Green Taro

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I ordered some Green Taro to put outside by my pond. It's too cold in my Zone for them to go out yet so I have been keeping them inside with my house plants. They are potted and sitting in a pan of water. They seem to be growing like crazy the one stalk is 3ft and I have already moved them into bigger pots. But they are not healthy. The leaves have a whitish look kind of like they were powdered but they do not feel powdery.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Having house plants I am familiar with some of the pests like spider mites and the such but I can't find any kind of bug or the telltale white webs

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sure could use some suggestions.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The whitish powder is probably just hard water residue or something along those lines, I wouldn't worry about it. And the browning edges in the 2nd pic are probably from low humidity indoors or maybe from salt/fertilizer buildup in the soil. The third pic I'm not sure, could just be an extreme version of what's going on in the 2nd picture. Bu it all looks like a cultural problem not an insect problem.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you Ecrane, These are my first Taro. I also posted this over in the House Plant Forum and they also came to the same conclusion. I'm going to start misting them. Hopefully that will help hold them until I can move them outside. At least it's nice to know that it isn't some kind of insect problem.

Newtonville, MA

are they ever happy in the winter? I've been keeping mine in the basement (it has windows) without a lot of water. they sulk but in the spring when I bring them outdoors they do fine. for a few years I kept them in my sun room but all the insect probs...yuck

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