Quail Quail Everywhere!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

After an abysmal hatch from my first 24 eggs, I have taken
the plunge again, this time ordering 50 coturnix chicks ready-made!
They sent 55 chicks, and unfortunately 2 were squashed on
arrival. I also put 7 mountain quail eggs in the bator the same day
the lil chicks arrived. Looks to be an interesting next few weeks.

Thumbnail by truest
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I have 2 rubbermade brooders with the chicks split
between the two. Here's a group shot...

Thumbnail by truest
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I waited weeks for the mountain quail to start laying,
and have been so anxious to get them from a breeder
in PA. I ordered 6 and he sent an extra- look at this!
Hope it doesn't affect the hatching...

Thumbnail by truest
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's a shot of the lil coturnix quail's big brother....I did manage
to hatch 4 out of 24 eggs, but lost one at the end of day 1.

This message was edited Apr 13, 2008 7:54 AM

Thumbnail by truest
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I have the tiny waterers with the small well, even so,
I had to blow dry 3 yesterday that had somehow gotten
drenched. They are fine today, but were being seriously
pecked just because wet is different!
I started the coturnix with just boiled egg yolk on the
first day, and have switched to commercial game feed at
the higher protein. It has to be ground with a rolling pin
to make sure it is small enough for them to eat.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Since I don't have any yet, here's a good link to a
beautiful photo of a mountain quail. They take 25 days
to incubate. It's going to seem so long!

This message was edited Apr 11, 2008 3:16 PM

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

The mountain quail eggs are all from different
bloodlines, and I want to keep them identified well
for future hatches. This is a prototype hatching basket
to put the eggs in at hatching time. This one is rough,
but you get the idea. It is about 3 1/2" cube.

Thumbnail by truest
Lodi, United States

Ah....so cute. Do you eat Mountain Quail, or are they just for pretty?

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Just for pretty. If I ate one, it would have to be 2, cuz
they're small, and a breeding pair costs $100 plus the
shipping! That would be an expensive dinner. Yikes!

Don't you live out west, Cat? I was thinking Ca. The MQ
are native to northern Ca and Wa and Or. I know folks out
there probably eat them, as I have seen some adds for
hunting. I just think they're too pretty to eat.

This message was edited Apr 11, 2008 3:52 PM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

the pointy egg is your boy LOL

love em! fill the waterers wiith marbles...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

ROFLOL TF! The breeder didn't mark which eggs
are from which line, so I will create my own family
names. Only the pointy egg gets a basket this time
around, as I want to know for sure who comes out
and how well they do. It will help id any future laying
or hatching probs, too.

Lodi, United States

Hi truest. I do live in Northern CA, but not in the mountains. We are in what were once vast wetlands. So there are all sorts of migratory waterfowl and raptors. But I have never seen a Mountain Quail! It is so lovely.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I get all teary eyed when I think of shrinking wetlands,
or any shrinking habitat for that matter. The MQ habitat
is really getting smaller, and they have fewer places to
eek out a living. There have been or are several studies
to see what their numbers might be, but I haven't read
much good news.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I did a quick candling of the MQ eggs, and it looks like
at least one may be a TAC egg. This is disappointing,
as if one has it, perhaps there are more. 3 look like there
is some development, though. That's exciting! Maybe
there are more! I have 2 really inexpensive thermometer/
hygrometers from wally world in the bator. Both show
exactly the same temp, holding steady between 99.5 and
100.7- as steady as can be, I guess. They show differing
RH though, at 47% and 52%. I am hoping it is really
somewhere in between the two. Ideal RH for the MQ is 50%
for incubation. Go chicks!

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I am guessing that it is between the two. It could be where they are placed in the bator that is giving the different readings.

Go MQ chicks

GG ^_^ ♥ ^_^

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

That's what I was thinking, Granny. I loved your
brooder set up. At waist high, it's so much easier
to care for the chicks. Hope you are having a good

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Hi, truest, having a good Sunday.

Now, about the brooder, it is only 24 inches high, so I can climb over the sides easily. Being as I am only 5ft high, my legs are kind of short. And I can lean over the sides too.

What I especially like about it is that it comes apart and i can use it over and over again. I told DH that we are going to make the divider so that we can use it over too. All I did this time was hook some chicken wire to the sides and don't have it made with 1x2s.

GG ^_^ ♥^_^

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, my error in viewing then. From the photo it looks
taller. I want a brooder and quail cage setup that is my
waist high- which isn't high at all, I'm only 2 inches
'taller' than you. I go grrr! at kitchen cabinets, my horse's
stirrup, and the car air bag seeming way too close.
At least I have DH to reach the high stuff for me, and
I think he really likes coming to my rescue. LOL

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I know the feeling about the kitchen cabinets, don't have a horse, and of course the airbag is too close. I also have trouble getting into the truck and it isn't even a four-wheel drive. Everything is just made for taller people. Grrrr.

I bought a one-step step-stool from wally-world a couple years ago, and it is a life-saver when I need something from the upper shelves in the kitchen. I still have to use the three-step one when I have to change a light bulb, or get something from on top of the kitchen cabinets.

But any size you make it, it will work for you. One thing about mine, I can climb into it for cleaning if I need to. So, you could consider that if you make it waist high.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

One of my little quail keeps rolling on it's back and
unable to flip over. Seems weak. I've given it a drink
and am holding it in my hand.
I don't think it will make it, but I can't let it pass with getting
stepped and picked on.
It's medium sized, a few others are smaller, so no real
apparent reason. Everything got a very good scrubbing
and disinfect after the AE fiasco, and even then, I only
had one AE chick in one of these 2 brooders, and that
was 4 or 5 weeks ago. Don't believe it's that, just bad
luck of the draw.
I did another quick candling of the MQ eggs, and 4 look
viable, 2 are iffy, and there is still that one with TAC.
The very pointy egg looks viable. Maybe it came from
a young hen. I would be so happy to hatch 4 out of 7 eggs!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yes, i would be thrilled with that many too!

that little one could have leg problems. you may be able to help it with a splint. take a band"aid" and cut it lengthwise. it's gonna be hard with such a small creature, maybe DH can help. the legs need to be stabilized under her, but feet still facing forward, etc...

i had two with leg problems this last hatch, and they didn't make it... but the second one sure had a strong will to live, and we took good care of it. burial services for Cream PB and Crunchy this morning... ;-(

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Sigh, the little one didn't make it. I am the ever optimistic
animal care giver, and really go out of my way to care
for and give a 'leg up'. But if I am to raise so many quail
at once, and I were to correct a leg problem, I would
have to band these to make certain I didn't keep a leg
problem as a breeding bird. It's tough to strike a balance
between compassion and breeding sense.
I sure wish Creamy and Crunchy PB a peaceful resting
place. I'm sorry you lost them.
I think now, at one week of age, I am past the initial phase
of Mother Nature's selection.
I have moved the quail into their new big brooder. I have
a nifty game feeder and waterer, meant to provide for
a lot of birds.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

This is a gallon feeder that I just love. The chicks
can't scratch out too much, and it stays clean and filled.
From Lake Cumberland Gamebirds.

Thumbnail by truest
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's the 2 gallon waterer with the smaller fount,
also from LCG. It does get some bedding in it, but
can't do too much till I am able to raise it. I think I might
make a wire platform to help with this.

Thumbnail by truest
Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

This is Durham. it is his job to watch the quail for
hours, and make sure nothing out of the ordinary
happens to them. I wonder what he's thinking, at least
he's not drooling.

Thumbnail by truest
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

good boy, Durham!

i have those chick feeders. later they work great, just leave the top off and bigger chicks can feed out of it. love your waterer too. almost time for me to go buy two more three gallon ones. i have a five gallon, but sometimes it is too heavy so it doesn't get filled all the way LOL

sorry you lost yours. none of my purebreds have had leg problems, so no worries there. i just want them to be happy, eat bugs, and lay eggs! Creamy was a PB Buckeye, but i think there were other problems too. he was th only out of six to hatch. the shells are too thick. so this time around the Buckeye eggs will go into a different hatcher with lower humidity.

i saw your cochin on another post, looking good! i was told they were tough and good foragers. is it a blue or a bluish black? do i see white specks on the head? my three blacks are about 8 weeks now and looking bluish and getting white on their heads.....

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a couple blues, a couple blacks- and in the
thread form way back when I posted a pic asking
"Does this look like a blue to you" tongue in cheek,
it has turned out to be a splash. Before I understood
and commited to memory how to breed what to what
to get a blue, someone at McM put in the splash as
the freebie. So now I have a choice, depending on the
genders, of who I can breed to who.
None have any white on their heads, the last little bit of
fuzz being replaced by new feathers looks like it's very
light. A couple don't have full feathering on the middle
toe, and a couple have really full feathering all the way.
I'm still trying to figure the sexes for them. Some are
developing larger wattles and comb, but still not sure
if it is a family characteristic or indicates they are roo's.
I think the picture you saw was of Amelia Earhart. 'It' has
really nice feathering and is big, but she has taken longer
than the others to feather out. I actually kept her in the
house a week later than the others when I put them outside.
They are all so sweet and friendly.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's a closeup of a black lounging...You can see the
last bit of light fluff on her head..

Thumbnail by truest
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Very interesting reading the above of your experiences with chick babies. I have lots of Calif. Quail that are native and I feed all year. About the end of May they start bringing their babies into the yard to show them where the easy meals are!!!

I will tellyou my sad experience with my 1 yr. old small black bantys. They were a gift from a friend last fall. I told earlier of my Guinea fowl .

We, the fellow who works for me and I insulated my chicken house so that it would be warm for the birds, I have a small flock of 1 old, 7 or 8 years, large black & white banty rooster and a black arucana (sp) same age and the 3 small black bantys and my guinea. I kept them in chicken house 24/7 during cold winter days, then when warm enough let them free range.

I did notice that there were only 2 small bantys, but thought that the owls or neighbor cat had gotten one. Two weeks ago found out what was happening. She had made her nest 7 feet or so up in the large Akebia vine growing at corner of shed. Didn't even know it was there until she called one chick down to the ground and shortly 3 more. Darling little black and white babies. i worried about trying to catch her and babies, but she seemed to be taking good care of them so decided to let her handle the four babies. I put out a little self waterer, 1 qt. size, and a little feeder. Everything was great for two days, she (the mother) kept the babies close to the chicken house, and at night took them a few feet away to right under the Akebia vine, next to the storage building. I went out the third morning and all that was left of the family was a lot of black feathers. I know the neighbors somewhat ferral cat or cats got into the yard again, even though it is double fenced and killed the mother and her darling four babies. I was just sick, and it still makes me sad. I called the woman , 3rd time, about cats getting into my yard, but nothing is done about it.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

How heartbreaking, Donna. I'm sorry you lost the
little family. I guess they choose where they want
to start a family, and they just can't understand all
the risks that could be there.
I feel fortunate with my 2 cats. One is still young, but
in learning what's ok and what's not, he leaves my
chickies alone. The other older is a 15 pounder, eats
all we feed him, plus is an excellent hunter. So far he
never goes near my babies that are now free range
during the day. He shows no interest, so I think for now
all will continue like this.
I am happy to visit with you and find out you're up in Wa.
as I'm waiting impatiently for the mountain quail to hatch.
They are secretive and somewhat migratory, but was
wondering if you have seen any of these in your neck of
the woods? I think they are just beautiful, and I hope I
do well with them. Our native quail have suffered with
habitat loss, and I hear a lot from the old timers about
ferel cats ruining things for the Texas scaled, and
bobwhites. But, I can't really think with our many
thousands of acres of open ranchland, that the cats do
all the damage.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, Donna, that is TERRIBLE! hugs!!!

i have put Stripes in the empty chicken cage for now, he swatteed at one of my bantys yesterday. thinking he got our through the opening in the feed room. when i feel better he is finding a new barn to care for.

truest, thanks for the pic. will get some of mine again soon, they have grown and filled out so fast! so, i guess you know that you are uspposed to get 100% blues by breeding the splash to blacks...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, and I'm hoping the splash I have is a roo-
can't believe I said that-
I would like to see some pictures when you have the time.
I also want to see how mine are faring development wise
at 9 weeks. I don't have a gauge to go by, but they sure
are spoiled and eat a varied diet.
Too bad about stripes. Naughty, no! kitty!
When I bring them treats I like to hang out and watch
the goings on. When one of the cats comes too near,
one of each of my breeds ganged up on and followed
him till he got the picture and left the area. He kept looking
over his shoulder to make sure they left him alone! It was
too funny. I think Davey has jumped at each of them at least
once, and with my stern attitude as well, they have got the
idea that at least this sized chick is a no no.

Lodi, United States

Hi truest. Same with my cat, Lucia. When they were little fluffy two-week-olds, she was definitely in stalking mode. Yesterday, at eight weeks, they noticed her watching them from the backsteps, and charged her. She flattened down and scuttled into the garage. I just hope they never try it with the dogs!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

we put all craps fromt he kitchen into one bucket, and the cats, who are less than one year old and riased here with the chickens, come running, and they all share. but sometimes there is a little fussing. usually when the geese show up they bite at the cats... the cats also drink out of their pond... i posted on freecycle for stripes a new home... locked him back in the chicken pen again. hope he doesn't find the way from the shed into the hen house, DH left a little gap for air circulation... talk about revenge LOL

yes, truest, when the weather and my chest cold cooperate, i will be taking some new pics of the cochins. i have the five outside that hatced in Feb, and five inside that are about 10 days old... well, had to get matches for all the colors LOL!


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

That's a good way of putting it Cat, 'flattened out' and
scurrying away. Unachi thinks he's one of the gang
sometimes. He doesn't understand when he wants to
be held by mommy, why the others are giving him a
hard time. When I let the dogs out back to nose around
and they get too close to the chickies, Davey has charged
them, too. Durham is 50 lbs and Cyprus is 65, they stay
on the fringes of the gathering. And my son's landlady
was certain it was sweet Cyprus who killed her chickens-
NOT! We knew it didn't happen, and she never saw it,
either. I would like to take a picture and send it to her--

Hope you are feeling better soon, TF. I hope stripes
finds a great home very soon as well. I had bronchitis
for a month in December. Talk about something wearing
you down. Feel better quick- want to see a pic!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I hope to see some baby chicks pictures so I can share their cuteness (is that a word). I am keeping my little flock in the chicken house until late afternoon. They should be laying eggs but haven't layed in the nests in the chicken house. that is why they are penned in now I am trying to determine why no eggs. Thought they might be hiding a nest somewhere.

Thanks for your kind thoughts about my loss of banty family.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

How did you come by your chickens, Donna?
Did you buy them ready made or did you hatch them?
I think my feelings might be hurt if I went to the trouble
of making nice cozy nests for my birds, and they weren't
happy with them. chuckle.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I candled the MQ eggs again yesterday. They are at
day 10 today. Only 15 more days to go! 1 was definately
clear. It was the one that had a TAC that I could tell
very early on. Cracked it, nope- nuttin in there.
4 are definately keepers, the other 2 look like there may
be some veins in there, but I am being optimistic.
One that is a keeper is the pointy ended one from the
pic above.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

truest, Actually 7 years ago I bought5 large type bantys, 4 hens were the arucana type, and I don't know what the rooster is, fairly large black and white. I had had them a couple of years when the neighbors, (same house down the hill from me, different people as the cats come from) dog came into the yard thru my drive thru gate and killed two hens, I saw the dog killing the second one. Sheriff warned them about keeping dogs either in a pen or getting rid of dog. No more trouble with that dog as they got rid of it , and then moved away.

So I still have the rooster and one hen. Then a friend gave me three small black bantys, last fall. Another neighbor's dog got into my yard again thru the gate and killed my pretty lavender female guinea and the other arucana hen. I know that is what happened as the dog carried the guinea back home and the kids told me about it, and the parents admitted to it.

So I guess altho I live where I can't see any other houses, I am just too close to neighbors animals.


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

truest, sorry that you won't have as many babies as you had hoped. Be sure to show a picture of the pointy egg baby. Good Luck


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