Looking for Kaffir Lime plants or seeds

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

I can trade Calamondin seeds or ???
Thank you!

Dahlonega, GA

try ebay .i've also seen them at turners nursery in corpus christi tex

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

Thanks. Someone on another list told me seeds are only available in winter when they fruit. I was hoping to do a trade, I think the seedlings on ebay are a bit pricy.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I just bought some calamondin seeds, but I was wondering how easy they are to grow. I am trying to grow them inside. Do you have any tips on starting them? Thanks! (I probably should have started another thread...)

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

Very easy. Barely cover seed with soil, keep moist and warm! It helps if seed is very very fresh. Sometimes takes a while to germinate. Good luck!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Would a heat mat be a good idea for starting them?

Dahlonega, GA

what are calamondin ?

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

A heat mat would be great. All the seeds I start on mats go much faster than ones without.
Calamondin or Kalamansi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calamondin
Very tart for simple eating, we use them in cooking- for example cut up over fish. I've also heard they make an excellent wine!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Wine...Interesting. I might have to try that.

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