Can anybody diagnose my cacti?

My cacti are starting to get little white fluffy dots all over. What is it and what to do...?
Please help...!


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Could it be mealy bugs? They are like little pieces of cotton and turn pink when you squash them. Alcohol on a q-tip usually kills them, but is time consuming. I have just put rubbing alcohol in a little sprayer and spritzed it on them, just be careful and don't do it in the heat of the day.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

Those are definitely mealy bugs and will do a number on cacti. Here in Arizona what has been recommended to me is Doff Systemic Insecticide. It is recommended to be used twice a year and works great and works from the inside to the outside.

This message was edited Tuesday, Jul 29th 6:58 PM

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9b)

Those are definitely mealy bugs and will do a number on cacti. Here in Arizona what has been recommended to me is Doff Systemic Insecticide. It is recommended to be used twice a year and works great.

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