April 19 - UGA Spring Plant Sale-Griffin, GA.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

April 19, 2008 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - Research and Education Garden, Griffin, GA.
Spring Plant Sale. The Friends of the Garden will host their annual Spring Plant Sale and Garden Open House. Master Gardeners and other gardening enthusiasts will be on-hand to answer questions and assist customers.
Contact: Barbara King- [e-mail:dbrooks@griffin.uga.edu]


BTW, it's a beautiful garden and the Banana Shrubs should be blooming, mine is.

Thumbnail by violabird
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Where have YOU been Vi !!??

You doing okay!?? Hope so... I remember this was on the same date as one of our RU's a few years back right?? I'll put it on the calendar.. Have you been? Did you like it?


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

...and it is again on same date THIS year. We are holding the RU in Douglas on Apr. 19!!!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Susan, been in a funk for quite a long while, hopefully I'm on the mend, spent time in the hospital and unemployed again.

I usually go to the sale every year but you MUST get there before it opens, all the good stuff goes fast. It's usually a 2 day sale but usually nothing's much left on the 2nd day. When you drive in the gate go on up to the top of the hill and get your plants first. Then visit the garden. The Banana Shrub is by the children's garden and if you haven't yet, you need to smell it at least. I've picked up new wild azaleas, fig trees, veggies, pinks and so much more. The prices are usually pretty reasonable. Not sure if I'm going this year-no funds :(

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm so sorry to hear that Vi. Hope your hanging in there. Glad to see you back here. You were one of the first to welcome me and I appreciate it :)

I may go to that sale after all..now that I know the insider tricks.. Hmm... I just realized that is this Sat... geee.. so many thing to do! I'll have to see.


Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Per the paper this morning, this year the plant sale is focusing on container gardening. Have a friend working the sale, will try to find out more.

Thumbnail by violabird
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks. Do you have a link to the article in the paper? Will they have different types of plants than the average garden center? I see marigolds in that pic and I grow my own :) Do they have different and new varieties of things ?? :) I emailed the contact and haven't heard back yet.. She probably thinks I'm crazy to ask!


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Darn, just saw this - It is probably too late now to drive down there. It would be at leat 2:30 b3fore I could make it!

So sorry you have been ill Vi.

This message was edited Apr 19, 2008 12:49 PM

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I didn't make it to any plant event! had my sons baseball game and now a birthday party.. I'd like to know who went and how was it?? :)


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

I made it!! I imediately called my friend Pat and we took off for the 20 mile ride to Griffin. Got there about 1:30.
There were quite a few people there and plants to pick from - but we both thought they were waaay too pricey for us. Little 4" pots of ordinary annuals were $3.- $4. each. So we passed and went on into town to one of my favorite nurseries, "The Plant Emporium" and bought several things for much less. Still a lovely day for a drive.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

:) i always think the neighbors must wonder where I get all the money to plant... casue they shop full retail and can't figure out how to do it any other way! :) Today will be a great day to get outside! :)


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Yeah- it pays to shop around - we saw a pretty red cordyline at the sale for $25., Pat said she had bought one just like it for $9.00 some where else.

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