Heart Shaped Kohlrabi

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I thought about listing it on Ebay..... hehe

Thumbnail by VEGGIEHAPPY
Phoenix, AZ

Where is New Braunfels that you have such a healthy looking root vegetable at this time of year? I'm just envious, lol! And why not put it on e-bay; some nut is sure to bid.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

New Braunfels is half way between San Antonio and Austin. Isn't your weather in Phoenix mild like ours?

Phoenix, AZ

Mild? Mild?! It's mild today but heading for blast furnace temps in just a few weeks. Gardening right now is a race against time and temperature that rivals Hades - or so I'm told, haven't actually been there...

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