CLOSED: Past Garden Gate Magazines....

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Would love to trade them for some shade plants.... Ligularas, Black Mondo Grasses, Wildflowers anything for zone 5..

Raleigh, NC

I'd love to trade, but have to go out and see what I have. More later, unless you get another offer first.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

thanks yotedog.... I have between 19 and 21 issues. Ronna

Raleigh, NC

Just realized I never got back with apologies...I'm in the midst of a garden tour so am swamped. Going to look now....

Raleigh, NC

Here's what I have so far....

Tiarella (Foamflower) 'Snowflake'
Tiarella (Foamflower) 'Stargazer Mercury'
Callicarpa formosana (Beautyberry)
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)
Celandine Poppy

I'll let you know what else I find...

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Yotedog.... Im afraid that the zones may be a challange.... I looked up several on your list and they are for 6b and above :( Im in zone 5a. I do have several foamflower. The beauty berry is very pretty but for the wrong zone... shucks!!!!! I have several celandine poppies, absolutly love them..... speading very nicely.... Sure hope we can do a trade in someway!!!! They are so much fun... Any shrubs??? That are hardy to zone 5? Nothing really large... I have a small space... Thanks for the reply. Ronna

Mableton, GA(Zone 7a)

I have hellebore seedlings. Down here they are tough as nails. I don't know about your area though. They are NOID Royal Strain mixtures.

Raleigh, NC

I have this one (Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'variegata') , that is a bit rare, and quite pretty, especially in areas with some shade. It is about a foot tall, growing in a pot--still small enough to ship. See the link

Still looking for anything else...

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

3gardeners... I would love a few of the hellebores!!! I do have a couple of those. Would like a few more, they are so pretty. How many magazines do you think they are worth??? I have no idea... Thanks for the offer PLMK. Ronna

Yotedog do you know how large this shrub gets??? Very pretty...Oh just looked it says around ten feet. Thats a bit to large for my yard. Sorry very pretty though. Ronna

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