What zone?

pescadero, Mexico

We recently moved to Baja Sur, Mexico, specifically a little town called Pescadero. I am trying to determine what zone we are in, but have been unsuccessful in finding a hardiness zone map including Mexico. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

mulege, Mexico

Where is Pescadero?

I'm in Mulege which is just south of Santa Rosalia, about half-way down the Baja. I figure it's zone 10-11. We rarely get any frost. The summers are hot and humid. Death from heat is more of a concern than frost.

What are you interested in growing.

I am right by the Sea of Cortexz The soil is alkaline and salty. I'm using EM and permaculture to get the soil more towards neutral and less salty. Meanwhile, lots of things like citrus, pomegranates, and mangoes do well here.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Katiedear (yes, I know I misspelled it - did it on purpose!), have you ever heard anymore from beezus? I was looking forward to another DGer in Mexico... you gave such good info I was sure you would get a response...maybe through d-mail?

How ya doin? Still on the mend? No backslides? Hope all is happy and healthy!


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