?

Crozet, VA

My hubby and I planted our first one last year. He is currently mulching all the other plants and has now come to the Iris. What advice do you have for a newbie? Thanks for any tips.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I have put mulch on my iris without any problems. I tried not to put in directly on the rhizomes though....just put it around them. It's a little more work, but you don't want them to rot from wet mulch sitting on them.

lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Mine are on an east facing wall which does not get much moisture...I mulch them with wood chips every fall, soon as snow melts in the spring, I put some bone meal on & scratch it in with the chips and they grow like weeds...the tubers are sitting right on the top of the soil so that's why I mulch them for winter....This is the 4th winter they have been planted & this July I will be dividing them to other areas of the yard 'cause they are really getting tight in the bed + starting to flop over.....

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 9:52 AM

Thumbnail by Depsi
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Do I mulch? Beardless irises yes, beardeds no. If your soil is very fast draining or you live in a low-rainfall area, you can probably safely mulch beardeds as long as you keep the mulch pushed well away from the rhizomes. But if your soil is moisture-retentive or you get a lot of rainfall (or routinely water your beds, which is not advisable for bearded irises, anyway), I recommend you not mulch your beardeds at all. Beardeds are VERY susceptible to rot if their surrounding soil is not allowed to dry out between rainfalls.


Crozet, VA

Thank you both so much. I will pass this info on to husband. The picture is gorgeous Depsi. I don't think that I have ever seen a yellow iris before now. When I have the time, maybe later today, I think that I will check out the Iris forum some more, so that I can look at all of the lovely Irises.

Again, thank you both for your answers.


Crozet, VA

Cross posted with you Laurie. Hubby just walked in and I read these posts to him. He is not going to mulch per se, but says he won't freak out if some washes down on them. Thanks for your input.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Laurie, it rains most of the winter here and quite a few of the top growers are in this area. They seem to do just fine.

lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

If you would like, Ruby, I'd be glad to share a yellow tuber with you when I divide in July....let me know & I'll make myself a note....this one here is my all time favorite...just dramatic & gorgeous in bloom!!!!!

Thumbnail by Depsi
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I don't mulch mine. I've grown them in New Mexico (desert, low rainfall) and in NC (humid, more rainfall and clay soil--although we have had drought conditions for the past few summers) and haven't used mulch in either situation.

Some of the best iris beds that I've seen, whether a home garden or a growers bed, have been just iris in bare earth. If its for a decorative reason maybe you could try stone or pebbles just not on the rhizomes. The barks and pine needles seem to hold moisture which isn't that great for iris.

Maybe just a light scattering like your husband said wouldn't be a problem.

Crozet, VA

Thanks Dmac. Aaahhhh......Greensboro. I used to visit there quite often in the late 70's and early 80's. My ex husband had friends there that we would visit. A lovely town.

Depsi, I would love, love, love a yellow tuber. Thank you so much for the offer. Now, if each of us will remember, we will be all set.

My mother used to have Iris growing at the end of their driveway each year. It was so lovely. I especially like plants that I remember her having when she was alive.

Thanks everyone.


lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

I will put a note on my July calendar.....

Crozet, VA

Thanks, appreciate your looking out for me. I will give the yellow Iris a place of honor, I promise.


Raleigh, NC


you know you have Dr. Spoon at Winterberry Garden in Cross Junction VA, don't you? The Spoons are top rank hybridizers on the east coast.

you should check with them, as he and Ginny should have a definitive answer for y'all's area on that subject, and then you can see all his wonderful garden in bloom! They have the most marvelous iris gardens I'm told, and you're in his back yard, you lucky ducks.

Crozet, VA

Hi There Bonjob. I am not familiar with Cross Junction VA. I haven't heard of Winterberry Gardens either. I will find a map and take a look. Thank you for pointing it out to me. Might make for a good visit.


Raleigh, NC

oops sorry my bad - they are down near Charlottesville - I was thinking you were further south and they were further north. its about 2 hours there from Crozet - a nice potential jaunt, though, and I hear the irises will knock your socks off!

Crozet, VA

Hi Again, I am 15 miles from Charlottesville. That is where most of our business takes place such as doctors and other professionals that we see. Yes, I looked it up and we are familiar with Winchester, which is close to Cross Junction.

You are making it sound very tempting.


Raleigh, NC

guess mapquest goofed then - or maybe I read it backwards and they are near border? oh well, you really show go - tell them a member of Eastern North Carolina Iris Society sent you! you will never forget a turly great iris garden. they should be in full bloom around May 20th.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

And the Spoons are just the nicest people to deal with.

Their catalogue is so informative. I wish they had a website, but love them anyway.

Crozet, VA

Awww......I have three weekends in a row booked up during that time period. On May 17th a group of us from The Mid Atlantic Gardeners forum are planning to meet at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. The same group is having a plant swap the weekend of the 24th and there is a May 31st Nursery Open House by one of our members too.

I will have to check and see if they are open during the week days and then decide how much I want to be on the road during May. ha-ha Lot it sounds like.

I might have to contact them and get a catalog since you mentioned it Polly. Thanks, I will have fun looking at their pictures.


Raleigh, NC

ruby - contact them - you can probably find their contact info on the American Iris Society website:

if not, dmail me. You really should buy their catalogue. not many photos, but its truly jammed to the brim with growing information. I find myself referring to it twice a week.

look up winterberry gardens on google is another way to get their address.

Crozet, VA

Thanks again, Bonjon. Might get the catalogue as a gift for my husband. He is getting in to the gorgeous plants as much as I am.


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