First EB

Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)

Okay, this is my first EB. I put in a few green beans plants, some of them where already a couple of inches long and the rest were just getting ready to spring up from the jiffy pot. The shower cap that came with the EB had holes that was cut out of it in the wrong place and there was already "X" cut out on them (only a couple of them though. So I had to duct tape the holes and creat a new one for the water holes.

The other shower cap was completely defective, it only had the elastic on one side of it. :(

But hopefully this will be a success. What do you all think?


Thumbnail by mimianvy
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The X perforated holes were there for tomato stakes if you intend to use it for that purpose otherwise just leave them. They don't do any harm and really don't need to be taped unless they were split open? Beans don't like to be transplanted. If I were you I would direct seed into your EB and start over. Of what I can see they don't look very healthy anyway.
The purpose of the cover is to eliminate weeds. I don't understand why you would create new water holes as you are only encourageing weeds. The less holes the better.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

As you can see from my post, I too am new at this and have had a bit of a learning curve. Looks like you have the same ( not enough mix) problem I did and you watering tube goes in the corner, same side as the drainage hole. Just put your screen in to get the tube hole on the correct side. The two x's cut out at the ends are suppose to be there...ignore them. The have a good set-up video on their web site. I have watched it many times, and still didnt get it just right the first time. T plant will get you going.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

well there you go, I had no idea what those x's were for.

If your tube is in the corner, forgive me, it just didnt look like it to me.

Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)

See, I didn't know what that "X" was. And I also watched the EB video on how to do this a couple of times. The open water hole was located at the end of each plastic but in the middle, so I had to create one on the side to go over the water pipe.

I used the soil that came in the box, all of it, and I made it higher in the middle as directed, but maybe a bit too high. I so put a trench in the middle for the fertilizer and covered it up. I'll try with the next EB not to make it so high in the middle.



Paris, TX

Is the purpose of the cover only for reducing weeds? I did not have a cover on mine and after lots of rain (I was watering from the bottom too) my tomatoes looked like they were getting too much water. I made a cover for it thinking the purpose was for the roots to get the water from the bottom.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

no no, I dont think you can make it to high in the middle, that is what Tplant said was wront with mine, it sinks in the middles, and I will say I dont like it because it makes water settle thre when it rains. As long as your tube is in the right place, I dont think you have to much mix, dont think there is such thing.

My bonnets have two water holes, one in each corner on one end and then the two x's. I did have a problem with some and they sent me new ones right away.

Beverly Hills, FL(Zone 8b)


So can I just add the miracle grow soil into the sides than replant the beans? I really don't want to mess with the "hump in the middle" since I put the fertilizer there already.

Yes, I had the holes in the plastic but it was not to the sides, than the extra one only had elastic to one side. I ordered the EB probably 6 months ago, I wonder if they will still send me a new cover?


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

They will.
I got mine at the end of last year, I didnt call them until a few weeks ago. I just told them that gardening season just started and when I opened the box, this is what I found. They have a record of the orfders and it didnt seem to be a problem.
Thats what i do, lift the edges and adjust. I can see that it is going to be much easier on the ones I can start the seed right in it.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Got my first EB last week. Not warm enough yet to start it but I can't wait! Will probably buy another this weekend. I want to do Tomatos and corn!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I agree with you all about the EB video. He does not add enough water on setup as you must thoroughly wet the mix. The EB holds 2 cu ft of mix. Also be sure to fit your fill tube in the slot provided in the screen. The tube can only be placed in a corner and nowhere else otherwise you will be washing your mix into the resevoir and could drown your plants!

Mimi -- You must remove the old fertilizer with your spade first and then prepare a slight mound for water drain off. Add new fertilizer in the center, firm it down, wet it but do not bury it as it is not necessary and then replace the cover. Don't go too high with the mound or the cover will not fit properly. Just a slight mound will do.Cut small X's with a razor and re-plant your bean seeds. Use a low number fertilizer for beans such as 6-6-6. If you have any questions just ask...Happy to help...

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