Worm Farm Conference

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Worm Farm Conference

8th Annual NCSU Worm Farming Conference

A conference about worm farming and vermicomposting taught by industry experts. This conference is great for beginners or seasoned worm farm operators.

May 19th - 20th, 2008
Wake County Commons Bldg.
Room 100C
4011 Carya Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603


We will present the latest research on the effects of worm castings and tea on plant growth and disease suppression, how to effectively market worms and castings, and hear from seasoned worm growers about their personal experiences. At this conference there will be panel discussions and informal networking opportunities which will give you the opportunity to get answers to your questions from industry experts and other growers.

This is your only chance this year to see the top vermicompost researchers and worm growers in the U.S. all in one place!

You will learn about vermicomposting techniques and equipment used, including:

o How to brew and use vermicompost tea
o Current research on the effects of vermicompost and tea on plant growth and disease suppression
o What successful worm farmers do at their facilities
o Types of vermicomposting technologies
o Testing vermicompost, soil and feedstocks

Field Tour:

On the first day of the workshop, we will visit the NC Legislative Bldg. to examine their vermi-processor.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

That looks interesting. Too far away for me to attend though.
Are you going?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I'd like to, but May is much too busy for me in the vegetable garden. (Plus, I'd have to stay over the night before and the night after... more $$ outlay!)

Helena, MT

darius...I think most of us share the same delima...gardens to attend too. I have gone as far as to tell my family that any more marriages in the months of March through October will have to be in Montana. Jokingly of course, but all my gardening dissasters have come from prolonged trips during this period of time.

Since your are knowledgable on this conference darius, possibly you could find out where to appropriate abstracts afterwards. Typically these are printed up after the conference, and offered for sale by the conference planner.

There is one subject above that has interested me for some time. 'Worm Casings'
There have been several postings on DG regarding the composition of worm casings which I find quite interesting. I am not certain that I can call what I currently use as a germination mix 'worm casings', but this has been an excellent media for my recent hot pepper germination success. I prefer to call what I use as 'spent worm media'. I use it at 100% for germination mix and partially for my potting up mix.

darius, any conference abstracts you might come across on this subject would really be appreciated. Thanks darius.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Will do!

Detroit, MI(Zone 6a)

Yeah, there's no way I can go to that one. But I'm all for reading the abstracts!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Sign me up for abstracts too! Looks like some of us will be attending "in absentia".

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Me too! What were they thinking to hold that in May??


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