clearing out the moles/voles & grubs

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I looked in my jerry's book for recipes for killing grubs, and the wrong page is listed onthe index. It explains how to chase off skunks on that page. LOL So I'm looking for a natural recipe that will kill out grubs,

Then I'll want to kill the moles. I got a recipe i'm going to use for the moles, but wanted to kill the grubs first. I got tons of them.

any ideas?

where do I get that milky spore? I hear that works, but I'd like to make up some kind of recipe of things I have here in the house.

I have castor oil I'm going to use in my solution for the moles after I kill the grubs.

I've also heard you can use juicy fruit gum and garlic in the holes to confuse them so they'll run off. and using diatomaceous earth and bon ami clensing powder with your fall lawn food, but I don't feed the grass. so what about just sprinkling it on the ground?

putting bon ami into the ground holes when you plant plants it says it would be helpful too. This is what my jerry's back yard gardener book says to do.

Nothing for killing out grubs though but the milky spore.

thanks in advance for any help.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd go for the milky spore for the grubs. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the Jerry Baker stuff, all the things in his concoctions do have some ingredient that can have some function in the garden, but along with it you get a lot of stuff that was never meant to be put on plants some of which can do more harm than good.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I understand what you meant, I was kind of concerned of the cleanser he mentioned too I got chickens that run amuck in the yards, I wish they could dig up the grubs LOL

they'd have a feast.

gardens alive may have that milky spore ha?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I expect they would have it, and if you google milky spore you'll probably find a bunch of other places too if Gardens Alive is out of stock or something.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

ok, thanks

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I have lots of grubs and I can't stand even looking, they're so disgusting! Please, what is milky spore I need it now!!lol!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's a biological control, it will take care of the grubs but not poison the rest of your garden the way chemical grub killers would. I'd check Gardens Alive and see if they carry it, if they don't have it, just google milky spore and I'm sure you'll find a few places that do.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Ecrane what exactly do grubs do to the plants, in general? I find them repugnant and I scream everytime I see one when I'm digging (lol!) I'm going to google milky spore...

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

grubs, eat grass roots. I wanted to ask if the milky spore would kill worms? we have a gazillion worms in our yard

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think it does anything to worms, they're not related to grubs (and since all organic gardeners love worms, I don't think milky spore would be as popular as it is if it killed the worms too!). The grubs are larvae that grow up to be something else (not sure what), so I imagine the milky spore might kill other sorts of larvae too. I know some people use it to help control Japanese beetles, it doesn't do anything to the adults but kills the larvae.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I thought grubs were the larvae for japanese beetles?

thinking they are.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

They very well could be, like I said I just know grubs are the larvae of something, and I'd also heard people saying that they used them to control JB larvae. But they could be one and the same for all I know! I don't have a lawn and I don't have Japanese beetles so I never really investigated the details! LOL

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hummm...but the one spot I seem to always find those monsters has no lawn!!! In general they are under my Japanese Maple...I'm not sure they've done any damage so far, I just sometimes am so disgusted I don't want to dig new plantings around the area...

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

I applied a castor oil product (MoleMax) to a 30' x 40' garden two weeks ago. Package says 1 lb will treat 500 sq feet. I roto-tilled 10 lbs into 1,200 sq feet. Moles have been a real problem and I figured 4 times the recomended amount throughly mixed into the soil would dive them away if anything would (lots of lawn for them to move into). That was on a Thursday. Spent the next three days making double dug raised beds. The fourth day, after all the activity had ended and the MoleMax was, in theory, repelling the moles, the moles were back.

Perhaps there is some reason it didn't work for me. But, having no idea what that reason might be and rather disgusted after paying over $30 for two bags of repellent, I got the most expensive (but easiest to use) trap I could find--the "Easy-Set" Mole Eliminator®. It works, is a well constructed trap and is easy to use. The other, less expensive,traps might be just as good. I don't know. As I have nearly an acre to attempt to keep free of moles, I might try some of those as well.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't have any experience with moles, but castor oil is also supposed to repel gophers and I can tell you from personal experience that it has absolutely no effect on them whatsoever, so it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't work well for moles either.

If you're having problems with moles, it's likely because you have grubs and things around, if you apply some milky spore to take care of the grubs then you may find that the mole problem decreases signficantly.

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

I think what has been keeping the moles going here are earthworms. Had thought of using grub control but, while grubs are here and there in the lawn and borders, they are not a real problem.

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