Looking for information about yews - species, to be exact

Davenport, IA

Hi, Hope someone here can answer my question or at least point me in the right direction. I ordered a shrub called "Yew Baccata Aurescens" from Girard Nurseries. Link: http://www.girardnurseries.com/Yew-Baccata-Aurescens-p/yewbacasc.htm

However, I am having trouble finding it in PlantFiles or by Google. I'd like to submit a new PlantFiles entry, but I want to be sure it IS actually Taxus Baccata, not some other species. I'm not trying to say that Girard has this shrub named incorrectly, but it seems odd that I'm not finding it when I Google for information.


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

According to RHS http://www.rhs.org.uk/databases/summary.asp it is Taxus cuspidata 'Aurescens' but this is not a confirmed name in their database.

Here's a pic of Taxus cuspidata 'Aurescens' I took at VanDusen Botanical Garden last year.

Thumbnail by growin
Davenport, IA

Thank you. I think it was mislabeled, after all.

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