Hi! (new here)

Granite City, IL(Zone 6a)

Hi, all! I am new to the board and just want to say how happy I am that it's finally Spring! I haven't planted anything yet, but have spent many hours pulling/digging out my dreaded arch-enemy the wild onion from my front yard flower beds.

My main projects this year are building a compost bin (learning to organic garden), building a privacy fence in the back yard (okay, so my hubby does the building part, I get to plant after he's done), and reclaiming our mud pit back yard from the dogs and turning it into a little wildlife haven. We're using a section of the existing chain link fence to build a dog run (they are not outside dogs), and my main focus for now will be borders of flowering shrubs for the butterflies/bees, hummingbirds and hopefully some berry-ing (berry-bearing? lol) shrubs for the birdies.

I look forward to getting to know you all and I hope you won't mind my babble (I'm excitable and tend to ramble) and newbie questions! :)



BOUQUETS and a big welcome Lavender! We love excitability and rambling here. It's going to be fun to hear about your gardening exploits and refining of the mud pit! Waving to you across the prairie!! ;0)

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Welcome, Nicole! We're glad to have you here.

Sounds like some good projects in the works. Will you have time to get them done? The way I operate is to make all kinds of plans for all kinds of projects, and then they prove to be more than one person can possibly do in a season. :-)

You'll like it here. Dave's Garden is great!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Hi Nicole! Welcome to the group. Good luck with your projects!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Nicole!! Welcome and have fun with your projects!!

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Nicole! Welcome to Dave's Garden from a fellow Illinoisan. You soud like you are like me with all the projects. I have to do all myself since hubby is disabled but I try. Just keep going. That is what keeps us young they say. You will meet a lot of good people on here. Have a good one. BEV

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Nicole,
welcome to the gardeners dream web !
this is a special place with good kind folks .

I have bloom stalks on my iris here in The Tulsa area ,
and our early iris show is next Sat.
I wont have any open yet , SOB!

Good by, good riddance winter
guess which horse i am ?
always lead by a different drum

Thumbnail by tazzy

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