Anything I can do to help mamma squirrel?

(Bre) Sellersville, PA(Zone 7a)

Hello! I have a momma squirrel building a nest in a tree right next to my house. I was wondering if there was anything I could put out to "help" her. I am putting out sunflower seeds and fruit for food. Is there anything I can set out to help her with nesting? I am so happy she choose my yard! I cant wait to see the little ones running around... her belly is looking quite big and I think she is due soon.
Thanks for your help!

Stamford, CT

When I was a child we used to take slices of bread and put peanut butter on them, chunky, and then sprinkle bird seed on top and place them on the ledge out side our casement kitchen windows. The squirrels would even come in to the house and sit on the sill while they licked their chops. I had a pet squirrel named "Spammy" and he loved peanuts, walnuts..basically any nuts in the shell - not pistachio, too salty. They also like apples and berrries. Take some photos, would love to see the little ones! We have a lot of squirrels now who feed on our tube bird feeders, they look prego all winter! Must be the deluxe birdseed, suet and the peanuts!
Best of luck!

Stamford, CT

Spammy once grabbed the end of a roll of toilet paper out of our bathroom, pulled it out of the bath, across the master bedroom and in to his squirrel house for bedding. Without tearing it! Wish I had a photo of that. Looked like crepe paper streamers!

(Bre) Sellersville, PA(Zone 7a)

Aww Sammy sounds to cute! Did you raise him yourself?
I ran out and got a big bag of fruit & nut wildlife feed so I am sure she will love it I also have a bunch of hay from last season that I an going to be putting out to help her nest.
I will def post pics as soon as mom lets then out (6-8 weeks?)
Unless I can talk my husband into letting me climb the tree ;)
Thank you for all of your help!
Have a great day~

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