Can I keep my Pansies alive without heat?

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Can I keep my pansies alive without a heated greenhouse.
Just in a greenhouse with no heater?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

My pansies do snow and cool tempuratures really well, she says with 2 feet of snow just fallen on her newly emerged pansies LOL. However if they haven't been hardened up yet I would make sure they don't experience below freezing temps til they are a little sturdier.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Mine die each year when winter gets here. Theyll live for a while but then crap out.
I just wanna keep my boleros alive and keep propogating them. I hate buying annuals each year,lol.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

So far only my " Swiss Giants" return faithfully if well mulched. They die back to the ground completely though. They're up about 1/2 inch (or at least I think they still are LOL) I keep trying to bring through others though as I luv them. I have some pink and peach flambe buried out there somewhere but I'm not holding my breath that they come back. I'm seeding more violas now as many will self seed. I'm really hoping for the 'penny orchid frost' as it was prolific last year.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Ya know, the more I visit DG the more I become enthralled with nature.
Youve given me ample inspiration to plant Pansies from seed.
They are fast become one of my favourite plants.

Will my Boleros come true from seed?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Don't know haven't tried those one before. Keep us posted on how it does.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Will do, thanks.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

They will probably exhibit crosses if you have other pansies and violas (johnny-jump-ups are possibly the most likely to cross with pansies), but I can say from experience that I love my crosses.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I will try and keep mine seperated so I can cross them and keep track. I only have 2 types so it wont be that hard.
Just gotta make sure no violets are near them LOL.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

crimson-are you saying that you have pansies in containers in a unheated grhouse and they are dying? How old are they when they die?

They should be fine in a unheated grhouse. One thing that people may not know is that pansies really like dryer soil, and it may be that yours were kept too wet. They are susceptible to fungus if kept wet all the time. Another potential problem is that they need a lower PH -around 5.5-5.8 or so and that is sometimes hard to get to.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Nah, they are in the ground when they die in the winter.
I was asking if I built a greenhouse for them and didnt heat it if they would live through the winter so I can propogate them.
I really wanna keep these guys alive. :-)
Thanks for the information though, I didnt know that!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

great info. thanks tigerlily.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Crimson-the biggest reason that pansies die in the ground in the winter is that the soil is kept too wet-the roots either rot, or they get a fungus-pythium or phytopthera (usually pythium as it handles the cold better) There are other reasons such as too much fert (soluble salts burn the roots) or too dry. those are the main reasons that I can think of that will kill pansies. They should perform well for you, I don't think your winters are too harsh for them.

Boleros are a weak series, they are not strong growers, so that may be part of the problem.
If you want to grow them in the grhouse, unheated, I would get the seeds started in Sept at the latest, so they can grow some while its hot and they can get a good root system established.
You can use sulfuric acid (battery acid) in the fert solution to bring the PH down. It is easy to do, but has to be done every week. I would also keep the growing medium on the dry side from the time that the seedlings develop their true leaves.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

My lord, theres alot to pansies, LOL.
I'll keep all that in mind when I do the seedlings.
Right now my main concern is keeping the parent plants alive. I bought them at Lowes for 1.00 and don't want to pay full price next year, LOL!
I was gonna try and collect seeds and well honestly I don't know.
Can I divide them as they grow? Can I root cuttings?
I never really bothered with pansies in depth before so it's kind of new to me. lol

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