Absolutely Priceless Link

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

The University of Hawaii Extension Service (not official title but it will do) here in Hilo has two GREAT plant pathologists: Drs. Brian Bushe and Scott Nelson. They are creating a Database for Tropical Diseases and Pests... Two terrifically dedicated and super guys!!! Here is the link:

www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/nelsons Dr. Scott will spend his weekends (single, with dogs) driving around to visit gardens of folks who call in to the Master Gardener Hotline talking of 'wierd spots on their whatevers.....'. Both are dedicated and good.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Carol!! That link's already in favorites.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Jaye...so glad to hear it.!!!!

Say...thinking about going to Sarawak!!!!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Great Site! So my Abutalon striatum is not really just a variegated plant but one with a desirable virus. Who knew????

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Carol! I have suscribed to their newsletter, it will be great information to have and not a complicated read either!

We just had a guy from the Dept of Ag coming to all our homes in Kihei to check the banana plants for virus and to leave us all info sheets. We were the last area in Kihei to be checked and the fellow said so far so good...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

GREAT new, Jen!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That would be such a tragedy. We are expecting 37 again tonight and all my tropicals have been planted out. Inside just to find more sheets to cover the whole yard. aaaacccckkkkk.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Princess K, you really have had a tough time with the weather this year! The garden is looking great though, so many different varieties of flowers, a joy to behold!

Carol, how are you doing with the S2O? Thought I heard mandatory evacuation was going into effect somewhere, didn't get the whole story because visitors came in just as the radio was giving the info...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

OH dear. Carol has been so positive and still will be, I'm sure. Weather and volcanoes. One thing mankind cannot control.


Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Braveheartsmom I just came back from Hawaii! Such a wonderful place to visit. We were in Honolulu for 2 days Maui for 2 rented cars and drove the entire island visited Kona and Kiwaui. The flowers were beautiful the weather was beautiful and we had a wonderful time. We had a tour scheduled to the National park but it was canceled due to the eruption. We were disappointed but could tell it was not safe to go there. Hope it clears for those of you who live close to it. Enjoyed the islands very much.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha LP! So glad you enjoyed the Islands, gosh that was a long way to travel for four days stay! What areas did you manage to get to on Maui? Heavenly Hana? I hope you got to see a whale or two, there are still a few hanging around although most are on their way back to Alaska. Next time you visit you must stay longer!

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh Jenny I was there for 10 days. We were in Honolulu for actually 3 and then we cruised for 7 days. We drove the road to Hana stopped at the Garden of Eden also drove the Haleakala Hwy to the National park. Went into Lahaina. Yes, we got to see lots of whales from the ship as well as Dolphins. Brought back some beautiful Plumeria cuttings. I want one of those African tulip trees.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha LP. Can't think why for the life of me you would want an African Tulip tree - but I have them growing all over the garden, a real pest tree for me! I don't even know where they come from because I can't see another one, the seed must blow in the wind for miles!

I would be happy to send you a cutting (I never see the seed until the tree has already grown), however I think I would be sending you an enormous headache, check out the plant files for comments from Florida! They are best left in the gulches on the windward side of the island where they are glorious when in flower IMO.

Please check with your Ag Dept to make sure they are not listed as invasive in your area, and if it's not and you REALY want this pest, let me know!


Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

This is a great site. Thanks Carol.

LeePerk, glad you stopped at the GOE on Maui. So many folks miss that stop and it's a Must See. My wife and I got engaged there. Couldn't have had a better location. I also love the Waikamoi Forest trail (one of my favorites).

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What's not to love about Maui. My life is changed forever.


Princess Kilikina

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Jenny I will do some research on the African tulip. I live on 5 acres and about 2 of it is wet lands. I knew they had said they were invasive there as i tried to buy some seeds. They are beautiful trees.

Keon nice place to get engaged.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Keonikale...have you visited here? I thought about a month ago you said in 2 weeks.... really sorry to miss you if you have already come.

Will be gone from May 8 to about the 20th.....


Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Hey Carol. We're heading over this Wednesday to Kaua`i for some hiking and then we jump to the BI on the 29th. I think the 30th of April or the 2nd of May will be our 'free days' if either of those work for you. I hope to hit the market in Hilo on the 30th that morning. May 2nd is the day we leave Volcano village for Kailua-Kona (and thus a full car of stuff); so we'll probably stay in the park most of that morning (if Pele cooperates). Still hoping we can meet up; I wouldn't forget about ya.


This message was edited Apr 19, 2008 12:34 PM

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Todays 'topic' on disease of the week is how to consider plantings/landscaping so as not to kill the plants...interesting!!!

Keaau, HI

Hey AlohaHoya,

It would be the State of Hawai'i Agricultural Extension Service found at the University of Hawai'i.

They alway have good extension agents who are valuable community servants. Two weeks ago their expert came to Puna (Know Your Farmers Alliance) and presented a several hour demonstration on grafting , air layering, and pruning of tropical fruit trees.

They deserve much respect.

Aloha, Dave the 'ohi'a gardener!

Keaau, HI

Thanks Jenny (Braveheartsmom) for expressing that about the invasive African tulip in Hawai'i. It is not the worst weed here (Joseph Rock brought it here because of it's beauty) but it is a pest in native forest.

Aloha, Dave the 'ohi'a gardener.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Dave, and welcome!

Another gardener from beautiful Keaau! Do you know Carol? Bless her little cotton socks, she helps me with all the questions I have about my little patch of dry land here in Kihei...(I have the oriental fruit fly traps up, Carol!).

I hope you don't mind me picking your brains too, Dave! Tell us all about your garden, and by the way we LOVE pictures...



Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

This weeks news letter is fabulous! I have printed it out so I can read it more easily, I am sure I am guilty of a bunch of landscaping sins! For instance, who knew trees should be planted up that high? Not me!
It's a great link, thanks Carol, I look forward to their newsletter, although sometimes it takes me two or three readings to get it through my thick head.

Keaau, HI

Hi Jenny,

I'm in Hawaiian Acres and have three acres of 'ohi'a forest, in which I am cultivating many native plants and making a home for endangered plants such as Marojejya darianii and Beccariophoenix madagascariensis.
I am the arboretum director for Malama O Puna's Uluwehi Arboretum (check out their website) and president of the Big Island Native Plant Society in which we work to save habitat for endangered species.
We are presently working to remove the Florida mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) from the Wai'Opae Marine Life Conservation District in Kapoho Vacationland.
As a professional, I am a botanical/biological consultant.

I don't know Carol or other members in the area yet, but like to meet like minded folk. I am a good field guide and know of many places to see amazing native Hawaiian species; some of which make beautiful garden plants!

I will post pictures, but don't know how to do that yet. I am just learning about computers.

I am quite familiar with Kihei, and have done many botanical surveys in the area over the years. Keep your eyes open after a good rainstorm, there is a neat little fern that pops up for about a week known as Ophioglossum polyphyllum or the adder's tongue fern. It appears in areas with sandy soil.

Please feel free to "pick my brains"! I am good with most garden issues and tropical fruit production.

a hui hou, Dave

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hi Dave...we are neighbors...and I know Rene. We are practically related !!!!! We live just below you...Orchidland...and have both the Marojejya (3 of them) and the Beccariophenix you speak of... Our 12 acres is full of 'ohi'a forest plus other vices.... I would love to pick your brains when needed.... I am a stranger here myself! Only been here 7 years but it feels like all my life!

Keaau, HI

Hi Carol,

Interesting that I have 3 Marojejya as well. Pleased to meet you!

Some of the 'ohi'a forest at the upper parts of Orchidland contain sandalwood (Santalum ellipticum) around 40th street and Keala Drive. A rare naupaka plant known as huahekili uka (Scaevola kilaueae) is occasional in the area as well.

I've lived on 9th street for 11 years. I'm familiar with most every plant found in the wild on the Island. Feel free do to some brain picking, as you wish, I would be glad to help if I can!

Aloha, Dave

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

We are at the other end...off 'Auli'i. Perhaps one day you can come by and tell us if we have anything interesting....we have pretty much checked out all the corners...no Sandalwood. Would love to meet you! My native Hibiscus opened its' bloom today...Yellow. Hmmmm i was hoping for the red!!! And the yellow is really beautiful!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

That's too cool, you're neighbors!
Dashing off to look at the 'big book" to find out what the plants you are talking about look like....

Keaau, HI

Hi Carol,

I would be glad to point out any interesting native plants in your neighborhood. I can bring you folks a native red hibiscus or koki'o 'ula'ula (Hibiscus kokio) seedling; I'll pot one up for you. Your yellow hibiscus would be mao hau hele (Hibiscus brackenridgei) an endangered species.
Your garden is nicely developed (as seen in your online "tour"). From the 'ohi'a trees in your photos, it looks like you're on the 300 yr. old flow. Someone puts a lot of care into your place!

Aloha, Dave

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yup...that's where we are...on the 300 year flow (and hoping it stays that way!!!) Thanks for that information....I will put a tag on the mau hau hele. It appears to be VERY happy and I am hoping it stays that way. I am leary of Hibiscus because of the rainfall we have (2+" last night!!) and the mites...but so far so good.

When I get back end of the month from surgery you certainly MUST come over....I would love it. We can talk story and plants!!!

a hui hou

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

I am still a 'newbie' often I see posts referring to pictures, but I don't see any pictures, where do I find Carol's?

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